Need a hug? Come here to get one.

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I'm not malingering LuciaDisturbed. I'm sorry if you think I do because I understand how frustrating it can be when someone is malingering and I wouldn't want to be the cause for anger.

Suicide hits very close to home for me too. I would never make fun of something like that because I know how much it pulls on the heartstrings of others when they are afraid for one of their friends. I lost a best friend to suicide too so I understand where you are coming from. In fact my girlfriend is also suicidal sometimes and it is very hard for me when she is feeling suicidal cause I'm terrified one of these days she will kill herself.

Once again AD has managed to make a positive thread turn negative. I would please like to take this thread off me and return to its original purpose of giving hugs to anyone who needs or wants one.
ouch.... nobody wants a hug now, i guess
i have to agree with lucia. i suffer from auditory hallucinations and do not have any recollection of what happens when they occur. one prime example is when i posted several messages here on ad that were garbled. i don't remember writing those posts. an ad'er who intervened when my psychotic episode started told me that my typing was haphazard and that i was obviously confused because of my voices. psychosis and suicidal thoughts are not something that should be mocked. having said that, i am NOT accusing anyone of anything. i'm just stating my opinion. if i get banned again for doing so, oh well.
Now, I've seen everything. :roll:

I know that people who are actively suicidal needs to be taken seriously, but please everyone, don't believe everything you read on here. If Nika is suicidal or has DID and a suicidal alter, he needs help and has NO business being on AD posting. He should be in a locked ward and cared for. But, if he's lying (and personally, I think he is), we shouldn't give him anymore attention. He is very ill and feeding off our attention of his antics.

With that, he's going on my ignore because he makes me ill.

:gpost: :gpost:
i can't help but feel slighted after my psychotic episode. as ocean mentioned, i was really in distress and suffering badly. i hate it when people feign mental illness for attention. there's absolutely NO excuse for doing so and it makes those of us like myself who have LEGITIMATE mental illnesses and conditions extremely hurt, angry and resentful.

if a person has PTSD and cannot remember something that occurred to them, usually it means one of two things. it either means they are in a psychotic state and out of touch with reality or have DID (dissociative identity disorder). did one of these conditions apply to you? i'm just curious because from what i understand, you have no recollection of what happened last night. i was VERY, VERY concerned about you and was afraid that you were going to harm yourself. if you were lying, that was a crude thing to do. VERY crude. i'm sorry everyone, but i had to say it.
I have help. I go to a psychiatrist and I'm on meds. And I've been going to her since last July when my last therapist wanted me hospitalized. My parents switched therapists because that freaked them out. So now I'm living with them.

Of course if you think I'm lying about it there's not really much I can do.

I'm not sure why having a mental condition exempts me from AD either.


if you think you need to be hospitalized, there's nothing stopping from you from calling 911 and asking for help. if you're actively suicidal, you will be placed in a psych ward for a 72 hour hold.
i think anyone who threatens suicide here on ad needs to be taken seriously.

i hope you don't think i'm being unsympathetic, but please understand where other ad'ers are coming from. suicidal thoughts and psychosis are things that should not be mimicked or mocked.
(hugs hear again) I am sorry to hear you have been banned. If you want to talk ask Nika or typing for my email address.

will do. thanks, dreama. i'm feeling much better today. <hugs>
Hi everyone I'm still alive. Sorry about that. I have no recollection of posting those posts. It wasn't me speaking. Please ignore them.


i'm confused. could you explain what you mean by the fact that it wasn't you who was speaking? how were you able to type posts in a coherent manner without any typos? sorry, i'm just trying to understand exactly what happened to you.
glad your ok Nika. are you going to pm Hear again? she was rather worried last night.

yes. i was very, very worried and i never received a pm from nika saying he was okay. <confused>
I do go to therapy. I'm also on antidepressants. I get suicidal a few times a week, but I usually have my girlfriend to go to. Yesterday I couldn't cause she happened to be feeling suicidal at the same time. But I felt suicidal many times before and have yet to kill myself, so I doubt I will. Some part of me knows that I have a plan for this life and that suicide isn't it. Thanks for the concern, though. I appreciate it. <hugs>

perhaps your antidepressants need to be increased. having suicidal thoughts twice a week isn't a good sign. you might also look into attending therapy more than once a week.
yes. i was very, very worried and i never received a pm from nika saying he was okay. <confused>

Yeah, that was the post that made me go "WTF" since you were still banned when he said he sent you a PM. You cannot PM a person that is currently banned.
i just wanted to point out that if you are feeling suicidal, dial 911. do not post here on ad because there is nothing any of us can do except encourage you to seek help. perhaps i don't have a right to say that since i'm not a mod, but nevertheless i still think it's something which needs to be said.
i never received a pm from you nika telling me that you were safe.

Yeah, that was the post that made me go "WTF" since you were still banned when he said he sent you a PM. You cannot PM a person that is currently banned.

it might be the pm thing here. i tried to send Hear Again a pm too before i knew she was banned and it let me type a message and click send. maybe he did the same thing?
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