Ok, have you ever drunk so much you did something illegal? Or maybe you have taken some illegal substance? Or maybe you're just a chronic speeder. Fine, No more driving for you. No mercy for you, the sinner. If we followed that philosophy in America, America would be no better than Hitler's Nazis.
Yes, she was an idiot. No, she is NOT irredeemable. What if YOU were in her shoes? Wouldn't you want some mercy? Or are you really the way you come off on this thread? Are you really a sick, uncaring, unfeeling, unremorseful person who thinks mercy is a tool of the weak?
I live in the Union Gospel Mission, run by the Reverend Jon Rector, who has more mercy in his pinky finger than me, my friend in staff there, the rest of staff, and my parents have between us all. UGM was founded upon the fact that NOBODY is irredeemable. And it has proven it many times. A place that has taken a drug -addicted drunkard with a sex problem and turn out a respectable, employed (albeit, employed at the mission) pastor that delivers well-constructed intelligent messages has the right to be an authority on the topic of who is redeemable. There are people out there that have done ten times worse than the octo-mom has ever even dreamed of doing that have been redeemed in places like the UGM and Salvation Army and others. Are you saying that we should just throw every person who has a problem into a bonfire? Because the screennames that would fall on top of the list:
Just take the entire list of screennames on this website, and you could add them to this list. Everyone has a problem with stupidity of some sort.
Your sig says you are afraid of what people do in the name of their god. I do this in the name of mine, and she, while undeserving, deserves forgiveness as much as everyone here from the founder all the way down to the newbie poster who joins in the future. It was this same philosophy of forgiveness and enabling that has given the Deaf, the black man, and the woman the rights we enjoy now. More than anything, she needs us to help her understand what her responsibility is in her position, and what the consequences of her future actions.
"What's done is done, and can never be undone." A quote from a character named Depa Billaba in Shatterpoints. You can't undo what's been done. But you can shape the future. If you think that kids deserve their mother's attention, then taking the kids away from the octo-mom without giving her the opportunity to EARN them back is the most hypocritical thing you can say.
So, I put it to you, are you redeemable? Am I, an unemployed homeless man that failed college my first time round, redeemable? If your answer to the two are yes, then the answer for her, and EVERY other person who has screwed up on such a monumental level is redeemable. If it is no, then nobody here, on this earth, is redeemable.
I am not talking about her redeeming herself. I am talking about how if we allow this woman to continue doing what she is doing, she is making her own situation worse, and the government already has to pay for all 14 kids. Enough is enough. She clearly has no reasoning abilities to decide that she will stop. She clearly is incompetent. Therefore, someone else must make this decision for her to be sterilized, so she can have no more kids. That's it. I am not talking about mandatory sterilization for all women. Just her. She has shown no signs of considering to stop having more children, especially since she has shown she cannot provide and care for any of the 14 kids. The 14 children she already has are costing the state of California millions of dollars now and over their entire lifetimes. I would not demand mandatory sterilization for all women...this should be on a rare case by case basis...a rare case like hers. And I have mercy....for the CHILDREN and for Nadya's parents. I don't have much mercy for her right now other than that she is clearly mentally ill and cannot make appropriate medical decisions. Maybe she can take care of herself, but she cannot make appropriate medical decisions regarding herself and her children. She made the decision to ALLOW the doctor to implant SIX embryos into her uterus. That's not an appropriate decision. Someone's gotta step in before this whole thing turns into a tragedy due to neglect due to the fact that she does not have the means to care and provide for all 14 kids on her own with no income of her own except the very little income she gets from public assistance and food stamps, and none is it enough to cover the entire family, and she is also living in a 3 bedroom house. How do you fit 14 kids, herself, and her parents into that house? that's 17 people total (if her father lives there too, not sure if he does as he is not in the news hardly much). I am 28 years old and I know NOT to allow a doctor to implant so many embryos into my uterus. I have the reasoning ability and the ability to make appropriate medical decisions. I know NOT to have a child while on public assistance.
What she did is so much bigger than having smoked some weed once or taken an illegal substance once. She endangered the lives of eight babies because she elected to allow to be implanted with 6 embryos instead of telling the doctor to limit the # of embryos to 2 or 3. Now we have 8 very fragile babies that will have serious medical complications and problems and they may have to be in and out of the hospital for the rest of their lives. Having medical problems is NOT fun. I feel sorry for the fragile babies.
I am not saying we should not forgive her. What I am saying is that if we don't do something about her case, she might continue to have more babies, maybe even have more through IVF, which might result in more multiple pregnancies. She's had 14, more than she can handle. The state needs to step in and stop this. She seems like she isn't thinking of stopping. What if in a few years she decides to shop around for another doctor who is willing to do IVF on her? And she ends up with another multiple pregnancy? Then the state will have to foot the bill for that one too. Enough is enough. And we need to set an example for other women everywhere to make them realize that they need to make appropriate medical decisions regarding their pregnancies, especially if they are going through IVF treatments. I would like for women to say "please do not implant more than 2 in my uterus" instead of just simply allowing the doctor to implant as many as the doctor wanted to. Nadya clearly had no self-control regarding the # of children she has and she sounds like she wants more. No, I do not want mandatory sterilization for all women. But sometimes there is going to be a case like this that pops up that clearly needs the state to step in and do something before the situation becomes even worse. So, I will support the
occassional mandatory sterilization for unique cases like hers. If the woman has many kids but has the ability to provide and the means to pay for food, utilities, mortgage, clothes, everything for all her children with little or no help from the government, then no sterilization is needed. But Nadya...she clearly needs to be sterilized. She has NO means to provide for any of her children, and I fear she may keep on having more, she already has 14, so the state needs to step in and stop her from having more since she has NO money to provide for any of them. She's got 8 fragile babies in the NICU in the hospital that may not leave for about 3 to 6 months (my estimate) until the doctors deem them healthy enough to go home. She doesn't seem to understand the consequences of her actions. She thinks that what she did is the most wonderful thing ever. She doesn't realize that her babies are so fragile and that they are going to have many medical problems over the entire lifetimes. She hasn't realized that what she did has put herself and her babies in a very extremely serious and perilous situation. Somebody's got to do something about HER.
And I honestly, realistically do not see her being able to take care of all 14 kids physically by herself without a lot of help. 14 kids is like being in a circus or a zoo. 6 older kids who kick, hit, scream, throw toys, cry, swear, run around, and then 8 crying, shitting, puking, screaming babies that need frequent diaper changes. I would sure as hell NOT want to be in that kind of situation! She can't even take care of the older 6 kids without her mother's help. Her mother is tired of having to take care of them. She wants to retire and have free time to herself.
Maybe your mission want to take this mother in and her 14 kids in? Go for it.
Also, Medi-Cal should stop paying for ALL fertility treatments. That would cut down on the # of this bullshit. Medi-Cal is public state insurance, like Medicaid. Medicaid here does not cover fertility treatments, and I think that is fair. Fertility treatments does not promote health or prevent health problems or treat health problems to prevent illness or death. It's not something that we NEED. It's something we WANT...therefore Medi-Cal shouldn't cover it...it's NOT a necessity.