Political Scientist: Republicans Most Conservative They've Been In 100 Years

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Black radio host Lisa Fritsch:
"We have to expose the diabolical agenda of liberalism. I used to think it was well-intentioned, but misguided. But when you read that 90% of black children will receive food stamps at some point in their lives, and liberals' platform supports this, but rejects and opposes the idea of giving black kids vouchers to go to a better school... and let themselves out of that cycle... How can you not be a conservative?

The more we expose the evil and cruelty that liberalism is, then people will start to wake up. This woman [radio show guest who thinks Obama will give her free money] is a slave."
It is pretty incredible, isn't it, that vouchers are just about the only 'redistribution' program that liberals refuse to support, and that denial of vouchers to children already on them was nearly one of the first things Obama did upon taking office? But vouchers would put the power of decision making firmly in the hands of the poor, and that would reduce the dependency necessary for the continuance of the Welfare State.

and that dependency cripples families, breaks their backs, and makes fools of them. There's nothing 'kind' about it.
I have to disagree with you and dispute this link that you posted.

WND is right wing media and I'm not trust any media that run by right wing.

USA is no welfare state!

Egad. Can you not tell the difference between a columnist and the paper that published his column? I don't like WND, either, but I do like Thomas Sowell, and you can find his books at the library yourself.

His material is very well researched and back up by careful scholarship.
Egad. Can you not tell the difference between a columnist and the paper that published his column? I don't like WND, either, but I do like Thomas Sowell, and you can find his books at the library yourself.

His material is very well researched and back up by careful scholarship.

What is Egad?

I don't agree with anyone who blame on welfare programs for increase of social inequality, especially single parent. Why are you make point at black people only? I have seen plenty of single parent, regardless on races and not all of them are on welfare, even some of my friends are single parent and they are not on welfare. There is big reason because change in societies so don't think could be avoided, except for family counseling. The divorce have different reasons and people that I know are victim of domestic violence divorced. Do you think that we need complete abolish of welfare programs, impose a Jim Crow law, etc? For me, no way and it is AGAINST on my political view.

I noticed that you always blame on Democratic Party and liberal policies. It make more difficult for me to trust and you are not neutral person who have critical thinking about both parties.

Thomas Sowell is conservative and I don't agree with conservative views at most time.
From the blog AfroConservative:

Before liberals came and negated the influence of the Black father, over 80 percent of black children in 1960 were born in wedlock. In 1940 the illegitimacy rate amongst Blacks was 19 percent. Today, post the liberals monopoly in the poor urban areas, the illegitimacy rate is over 70 percent and almost 90 percent in the inner city. Surprisingly, between 1890 and 1940 Blacks had a marriage rate slightly higher than Whites. According to Herbert G. Gutman author of "The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom (1750-1925)"-- for every 6 children under the age of under the of 6-5 of them lived in two parent households. In Harlem between 1905 and 1925, only 3 percent of all families were headed by a woman under 30. In this same time period, 85 percent of black children lived in two-parent families.

The training ground for any human being begins in the home. The dynamics of the home environment can do two things: it can set the child up for failure or for success. When Patrick Moynihan, a Democrat began seeing the negative trends of entitlement programs regarding the Black Family in the 60s he wrote the "Moynihan Report". In the "Moynihan Report" he predicted that if the Black family continued to disintegrate, then there would be issues of delinquency, crime, disproportional educational outcomes, and other social problems that come when a father isn't active in a child's life.

