Need a hug? Come here to get one.

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<hugs everyone>
Nika <<<hugs>>>

Hear Again <<<hugs>>>

Dreama <<<hugs>>>

OceanBlue7 <<<hugs>>>

DeafTeen90 <<<hugs>>>

<<<hugs>>> to anyone i missed.
Nika <<<hugs>>>

Hear Again <<<hugs>>>

Dreama <<<hugs>>>

OceanBlue7 <<<hugs>>>

DeafTeen90 <<<hugs>>>

<<<hugs>>> to anyone i missed.

thanks, typeingtornado. your hug felt especially nice since i'm doing so well this morning with no voices once again. smile. <hugs back>
oh, i'm sorry karissa. thanks so much for the hug! <hugs back>

what a warm and fuzzy thread this is. thanks for creating it, nika. smile.
I need a hug tday, had a bad day, ma post is up if you wanna read about it.
i need another hug. i'm starting to rapid cycle again. i'm going to log off of ad for awhile so i can calm down.
KarissaMann05 :hug: Nika

KarissaMann05 :hug: Hear Again

KarissaMann05 :hug: JazzyAngel

KarissaMann05 :hug: TypeingTornado19

KarissaMann05 :hug: Dreama

KarissaMann05 :hug: OceanBlue7

EDIT: KarissaMann05 :hug: DeafTeen90
(Sorry, I overlooked your post cos my post is one minute after your post ^^")

hug smile ty
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