President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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it's called politic. politic is dictated by popular opinions. Why did South Dakota failed? why did Supreme Court not overturn Roe v. Wade? because the majority wants it. To overturn it would be very unpopular and a political suicide. plus - people elected politicians to seats to get what they want. So far.... the majority wants abortion.

get it?

btw - the states are NOT ALLOWED to ban it. the state cannot supersede the federal law.

No, you don't get it.

South Dakota is tried to pass the law to ban on abortion in last 2 years ago but failed by vote for residents from South Dakota and couldn't goes to supreme court until this law has passed by vote but almost passed by several percent.

Any states could pass the law to ban on abortion and take to supreme court to challenge on Roe v. Wade, many states in southeast US would have better chance to do but they are remain quite over issue.

There's no infomation about more pro-life or pro-choice but seems more compete and mixed.
No, you don't get it.

South Dakota is tried to pass the law to ban on abortion in last 2 years ago but failed by vote for residents from South Dakota and couldn't goes to supreme court until this law has passed by vote but almost passed by several percent.

Any states could pass the law to ban on abortion and take to supreme court to challenge on Roe v. Wade, many states in southeast US would have better chance to do but they are remain quite over issue.

There's no infomation about more pro-life or pro-choice but seems more compete and mixed.

um..... no? please review the US Constitution - Article VI. State cannot override federal law. To do so is purely a cheap political ploy to gain attention and such. The best they can do is to restrict it or to use Weldon Amendment but not a complete ban on abortion. To override federal law is illegal & UNCONSTITUTIONAL and will face a shit-storm from federal government - in other word... they will be considered a Domestic Dissent. :mad2:


This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Yep, I am glad you understand. :hug:

(hugs Maria back)

I'm so glad of other people who speak up for the pre born babies. One day it will be banned. Same as with Slavery. We can only hope.
(hugs Maria back)

I'm so glad of other people who speak up for the pre born babies. One day it will be banned. Same as with Slavery. We can only hope.

slavery!? what the fudge? it's illegal, donchaknow?
(hugs Maria back)

I'm so glad of other people who speak up for the pre born babies. One day it will be banned. Same as with Slavery. We can only hope.

abortion will never be banned -- until you live in a utopia.
That's right. I left the euthanasia thread because I felt attacked.

I give you a hint why - because you attacked the wrong country with false accusation.
(hugs Maria back)

I'm so glad of other people who speak up for the pre born babies. One day it will be banned. Same as with Slavery. We can only hope.

Isn't forcing women to gestate and give birth slavery?
Facist/communist China did force abortions and sterilization, it's not anger when it's facts. And it's not like I'm calling YOU facist because you're chinese. Forcing sterilization is facism.

It's not like they have a choice man. A part of it is due to culture and norms associated with it. About that 1 child per 1 family policy - gotta do what you gotta do if it may seem crude, when the country's overpopulated.

Population of China:
1,330,044,544 (JUL, 2008) EST.
Population of USA:
303,824,640 (JUL, 2008) EST.
Difference: 1,026,219,904 people. that's for every one person we have here, they have four.

Size of China ~ 3,696,100 sq mi
Size of USA ~ 3,676,487 sq mi

It's almost 1:1. You see how cramped that is? Get an idea.. same size as the US, but four times the people.
Think of Berkeley with 4 times the hobos out on the street, 4 times the crazy people wandering around College Avenue, 4 times the students on campus, 4 times the people ordering pizza in that one family pizza shop down campus, 4 times the dudes checking out that CHOC store.. I'm sure you're getting my point. It's pretty damn congested already in Berkeley, I can't imagine it getting worse.

Now I understand that sterilization is NOT the human way to resolve this. But think of it, how would you solve this when theoretically each baby born means more burden to the country?
abortion will never be banned -- until you live in a utopia.

I do agree that abortion is a rather barbaric practice but I still demand 100% access to it. it's only matter of time till medical technology will be advanced enough to phase out abortion.
This isn't a China debate, I understand the cultural norms and all that but I don't want to live in a facist or communist state, thanks.
Yeah, I'm not arguing to you about China. I'm just saying it isn't easy as it seems to fix the abortion issue for their country, you can't blame them for having the problems they have.
They're plagued with this issue and if they had a solution that wasn't sterilization I'm sure they would have implemented it already. I don't think they need other people reminding them "HAY GUYS UR COUNTRY TOO BIG LOL FIXIT KTHX!"
Since they couldn't think of another way to do this so far during the time being, it seems the only solution they have is "stop having babies, 1 child per family or we'll cut you".
Yeah, I'm not arguing to you about China. I'm just saying it isn't easy as it seems to fix the abortion issue for their country, you can't blame them for having the problems they have.
They're plagued with this issue and if they had a solution that wasn't sterilization I'm sure they would have implemented it already. I don't think they need other people reminding them "HAY GUYS UR COUNTRY TOO BIG LOL FIXIT KTHX!"
Since they couldn't think of another way to do this so far during the time being, it seems the only solution they have is "stop having babies, 1 child per family or we'll cut you".

I understand that, but the comment I was responding to (where I mentioned china) was to someone who said we should force sterilizations.

I find that sick, wrong,and un-american.
I do agree that abortion is a rather barbaric practice but I still demand 100% access to it. it's only matter of time till medical technology will be advanced enough to phase out abortion.

i wholeheartedly agree.
I understand that, but the comment I was responding to (where I mentioned china) was to someone who said we should force sterilizations.

I find that sick, wrong,and un-american.

Aha, I totally got the wrong idea, my bad. This whole time I was thinking you were under the impression of "China's dumb. They can't fix their problems."

Again, I apologize.
Aha, I totally got the wrong idea, my bad. This whole time I was thinking you were under the impression of "China's dumb. They can't fix their problems."

Again, I apologize.

Lol, no, not at all.

It's okay, don't worry about it. :D
(hugs Maria back)

I'm so glad of other people who speak up for the pre born babies. One day it will be banned. Same as with Slavery. We can only hope.

Can you care to explain what is that slaverly do with abortion issues here?
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