My first appointment for CI

That's interesting. I will ask to my audiologist what it called of vibrator headpiece.

I don't want to have a bodyworn because it alike an Alien to me. :laugh2:
That what I thought about the bte need to be small. I wish Freedom Mini BTE could use for IPOD and cellphone. The standard BTE is work for IPOD and cellphone. I really like the small bte than bulky. I have to deal with it. You're right about technology design always get change.

Of course I will be careful with device from wet. That's same as hearing aids. Thank you again! :)

Ah, okay. I'm not sure what that vibrator headpiece is, I've never been tested with that ever and I have never seen it, so I really have no idea. So I will leave this up to the other ADers who have experience with this kind of headpiece to explain about that because I have never heard of it. As for your hearing losses, update us when you get your copy of the audiograms. I think it might help if I saw the audiogram.

I do not know the total cost for surgery expenses and 2 CIs total for bilateral CI surgery. Also it can vary depending on which hospital, which CI clinic, and which CI company you get your CI from. In my case, I had only my left ear implanted, and the CI and the surgery expenses for me totaled about $60,000 but Medicare and Medicaid negotiated with the hospital, the CI clinic, and Cochlear Americas and got everything reduced to $20,000 and then they paid the entire thing off and I did not even have to pay one red cent. I also got a backup CI coil and BTE too.

Sounds like you picked a good color. I chose black because black goes with everything. You can't really go wrong with black because it match with every color there is...matches your glasses, hair, clothes, whatever!

Yeah, I am not nuts about bodyworns. The long cord is annoying. Very annoying. Sometimes I even wish there were nothing but the coil on my head, nothing on my ear, LOL, because sometimes I do not like to have the BTE hanging on my ear. Maybe someday the CIs technology will get so good that it will get so small that it will be only a coil with magnet on the head, and no BTE on the ear. That would be nice. Your bead string idea is awesome.

Sure, ask me anything. Yes, the CI BTE and coil for the Freedom is water resistant but it is NOT waterproof. Water resistant means that you can get a little bit of water on your CI BTE and coil accidentally, but it is built to protect against that. But, you still cannot drop the CI BTE and coil in water like in puddle or toilet or pool, because it will damage the CI BTE and coil - too much water and also the water immersion is very bad. Despite what the pictures show, you cannot just play in the rain or in the pool with your CI BTE and coil on. The resistance is for small minor accidents only - so if like for example you are walking from your car to the store and it is a long way, and while you are walking, it suddenly starts to rain. You say "oh shit" and you have to run to the store but your CI BTE and coil will still be ok, and then when you get home you have to put the CI BTE and coil in the Dry and Store box to make sure it gets completely dry so there will be no damage. Don't just stand in the rain. You still need to run or better yet take your CI BTE and coil off and put it in your bag in a plastic bag or a protective box or something to keep it dry. I always take my CI BTE and coil off if it starts to rain and then go find a dry place and then I dry my hair and then I put the CI BTE and coil back on. The water resistance only just offers a little bit of protection. It also is good for when you sweat a bit, but if you are sweating a LOT, you need to put a paper towel or a piece of cloth between your CI BTE and coil and the skin/scalp so the sweat does not get into the CI BTE and coil. You still need to be careful. I would not go into the pool with a dolphin while wearing my CI BTE and coil. That picture is just advertisement. They design those type of pictures for competition because Cochlear Americas and AB are the two biggest competitive CI companies. They make pictures like this to make one CI look better than the other. It's like any other product out there. Every company that makes any kind of product always designs their advertisements and pictures so that it looks much more awesome than it really is. It's just competition. You still have to protect your CI BTE and coil no matter what. Keep in mind that the Nucleus Freedom CI is $7,000 apiece, so that means it has expensive parts in there. It's so much more expensive than the most fanciest Mac computer out there, therefore it is still quite fragile no matter what the pictures suggest. You still need to be careful.