What did the liberals do with this information? They called Moynihan a racist! They decried that he was "blaming the victim" and that he was against the "strong black woman" and that she could do it all by herself. Well, it wasn't all by her lonesome because the nanny state (LBJ's Great Society) was going to be there to replace daddy. Part of the stipulations for receiving welfare was that the Black father was not able to be present in the home. Therein lies the beginning of the destruction of our families.
Institutionalized, race-based slavery in this country was absolutely a monstrosity against the black community, but it was one imposed from without, and therefore, one which the human spirit within resisted, and over which it triumphed. The Welfare State undermined from within, it seduced its victims into becoming willing participants in their own destruction, as (black conservative) columnist and author Thomas Sowell explains:
The greatest danger to the liberal vision are facts about the consequences of liberalism itself and the laws, policies, and ways of life that the left has spawned.
That the black family, which survived centuries of slavery and generations of discrimination, has disintegrated in the wake of the liberal welfare state is only one example.
Liberals have been driven to the desperate expedient of attributing this and other social pathology in today's ghettos to "a legacy of slavery" -- even though black children grew up with two parents more often under slavery than today.
Blacks only a generation or two out of slavery also had higher rates of employment and lower rates of crime than today.
The illogic of the "legacy of slavery" argument only illustrates the desperate attempt to salvage the liberal vision.
The very people who argue this way would never be guilty of such illogic in discussing something that was not such a threat to their vision.
One of the most telling examples of the social destructiveness of the left's welfare-state vision can be found among the white slum dwellers in Britain described in the brilliant and insightful book "[ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1566635055?ie=UTF8&tag=cmasonideas-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=211189&creativeASIN=1566635055&link_code=as3&creative=373489"]Life at the Bottom" by Theodore Dalrymple.[/ame]
There it is not possible to blame social degeneracy on slavery, racism or any of the other things cited as causes of the behavior and consequences found among blacks in American slums. Yet the results are virtually identical, right down to children beating up classmates for trying to get an education.
The vision of the left, full of envy and resentment, takes its worst toll on those at the bottom -- whether black or white -- who find in that paranoid vision an excuse for counterproductive and ultimately self-destructive attitudes and behavior.

(Note, Vanessa, the afroconservative, moved on. She's blogged in similar fashion here. You can read a biography here).
Black radio host Lisa Fritsch:
It is pretty incredible, isn't it, that vouchers are just about the only 'redistribution' program that liberals refuse to support, and that denial of vouchers to children already on them was nearly one of the first things Obama did upon taking office? But vouchers would put the power of decision making firmly in the hands of the poor, and that would reduce the dependency necessary for the continuance of the Welfare State.

and that dependency cripples families, breaks their backs, and makes fools of them. There's nothing 'kind' about it.

From the blog AfroConservative:

Before liberals came and negated the influence of the Black father, over 80 percent of black children in 1960 were born in wedlock. In 1940 the illegitimacy rate amongst Blacks was 19 percent. Today, post the liberals monopoly in the poor urban areas, the illegitimacy rate is over 70 percent and almost 90 percent in the inner city. Surprisingly, between 1890 and 1940 Blacks had a marriage rate slightly higher than Whites. According to Herbert G. Gutman author of "The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom (1750-1925)"-- for every 6 children under the age of under the of 6-5 of them lived in two parent households. In Harlem between 1905 and 1925, only 3 percent of all families were headed by a woman under 30. In this same time period, 85 percent of black children lived in two-parent families.

The training ground for any human being begins in the home. The dynamics of the home environment can do two things: it can set the child up for failure or for success. When Patrick Moynihan, a Democrat began seeing the negative trends of entitlement programs regarding the Black Family in the 60s he wrote the "Moynihan Report". In the "Moynihan Report" he predicted that if the Black family continued to disintegrate, then there would be issues of delinquency, crime, disproportional educational outcomes, and other social problems that come when a father isn't active in a child's life.

What did the liberals do with this information? They called Moynihan a racist! They decried that he was "blaming the victim" and that he was against the "strong black woman" and that she could do it all by herself. Well, it wasn't all by her lonesome because the nanny state (LBJ's Great Society) was going to be there to replace daddy. Part of the stipulations for receiving welfare was that the Black father was not able to be present in the home. Therein lies the beginning of the destruction of our families.
Institutionalized, race-based slavery in this country was absolutely a monstrosity against the black community, but it was one imposed from without, and therefore, one which the human spirit within resisted, and over which it triumphed. The Welfare State undermined from within, it seduced its victims into becoming willing participants in their own destruction, as (black conservative) columnist and author Thomas Sowell explains:
The greatest danger to the liberal vision are facts about the consequences of liberalism itself and the laws, policies, and ways of life that the left has spawned.
That the black family, which survived centuries of slavery and generations of discrimination, has disintegrated in the wake of the liberal welfare state is only one example.
Liberals have been driven to the desperate expedient of attributing this and other social pathology in today's ghettos to "a legacy of slavery" -- even though black children grew up with two parents more often under slavery than today.
Blacks only a generation or two out of slavery also had higher rates of employment and lower rates of crime than today.
The illogic of the "legacy of slavery" argument only illustrates the desperate attempt to salvage the liberal vision.
The very people who argue this way would never be guilty of such illogic in discussing something that was not such a threat to their vision.
One of the most telling examples of the social destructiveness of the left's welfare-state vision can be found among the white slum dwellers in Britain described in the brilliant and insightful book "Life at the Bottom" by Theodore Dalrymple.
There it is not possible to blame social degeneracy on slavery, racism or any of the other things cited as causes of the behavior and consequences found among blacks in American slums. Yet the results are virtually identical, right down to children beating up classmates for trying to get an education.
The vision of the left, full of envy and resentment, takes its worst toll on those at the bottom -- whether black or white -- who find in that paranoid vision an excuse for counterproductive and ultimately self-destructive attitudes and behavior.

