Need a hug? Come here to get one.

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i'm feeling depressed right now, but have no idea why. i could use a hug, please.

Not sure what is happening to ME! Ringing in the ears to the point of pain! Horrid migraine today that wont go away...and dizzy.

I feel like my head is going to explode...every time the ringing goes in I'm losing more hearing..and when its coupled with a makes me SCARED!!!!

Aw, I'm sorry Angelus! <hugs> That must really be terrifying. Would taking an Aspirin help?
I could use a hug...I've been getting really depressed at nighttime lately. And I just don't know who else to turn to since others have been getting sick of Nika being depressed.
<33 Karissa :grouphug: people who hugged her today, and those people who are sad/depressing that I hug them again - right now. <33

:ty: so many! And, I hope you guys feel better soon.
what's wrong, nika?

i'm not in the greatest mood either. in fact, i'm depressed and p*ssed off. :mad2:

feeling suicidal

usually go to my girlfriend

but she's feeling suicidal too

so i'm stuck
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