Need a hug? Come here to get one.

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I could use a hug since I have been working 3 days in a row. Soooooooooo tire!!!
(Hugs Hear again) glad you are feeling better today.

(hugs Nika)
This is the thread for hugs. Long day? Got in a fight? Just feel like getting a hug anyway? If you need or want a hug just come here and get one! No explanations or reasons needed (unless you want to).

If you're feeling full of hugs, come here to give some out.



Not sure what is happening to ME! Ringing in the ears to the point of pain! Horrid migraine today that wont go away...and dizzy.

I feel like my head is going to explode...every time the ringing goes in I'm losing more hearing..and when its coupled with a makes me SCARED!!!!

Not sure what is happening to ME! Ringing in the ears to the point of pain! Horrid migraine today that wont go away...and dizzy.

I feel like my head is going to explode...every time the ringing goes in I'm losing more hearing..and when its coupled with a makes me SCARED!!!!

AWww, i'm sorry, i dont know what to say other than talk to your doctor maybe, and <<<<hugs>>>>!
Out of slightly sadness, can anybody hug me, pretty please?? ^^;

I will come back and check here tonight. :)
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