(Note, Vanessa, the afroconservative, moved on. She's blogged in similar fashion here. You can read a biography here).

Just other way to blame on liberal.

Not going waste my time to read.
Gay Parents Aren't Warping Kids, But Discrimination Is


Gay parents are cool. :D
What is Egad?

I don't agree with anyone who blame on welfare programs for increase of social inequality, especially single parent. Why are you make point at black people only? I have seen plenty of single parent, regardless on races and not all of them are on welfare, even some of my friends are single parent and they are not on welfare. There is big reason because change in societies so don't think could be avoided, except for family counseling. The divorce have different reasons and people that I know are victim of domestic violence divorced. Do you think that we need complete abolish of welfare programs, impose a Jim Crow law, etc? For me, no way and it is AGAINST on my political view.

I noticed that you always blame on Democratic Party and liberal policies. It make more difficult for me to trust and you are not neutral person who have critical thinking about both parties.

Thomas Sowell is conservative and I don't agree with conservative views at most time.

Egad is kind of like 'good grief' or 'sheesh' or 'you've got to be kidding.'

I don't point at black people at all. I point at government programs which are designed by liberal do gooders to make people dependent. they started by targeting the black community, but they are reaching out to ensnare others as well.

What does reforming welfare have to do with Jim Crow? Nothing, that's what. Your question doesn't make any sense. Jim Crow laws were ugly (and imposed by Democrats) and nobody wants to reinstate them. It's ignorant connect Jim Crow laws with objecting to the dehumanizing and crippling results of the Welfare state. There's no relationship- except that both Jim Crow laws and the Welfare State have had devastating effects on families.

Walter E. Williams, a George Mason economist and author of “Race and Economics: How Much Can Be Blamed on Discrimination?” :...

“[T]he welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery could not have done, the harshest Jim Crow laws and racism could not have done, namely break up the black family,” Williams said. “That is, today, just slightly over 30 percent of black kids live in two parent families. Historically, from 1870s on up to about 1940s, and depending on the city, 75 to 90 percent of black kids lived in two parent families. Illegitimacy rate is 70 percent among blacks where that is unprecedented in our history.”

But this isn’t just relegated to the American welfare state, but is seen in European welfare states as well.

“Now, it’s not just a matter of a racial thing. Sweden is the mother of the welfare state and illegitimacy in Sweden is 54 percent,” he said.

Read more: Walter E. Williams | Welfare Father | John Stossel | The Daily Caller

Your final comment is just silly. You always blame Republicans for everything, you misrepresent them frequently, and you clearly and obviously carefully limit your media only to sources you agree with.

Nobody is completely neutral. I do my research- examining both sides, reading from a variety of sources, and reached my conclusions. That is why you saw me disagreeing with Republicans on the Obama ate a dog story. that is why I am not a Republican. That is why I will not be voting for Romney OR Obama.

Obviously, none of us believe things we think are wrong.

You reached your conclusions by carefully limiting your information sources to only those you already agree with and that make you comfortable.

but the sources are irrelevant. It's the content that matters.
Egad is kind of like 'good grief' or 'sheesh' or 'you've got to be kidding.'

I don't point at black people at all. I point at government programs which are designed by liberal do gooders to make people dependent. they started by targeting the black community, but they are reaching out to ensnare others as well.

What does reforming welfare have to do with Jim Crow? Nothing, that's what. Your question doesn't make any sense. Jim Crow laws were ugly (and imposed by Democrats) and nobody wants to reinstate them. It's ignorant connect Jim Crow laws with objecting to the dehumanizing and crippling results of the Welfare state. There's no relationship- except that both Jim Crow laws and the Welfare State have had devastating effects on families.

