Postwhores & off-topic threads

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Oh ok! :)
You're right. Alex does try his best to make members happy. However, he can't make every member happy. Think of it this way...

Members 1, 2, 3, & 4 want this done.
Members 1, 2, 4, & 5 want that done.
Members 2, 3,& 4 want these done.
Members 1 & 2 want those done.

Now, if the odd one(s) out don't like it... they will sometimes have to learn to deal with it. Not everything can be done perfectly these days. If Alex were to do things the way each member wanted it, it would scare off more than one members and that's not good for the community. It's not just the needs of one, but the needs of many.

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
~ Spock
i know Alex and Vampy do their job here! nothing wrong with that Vampy put in posts and have fun here!!!! :D
Postwhoring? ***Shake head ***

First of all, WELL SAID, Alex!
Yes, Vampy is value moderator! I love his sense of humor with his posts.
He do is cheering us up.
He’s helpful & real fun.

Discussion with agree/disagree respectful is normal.
Sharing the tips/opinion/suggestion/feedback/information/websites is normal.

Vampy, please stay what you are! :P

Alex did his job wonderful & hire good moderators. I would never meet the people here if Alex is not around... I'm grateful what he did because AD people are tooooo lovely & fun.... :lol:
It’s ridiculous to count down how many posts we have.
It’s no right to tell us what to do with our posts because we are adult.

Please let me tell you why I visit AD frequently (see count of my posts) because of sharing interesting information/feedback/websites/tips/open-mind e.g.

Socrates, your post's good thread for me to get out of my chest.

Please allow me to tell you why I can open everything here than other forum. Well I was suspended by other forum because of state my own view over my culture & money WITHOUT insulation, attack etc. I feel it’s not right what they did to me because they forget quickly that I’m European & have different view than others & they allow other’s post over their own culture & money. What an unfair.
After suspended I added interesting information/website on my own post instead of jump others. I only do is help their decision with VERY friendly word with those information/website & told them that it’s up to them either they want or not. I respect their decision… e.g. (because I saw one pushed them to do, which it’s not right). Sadly, my post was removed except my avatar. I received the warning from them again because I add the website without their permission & also my information is too far & pressure e.g… I feel it’s no right because their rule didn’t shown anything about websites/money but bashing, insulation, e.g. Well, I told them what they did is not right to hide information/websites from anyone because everyone must know what good or bad advantages e.g. It’s up to them….
I added the same information/websites here. Surprise, none of moderators removed my post because we know I did nothing wrong. That’s why I feel comfortable & open everything here. I would check with moderator first before do something when I’m unsure. I trust AD & can open everything here. I can’t open there anymore case I get warning again… I'm not only also affect my friend, too because she’s proud of her heavy baby birth weight!!
What a ridiculous.
Now you see why I prefer here. Am I Postwhoring?
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Extactly Liebling,
In what My thoughts full of mouth! I certinally agreed all of details as you quite well said! Btw, Guess'n am I possibly Postwhoring due my posting numberous more. I doesn't even care what makes everyones thinks am I postwhoring.. *Oh please, Phew, there was excellent reason why I'd love to hear all of you guys posting as such for my emotion hearing all words and listening feedbacks as how much feedbacks that what pointview "postwhoring". Don't be being "postwhoring" as who r u really what you're posting ?

I really quite applaud for Alex and has expense on this site and work hard trying to gathering for sponsour on this site too. I don't know, how can I say to Alex , Quite spark it awful lot.. He is quite big hearted for this site. I would say same thing to you as mine from my prevouis oldest oldest website as welcoming all everyones who put their pictures into my website "Deaf Friendship as who they are?" I can't remmy when pretty long time ago..
I decide to stop using reason why over spent my pocket and trying to expose everyones who willing donate it to my site but never comes in.. btw stop using it afterall.
I was surprise Alex did work hard doing as well.. *Honestly w/me, Open the hands appluased 4 Alex! WTG!!! stick w/this site forever!

Freaky: Quite of your comment being open your chest and honestly for everyones how much you feel Rant/Vent doesn't matter. Whether you say it! I'd like to say "Thank you Freaky being honestly brings your full breath all these words spoken as straightenforward!". :thumb:
Nope, you are not postwhoring just because you have a high number. You contribute to this forum with QUALITY posts, which you fully explain yourself and your reasonings. You actively participate in the forum in a positive way.

Examples of postwhoring:
"Uh-huh, yep"

It seems everyone is missing the point about postwhoring here.
kuifje75 said:
It seems everyone is missing the point about postwhoring here.

