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you haven't responded to any of our posts. please talk to us...

just a polite suggestion. do not shout at nika. he is in a very vulnerable postion emotionally right now. he needs time to seek help and be convinced that this is the right decision for him. when i was actively psychotic a few days ago, someone here on ad intervened and tried to help even though i was completely out of touch with reality. i needed this ad'er to contact a neighbor of mine, but i eventually received help. if we continue talking to nika, i'm sure he will respond. we just need to be patient with him right now. hope you understand, karissa. smile.
Ooohhhhh okay. I'm really sorry about that.

Thank you for let me know
that's okay, karissa. <hugs>

i'm just going to keep on writing until nika responds to me. i'm not going to give up on him. :)
lets do this to cheer up XD

if nika is severely depressed right now (which it appears that he is) hopefully he will see our posts sooner or later after he has had time to process his emotions and will realize how much we really do care.
nika! we're here for you, man!
cts or no cts, i will keep typing message after message until nika realizes how much we all care. :)
Nika hope you get better man, don't cave in like that.

His last user activity was 9:45PM PST, so from right now that's approx. 55 minutes ago. If he isn't doing something by the next 4-5 minutes, AD will automatically sign him out (vbulletin autologout settings), and he will have to manually appear to re-establish his name on the online list.
i'm going to remain on ad for that period of time and if nika doesn't respond, i'm going to pray that he's okay. i'll also check back into this thread early tomorrow morning. i have an appointment for a ct scan (because of my ci's), so i will be waking up around 6:00am myself.

we don't know. karissa and i have been writing posts to nika, but so far, he hasn't responded to any of them.
no problem, shawn. :)

nika, if you're reading this, please don't let the depression win. you can fight this! i know you can!
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