okay ad'ers. ask me anything (but be nice! :))

really? that's good to know. i feel better now and think i'll have my boyfriend handle the investigation.

however, i'm still going to write a letter to my mother so she can decide if she wants the option of communicating with me or not.

Sounds like an excellent plan, Hear Again! If I can help you in any way, let me know.
Thanks for answering my last set of questions. I've not been here recently since I've been really sick with flu. I still don't feel too well.

I'm wonderinging have you ever had experience of cab driver refusing to take you at all because of your dog? I've had that. I've also had people hire me cabs then for them simply not to show up at all.

first of all, i'm sorry to hear about the fact that you've been sick with the flu. i hope you feel better soon!

i've only had cab drivers refuse to take my dog twice during the entire 15 years i've used guide dogs, so i've been fortunate.

however, i have had more of a problem with cab drivers driving off once they learn i have a dog. i always make sure to tell dispatch that i have a guide dog (so they can include this information on their computer) to help prevent drivers from claiming they didn't know i had a dog.
oh yes of course. Look at online and you can see many sites that you pay to get information on others. a good, honest PI would judge the case and decide whether or not to participate. In this case - I think it's perfectly ethical and moral. Obviously - a good, honest PI would refuse to accept the request to gather info on someone if he senses some stalking going on.

You simply need to supply your BF with any information you have. the names of your adoptive parents, date of adoption, name of adoption agency, birth place, etc. Everything's on record (unless the record building was burnt down or flooded).

good luck! :cool2:

this is great information, jiro. thanks! <smile>
i'm going to talk to my boyfriend and sister about finding a good pi. the last thing i want to do is waste good money, so i'm definitely going to make sure i do my research.

a good PI is not found in yellowbook... only by referral and that's the one you should hire. That's how I found a lawyer for my fubar speeding ticket that would result in suspension and steep fines. but he royally saved my ass and I got off the hook... of course.... with a small price to pay but it's much cheaper than paying fines + fees if found guilty.
a good PI is not found in yellowbook... only by referral and that's the one you should hire. That's how I found a lawyer for my fubar speeding ticket that would result in suspension and steep fines. but he royally saved my ass and I got off the hook... of course.... with a small price to pay but it's much cheaper than paying fines + fees if found guilty.

how do i go about finding a pi by referral?
how do i go about finding a pi by referral?

I was wondering about that. I suppose you could ask around your friends/family members... or police department... or lawyer.... Majority of PI are former law enforcement so you might wanna ask your local police department. My brother's friend works for United States Investigations Services (USIS) - they run background checks and screenings on government employees so I'll ask around... but it'll be tough to find one in your state. I'll try :cool2:
I was wondering about that. I suppose you could ask around your friends/family members... or police department... or lawyer.... Majority of PI are former law enforcement so you might wanna ask your local police department. My brother's friend works for United States Investigations Services (USIS) - they run background checks and screenings on government employees so I'll ask around... but it'll be tough to find one in your state. I'll try :cool2:

i'd really appreciate any information or referrals you could find here in wisconsin. thanks! in the meantime, the suggestion of contacting a lawyer or my local police department is excellent. will do!
I had success contacting the police department. Definitely a good idea. Best of luck!
this may seem like a strange question to ask in my thread, but i'm desperate and think nika and typeingtornado might be able to help me. my eyes have been watering all day and are now very sore. i do have year round allergies, but my eyes only water during the spring, summer and fall (or if i'm around pollen, mold or dust), but never the winter. i plan to call my opthalmologist tomorrow to get some eye drops, but in the meantime, is there anything else i can do to relieve this?
this may seem like a strange question to ask in my thread, but i'm desperate and think nika and typeingtornado might be able to help me. my eyes have been watering all day and are now very sore. i do have year round allergies, but my eyes only water during the spring, summer and fall (or if i'm around pollen, mold or dust), but never the winter. i plan to call my opthalmologist tomorrow to get some eye drops, but in the meantime, is there anything else i can do to relieve this?

you know how it is with global warming. everything occurs at odd timing at odd place. maybe Visine eye drop might help??? I mentioned it cuz several of my friends carry it. I don't know for myself since I don't have any allergy.
this may seem like a strange question to ask in my thread, but i'm desperate and think nika and typeingtornado might be able to help me. my eyes have been watering all day and are now very sore. i do have year round allergies, but my eyes only water during the spring, summer and fall (or if i'm around pollen, mold or dust), but never the winter. i plan to call my opthalmologist tomorrow to get some eye drops, but in the meantime, is there anything else i can do to relieve this?

maybe some benadryl? *sorry if its spelled wrong...*

Hope you feel better
Hi Hear Again
Sorry for not being able to help you, but I just hope you'll find a solution. Maybe you should go to the ER if it's too painful.
yes, i think that's going to be the first step i take -- and thanks! <smile>

one small thing - MAYBE it's preferable to contact a "well-off" (clean/well-budgeted/bigger) police department. you be the judge. :cool2:
you know how it is with global warming. everything occurs at odd timing at odd place. maybe Visine eye drop might help??? I mentioned it cuz several of my friends carry it. I don't know for myself since I don't have any allergy.

that's a good idea. thanks, jiro. (i can always count on you for good advice! <smile>) i forgot about otc eye drops. i think i'll talk to the pharmacist at walgreen's and ask her if i should purchase visine allergy or the standard formula.