What the hell? I don't said she should to do. I made some suggestion.
No, you don't make it sound like you are suggestin'.
Well, how would you feel if you are forcefully pay to octmommy when she is doing nothing, not supporting her kids. Would you call this an opinion? No, it's not.
We will be forcin' to PAY tax on EVERYTHIN', not just OctMommy. Tax is everywhere (grocery, marriage, bridges, and etc., etc. ) we have to pay also. It ain't free. And, even thou we have to pay for the war, too. So, what's the problem ?
Jeez, she is in her 30's. She is not a young teenager or in early 20's! She already had her own experiences, not tiny account of it. She is an adult, she knows better. No, we should not give her a second chance. Totally eight babies are so pricy to pay bills, and the six other children too. I meant, what the hell wackoctmom think? =/
I did NOT say " young teenager ". No, she doesn't know anythin' about how to handle the money to take care of her kids or bills or whatsoever. Of course, she needs some help!
IF, you disagree about givin' her another chance... then, it is YOUR opinion to think that there's NO second chance for her. I respectfully disagree with you on that part.
Huh? I never said mandatory or liberal, and hysterctomy or sterilization. Liberal (or mandatory) is doing nothing with my post or octmom's issues.
Lucia mentioned mandatory, hysterctomy and sterlization in her previous posts. You said you totally agreed with her in her statements.
Secondly, nobody will make laws so limit, they are still able to choose an option. What the point is, this octmom should make up her mind and take it so seriously.
Oh, yeah they will.
"A lack of self-respect" is not a cussing word. In truth, the wackoctmom have very low respect for her family and her children.
"I have only very little tolerance for this octmom" is not a cussing word, either! What I meant, I am actually have some feeling for her as a human being. I made a few positive suggestion about her in my pervious posts here. If she wants to have many children, my opinion, she should take some fantastic advice from Duggar Family.
I highlighted with bold on your ONE word in your previous post... that word with a first letter " f ".... get it ? You need to tone it down. It turned me off big time when someone uses that word.
Now, what the hell? Look, I barely cuss. So why you tell me to not use a mini cussing? I didn't cuss so many in my post...
I just asked my friends if it is an opinion, and they said no, it is not...........