President Obama reverses abortion-funds policy

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Lol, that's a cop out. You clearly do not value a born fetus the same as an unborn one.

hey hey Shawn. let's not go there. Let's respect Reba's belief. She's a cool mother and a grandmother so she knows a thing or two about baby. Let's just leave at it. we all can simply agree to disagree. :cool2:
hey hey Shawn. let's not get there. Let's respect Reba's belief. She's a cool mother and a grandmother so she knows a thing or two about baby. Let's just leave at it. we all can simply agree to disagree. :cool2:

How is that disrespecting her? That's my opinion. If she values an unborn fetus the same as a born fetus, I do not understand why a woman who has an abortion wouldn't be put in prison - women who murder born babies go to prison.
How is that disrespecting her? That's my opinion. If she values an unborn fetus the same as a born fetus, I do not understand why a woman who has an abortion wouldn't be put in prison - women who murder born babies go to prison.

because abortion is now legal. Currently - the law does not recognize fetus as a person thus - a woman cannot be charged with murder. Before Roe v. Wade - it was considered as murder so yes they did go to jail. Reba already explained it several times.

Even though while abortion is legal - people can choose to believe fetus is a baby.. a person. that's why they can choose NOT to have abortion and that's fine with me.
Yeah I KNOW, but I asked her if abortion WERE to be illegal WHY shouldn't a woman go to prison for having an abortion if she values an unborn fetus the same way she values a born child.
Like, I was asking HER opinion, not what used to happen (because yes she did explain that). Unless I misunderstood.
which is precisely why I gave you over 10 different polls. and no I did not make you look bad. it's your own link that sunk your own boat. not my fault. I don't know what are you complaining about. :shrug:

There are definitely more pro-choice than pro-life... which is why Roe v. Wade isn't overturned yet. If there are more pro-lifers... well obviously - abortion will be illegal.

Not really, it's up to supreme court and more judge are pro-life (5-4 or 6-3) but only problem is any states haven't pass any law to ban on abortion to make challenge at supreme court to overturn the Roe v. Wade.

South Dakota did but they failed.
Not really, it's up to supreme court and more judge are pro-life (5-4 or 6-3) but only problem is any states haven't pass any law to ban on abortion to make challenge at supreme court to overturn the Roe v. Wade.

South Dakota did but they failed.

it's called politic. politic is dictated by popular opinions. Why did South Dakota failed? why did Supreme Court not overturn Roe v. Wade? because the majority wants it. To overturn it would be very unpopular and a political suicide. plus - people elected politicians to seats to get what they want. So far.... the majority wants abortion.

get it?

btw - the states are NOT ALLOWED to ban it. the state cannot supersede the federal law.
Like, I was asking HER opinion, not what used to happen (because yes she did explain that). Unless I misunderstood.

yes she did explain the legal ramifications of it but she has no comment or opinion about it. no need to waterboard her. :lol:
yes she did explain the legal ramifications of it but she has no comment or opinion about it. no need to waterboard her. :lol:

Lol you guys think I am a beezy here, I am holding back! :P:naughty:
NorCal = Northern California
How is that disrespecting her? That's my opinion. If she values an unborn fetus the same as a born fetus, I do not understand why a woman who has an abortion wouldn't be put in prison - women who murder born babies go to prison.

No, I do not see anything that you disrespect Reba. It doesn´t mean that you disrespect her when you want to ask her question or see different as her. You know what, I agree with you about illegal abortion issues.

Yes, it´s not just doctor but women as well. The women would get arrest for violate the abortion law and will label women as a murder to fetus. It would consider fetus and infant the same if the abortion law turn into illegal.
yes she did explain the legal ramifications of it but she has no comment or opinion about it. no need to waterboard her. :lol:

I don´t find your post funny over waterboard...

*shake my head quietly*
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