I am Sure we all know what PostWhoring Means, I have not seen any body Here Lately been Postwhoring.. And I think if Alex or the Mods Had a problem with postwhoring by a Member/Members They would Pmed us and let us know about it. Don't Worry Be Happy;)
My thoughts full of mouth
What does it mean?

Guess'n am I possibly Postwhoring due my posting numberous more. I doesn't even care what makes everyones thinks am I postwhoring.. *Oh please, Phew,

Socrates or anyone did not point at you for doing the postwhores. Do you know what PostWhores is? like they leave some emoctions in there without make any comment. Also they could leave a simple comment like I second that, I agree with you, or one or two words per post. That would be pointless. And it is not about how much we make a post.
My thoughts full of mouth

Perhaps, "you put words in my mouth"? Thats what it sounds like to me. Just guessing

That's what I thought or she does have a lot of things to say? but it doesn't making any sense.

Also this topic is about postwhoring/off topic.. Off-Topic - some members who changes the subject which isn't related topic.
eternity said:
That's what I thought or she does have a lot of things to say? but it doesn't making any sense.

Also this topic is about postwhoring/off topic.. Off-Topic - some members who changes the subject which isn't related topic.

*shrugs* I think she was going for, someone said all the things she wanted to say, ya know?

I see what you mean by off topic, and postwhoring is (as I have said) unavoidable and whining about it it doesnt help anything.
I am a confessed postwhore. Now, I am a retired postwhore, thanks to BBNT's mental torture (he uses his AIM to im me with lame comments)!! jk :nana:
Catching up here and seeing the number of posts here about 'postwhoring', etc., and also the commendable post made by Alex, well put! ;)

I sure don't believe for a minute that any number of Vamp's posts could be considered 'postwhoring' whatsoever, and as a 'moderator', he's entitled to do whatever he does feel is right and appropriate while at the same time, to be able to post along with the rest of us members here...although, I get the general feeling that we're going a bit off-track here with the subject about postwhoring...meaning, it's not something to make a big deal or issue out of, yet for some members, it may be the case, but if the mods and the owner sees no harm with the posts itself, then there isn't a problem, the problem lies within 'a member' (anyone for that matter) who makes it so....let's put 'postwhoring' behind us and just enjoy posting here and communicating on the boards here...without having to 'point fingers' at anyone.... :thumb:

Btw, great job Vamp...with your dedication and the effort you do bestow in here...keep it up!! :thumb:

Ohhh, I haven't forgotten you Alex...keeping this superbly awesome number one forum running smoothly sure accounts for much dedication and committment on your part, I do admire that quality, time and greatness in the creativity of your much beloved AllDeaf!!! :thumb:
In this thread, all of you exercised your different opinions of what defines off topic and postwhoring. Which is fine, really! It really helps getting feedback. As an administrator of another forum, I appreciate feedback from members even if it's in PM, email, or a public thread. It shows that the members care. :) I agree with Lieblingirly!

Lieblingirly said:
Discussion with agree/disagree respectful is normal.
Sharing the tips/opinion/suggestion/feedback/information/websites is normal.

Therefore, this is not a thread wasted - IMO. Thank you Socrates and everyone for sharing your opinions. It was really interesting, even though a few snide comments were made towards the author of this thread and that this thread took a different focus ultimately from the original topic.
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Liza said:
In this thread, all of you exercised your different opinions of what defines off topic and postwhoring. Which is fine, really! It really helps getting feedback. As an administrator of another forum, I appreciate feedback from members even if it's in PM, email, or a public thread. It shows that the members care. :) I agree with Lieblingirly!

Therefore, this is not a thread wasted - IMO. Thank you Socrates and everyone for sharing your opinions. It was really interesting, even though a few snide comments were made towards the author of this thread and that this thread took a different focus ultimately from the original topic.

Exactly, I also appreciate every's feedback, opinion, eg too... which it's good for me to collect any good or bad advantages... then I can look to ME...., that's why I love about it... :thumb:
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kuifje75 said:
Nope, you are not postwhoring just because you have a high number. You contribute to this forum with QUALITY posts, which you fully explain yourself and your reasonings. You actively participate in the forum in a positive way.

Examples of postwhoring:
"Uh-huh, yep"

It seems everyone is missing the point about postwhoring here.

Sometimes, two words are enough!

Thank you!
Red~Rum said:
Sometimes, two words are enough!

Thank you!

I have a nice choice of two words phrase that I am thinking to say right now, but I won't say it here.

It is obvious my recent post can be misunderstood. I answered to Bullymom and Liebling:))) that they were not postwhores because they made quality posts.

to reword this:
Nope, you are not postwhoring just because you have a high number. You aren't a postwhore because you contribute to this forum with QUALITY posts, which you fully explain yourself and your reasonings. You actively participate in the forum in a positive way.
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