Read more: Walter E. Williams | Welfare Father | John Stossel | The Daily Caller

Your final comment is just silly. You always blame Republicans for everything, you misrepresent them frequently, and you clearly and obviously carefully limit your media only to sources you agree with.

Nobody is completely neutral. I do my research- examining both sides, reading from a variety of sources, and reached my conclusions. That is why you saw me disagreeing with Republicans on the Obama ate a dog story. that is why I am not a Republican. That is why I will not be voting for Romney OR Obama.

Obviously, none of us believe things we think are wrong.

You reached your conclusions by carefully limiting your information sources to only those you already agree with and that make you comfortable.

but the sources are irrelevant. It's the content that matters.

I'm not kidding and I'm usually dispute any conservative writers who made negative and misled toward liberal policies only.

My good friend disagree with you about blaming on welfare programs and he blame on government mistreatment that had destavated on minorities, even worsen the society.

You need make clarify about Jim Crow - this law is created by conservative southern democrats, not entire of Democratic Party platform. I'm asking you because you posted a reference about during Jim Crow era, black people were much more traditional society than today. I don't think that eliminate welfare programs will drive society back to traditional but rather to make worse. I recalled about Jiro's post that discussed about welfare programs that helped children to became productive citizen as adult in the future.

I do criticize on both parties but kokonut made heavily attacking on Democratic Party and liberal policies that pushed me to attack on Republican Party as well. I'm liberal guy and supported Democratic Party for years.

If you are not happy with sources that I posted then don't read instead of attacking on me. Every media have own bias, not all articles are biased. I don't understand why are you criticize on my views and type of news that I'm reading, especially The Huffington Post and CNN.
Nobody is completely neutral. I do my research- examining both sides, reading from a variety of sources, and reached my conclusions. That is why you saw me disagreeing with Republicans on the Obama ate a dog story. that is why I am not a Republican. That is why I will not be voting for Romney OR Obama.

In bold - yup, I noticed one thread that txgolfer posted and I think it was silly so I just ignore it.
She means that more men and women married each other and raised their children together back then, compared to today.

Ok, rolling7's post isn't clear and I couldn't understand him at all. :ugh:
What are you talking about it? It doesn't make sense to me.
It might not make sense, and seems counterintuitive but sadly it's true.

Long-term dependence on government-provided welfare tends to promote single-motherhood and irresponsible "fathers," and to discourage two-parent (husband and wife) families.
No problem.

I don't dispute the fact about majority of republicans supported civil rights and the republicans in 1960's was different from today. My father was huge fan of Republican Party during late 1960's and 1970's so he hopped out in 1988 after realized about Republican Party got more conservative than ever.

If I take political science course so I'm going make sure that research paper that based on fact. I'm very critical to conservatives, not based on Republican Party because some people on Republican Party aren't conservative.
I wouldn't recommend political science for a major if you're expecting a real job after graduation.

I know from experience. My bachelor's degree is in political science. It's not worth much in the job market. :)
I have to disagree with you and dispute this link that you posted.

WND is right wing media and I'm not trust any media that run by right wing.
What part do you dispute? The percentages? Those are easy to either verify or discredit with a little searching.

WND is merely the portal to the sources. Check the original sources if you don't like WND.

USA is no welfare state!
What is your definition of a welfare state?
Oh sorry, Probably in those rules that most of us never read.
Like the EULA's. :lol:

No need to discuss futher via PM as it would be like beating a dead horse... no opinions will change. Consider this the end of discussion on my part...
It's about vouchers (like coupons from the government) to help pay for private schooling for poor children who live in communities where the public schools are failing them.
It might not make sense, and seems counterintuitive but sadly it's true.

Long-term dependence on government-provided welfare tends to promote single-motherhood and irresponsible "fathers," and to discourage two-parent (husband and wife) families.

I'm strongly disagree with you.
I'm strongly disagree with you.
Do you believe long-term dependence on government welfare creates or encourages strong, intact families?
What part do you dispute? The percentages? Those are easy to either verify or discredit with a little searching.

WND is merely the portal to the sources. Check the original sources if you don't like WND.

What is your definition of a welfare state?

I disagree with conservative writer about between welfare state and single parent.

Under my definition, welfare state is other word for socialist and majority of population receive public assistance, that can push taxes to much higher like 50%. In USA, majority of population aren't in welfare state and the welfare programs are restricted to low income families, however some middle class may receive child insurance under government if their private insurance is so expensive to cover the children.
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