Need a hug? Come here to get one.

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Nika, I'm glad that you are doing better today. Hugs to you!

Hugs to everyone in need
I could really use a hug today. It has been possibly the worst day of my college education.

(hugs Typing) I'm sorry about your day. Sorry if this hug is a litle overdue as I wasn't there yesterday. I was sick. Now I need a hug too.

Not sure what is happening to ME! Ringing in the ears to the point of pain! Horrid migraine today that wont go away...and dizzy.

I feel like my head is going to explode...every time the ringing goes in I'm losing more hearing..and when its coupled with a makes me SCARED!!!!

(hugs Angelus) Hope someone else advised you to seek real life help since I was away yesterday. I hope you can get the help you need. I wish you luck.
i'm feeling depressed right now, but have no idea why. i could use a hug, please.

(hugs hear again) I am sorry to hear you have been banned. If you want to talk ask Nika or typing for my email address.
(hugs Typing) I'm sorry about your day. Sorry if this hug is a litle overdue as I wasn't there yesterday. I was sick. Now I need a hug too.

HUGS, dreama. <hugs> I hope you feel better.
I could use a hug...I've been getting really depressed at nighttime lately. And I just don't know who else to turn to since others have been getting sick of Nika being depressed.

(hugs Nika) I'm sorry to hear you are still depressed.
Hi everyone I'm still alive. Sorry about that. I have no recollection of posting those posts. It wasn't me speaking. Please ignore them.

I'm glad you are alive. I think a lot of AD's were really worried about you. Yesterday I was sick so I missed all that. It wasn't because I didn't care. It was because I wasn't there.
No only I use my computer. However what I meant was that was another part of me speaking, not the Nika that is speaking now. Thanks for the advice though. <laughs>

Are you now saying that you have DID?
I don't. I read the posts that I must have written last night and people's replies, all of which were supportive and very kind.

yes but I mean I don't know what happened to you last nite.... so I was wondering if you can elaborate more on that since you said that you had a rough night which you don't remember.

Are you now saying that you have DID?

Now, I've seen everything. :roll:

I know that people who are actively suicidal needs to be taken seriously, but please everyone, don't believe everything you read on here. If Nika is suicidal or has DID and a suicidal alter, he needs help and has NO business being on AD posting. He should be in a locked ward and cared for. But, if he's lying (and personally, I think he is), we shouldn't give him anymore attention. He is very ill and feeding off our attention of his antics.

With that, he's going on my ignore because he makes me ill.
]he needs help

I have help. I go to a psychiatrist and I'm on meds. And I've been going to her since last July when my last therapist wanted me hospitalized. My parents switched therapists because that freaked them out. So now I'm living with them.

Of course if you think I'm lying about it there's not really much I can do.

I'm not sure why having a mental condition exempts me from AD either.
I have help. I go to a psychiatrist and I'm on meds. And I've been going to her since last July when my last therapist wanted me hospitalized. My parents switched therapists because that freaked them out. So now I'm living with them.

Of course if you think I'm lying about it there's not really much I can do.

I'm not sure why having a mental condition exempts me from AD either.

You know, you had me and a few others fooled last night with your suicide talk last night. Suicide is NOT a joke. I always take suicide threats seriously, no matter who the threat came from. That's why I took you seriously last night, and then I find out that it was just one of your antics. That pisses me off. Suicide hits very close to home for me because I lost somebody very close to me and very dear to me to suicide in 1990. You were lucky that I did not have access to your home address, or I would have dialed 911 and you would be put in a hospital on a psychiatric hold for your antics. You're also a malingerer. You need help for your malingering behaviors. I don't have much respect for malingerers other than that they need help stopping their malingering behaviors. You claim symptoms of disassociation. I don't believe you. From now on, I will no longer take you seriously about ANY mental or physical condition that you claim to have anymore, and if you make another suicide threat again, I will have my fiance find out your IP address and then I will contact the authorities in your town and report you to them and I will tell them that since you are threatening suicide, you belong in a mental hospital. With that, good bye.
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