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Thank you a ton Nika, and i mean no offense... but i dont like doing that kind of stuff. But thank you a ton! <<hugs>> **vows never to eat hamburgers again for a long time*

All right in that case I hope you feel better. Try drinking some ginger ale... that usually makes me feel better. <hugs>
glad your ok Nika. are you going to pm Hear again? she was rather worried last night.
Hi everyone I'm still alive. Sorry about that. I have no recollection of posting those posts. It wasn't me speaking. Please ignore them.

I'm glad you're still alive. Hear Again has been banned, so I will email her and let her know that you are ok. She was quite worried about you.
I'm glad you're still alive. Hear Again has been banned, so I will email her and let her know that you are ok. She was quite worried about you.

Thanks. I'm feeling depressed today but not suicidal.
Thanks. I'm feeling depressed today but not suicidal.

I would suggest that you seek some therapy. I'm glad that you're not suicidal anymore. Suicide is not the answer, and it is a permanent and a bad solution to your problems. Please remember that when you're feeling like you were did last night, to just hang in there and eventually it will pass, but you still should seek therapy if this happens a lot.
I would suggest that you seek some therapy. I'm glad that you're not suicidal anymore. Suicide is not the answer, and it is a permanent and a bad solution to your problems. Please remember that when you're feeling like you were did last night, to just hang in there and eventually it will pass, but you still should seek therapy if this happens a lot.

I do go to therapy. I'm also on antidepressants. I get suicidal a few times a week, but I usually have my girlfriend to go to. Yesterday I couldn't cause she happened to be feeling suicidal at the same time. But I felt suicidal many times before and have yet to kill myself, so I doubt I will. Some part of me knows that I have a plan for this life and that suicide isn't it. Thanks for the concern, though. I appreciate it. <hugs>
I'm glad you're still alive. Hear Again has been banned, so I will email her and let her know that you are ok. She was quite worried about you.

why was she banned? and for how long?
Thanks for all the support everyone. I really appreciate it. You helped me get through a rough night. <tight hugs for all>
Thanks for all the support everyone. I really appreciate it. You helped me get through a rough night. <tight hugs for all>

what rough night? I thought you said you can't recall last nite? :confused:
what rough night? I thought you said you can't recall last nite? :confused:

I don't. I read the posts that I must have written last night and people's replies, all of which were supportive and very kind.
I don't. I read the posts that I must have written last night and people's replies, all of which were supportive and very kind.

yes but I mean I don't know what happened to you last nite.... so I was wondering if you can elaborate more on that since you said that you had a rough night which you don't remember.
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