Need a hug? Come here to get one.

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we don't know. karissa and i have been writing posts to nika, but so far, he hasn't responded to any of them.

Yeah.. I tried to PM him and got no luck :(

I still have faith in him for some reasons

i'm sorry, but i really have to turn in now because my sleep med is starting to kick in. if i'm up before 6:00am, i'll check ad to see if you've responded to our posts. hang in there, okay? as my therapist always tells me, "tomorrow is a new day." :)
i'm going to remain on ad for that period of time and if nika doesn't respond, i'm going to pray that he's okay. i'll also check back into this thread early tomorrow morning. i have an appointment for a ct scan (because of my ci's), so i will be waking up around 6:00am myself.

6 am for an CT scan appt?! :shock: I always schedule my appts for later in the day. I hate mornings.
I could use a hug...I've been getting really depressed at nighttime lately. And I just don't know who else to turn to since others have been getting sick of Nika being depressed.

Have you considered therapy?
:grouphug:Here's group hugs to everyone in need also for Nika I hope you are reading this message from everyone in need to hear that you are ok . We all are praying for you . You can post anytime and dont' have to type anything just let us know you are still alive . :wave:
Hi everyone I'm still alive. Sorry about that. I have no recollection of posting those posts. It wasn't me speaking. Please ignore them.
Hi everyone I'm still alive. Sorry about that. I have no recollection of posting those posts. It wasn't me speaking. Please ignore them.

I'm glad you are alive and welll thank god !!! Do you have roommate or someone you share your computer with ??? If so you might want to change your password to keep them from happen again . I hope to get to know you from time to time . Welcome back !!!:wave:
I'm glad you are alive and welll thank god !!! Do you have roommate or someone you share your computer with ??? If so you might want to change your password to keep them from happen again . I hope to get to know you from time to time . Welcome back !!!:wave:

No only I use my computer. However what I meant was that was another part of me speaking, not the Nika that is speaking now. Thanks for the advice though. <laughs>
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. Can I give you some acupressure points that help with stomach sickness?
It's kind make me feel hurt for moment but i will be fine

hope everything will ok for you Nika
Thank you a ton Nika, and i mean no offense... but i dont like doing that kind of stuff. But thank you a ton! <<hugs>> **vows never to eat hamburgers again for a long time*
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