My spot behind the ear was numb for a few months but now it is back to normal and it feels fine now. It's normal. When the skin gets cut during any kind of surgery, the skin around the incision will feel numb for a while while it heals because when the skin gets cut, the nerves will go numb temporarily, and the nerves will for the most part grow back. Yes, I can feel the bump on my head even today. It's still there, but I am used to it. It doesn't bother me. I even sleep on my left side where my CI bump is. It does not bother me, either. You might want to sleep on the non-CI side at first until your CI side heals, then when you start to feel comfortable you can go back to sleeping on the CI implant side if you want.
Another thing i want to correct, N24 is the name of implant not the number of electrodes so it's still 22 electrodes. I have CI24 RE which is still 22 electrodes. But if you have information on 24 electrodes that's very surprising to me as i didn't know about it and would be very interested in reading the information.:D

I like the sound of your colours... I am getting pink battery holder and mic covers.

Yeah that what I mean. It's new 24 electrodes. The audiologist told me and my husband. The AB is 16 and Med EL is 12. That's why I picked Freedom. Thank you for like my colors! I can't wait to show you a picture of my new CI. I am consider to join member of wordpress blog for my CI journey.
Are you guys thinking of the bone conduction test? (For the vibrating headpiece)
Yes medicare cover only one CI for normal deaf people, but you have reginitis pigmenosa mean you will go blind in future, that's unique case lawyer can go tell medicare that you're special and different need 2 CI (if you want 2 same time in 1 surgery) medicare will pay.
I wonder are you planning to learn braille, tactical (spelling?) sign and how to use stick in few years so you will be ready when you will become blind?
Some people can't learn braille too hard the people will give them different, same normal writing but its raised so you can feel the word shape, its easier because you already know what it look like so you can feel the shape.

I can't get both CI in same time. I am not ready for it. I prefer get one for now. Then I will get second in few years later. I don't want to get too much headache. I know one of lady whom got two CI in same time. She have experience with tinnitus and headache. I have to be slow with one for now.

My US type is 1. I offer you go to read my posts at

I don't really want to get vision loss. I am looking forward for Stem Cell and Retinal Implant are available next decade or so. I'm still waiting clinician's email me back about medicare"s approval request. If medicare can't approve it then I will make a lawyer. But I believe medicare will approve it anyway. It take the time.
Are you guys thinking of the bone conduction test? (For the vibrating headpiece)

That what I am trying talk about. I forget what it was called. Thank you so much! Do you have experience with bone conduction?
good luck with your process! I have an appointment next Tuesday (May 5) at Rocky Mountain Ear Center in Denver for another hearing text, and to see Dr. Kelsall the surgeon about the CT scan results. I can't wait! :)

Thank you! Congratulation for you to get CI too! I can't wait too! :D
That what I am trying talk about. I forget what it was called. Thank you so much! Do you have experience with bone conduction?

Nah I just remembered the sound tests with the various methods, including the bone conduction tests.
Nah I just remembered the sound tests with the various methods, including the bone conduction tests.

Okay.... I just wonder why I took a test with bone conduction on my left ear. That's all.

I have a question for you. I read your post about scuba diving isn't good for implant at below 15 feet deep. Do you think it's okay for me to jump in the pool about least 9 feet?
Okay.... I just wonder why I took a test with bone conduction on my left ear. That's all.

I have a question for you. I read your post about scuba diving isn't good for implant at below 15 feet deep. Do you think it's okay for me to jump in the pool about least 9 feet?

I never said 15 feet deep (Please let me know where I said it, if I did say it, so I can correct it). I said 66 feet deep. My surgeon recommends 66 feet deep for me, but Cochlear Corp says they have tested it to 99 feet deep. You can trust me that it's PERFECTLY safe to jump into the water (that is.. if you know how to swim..:) ). I can even link you to sources if you'd like.
I never said 15 feet deep (Please let me know where I said it, if I did say it, so I can correct it). I said 66 feet deep. My surgeon recommends 66 feet deep for me, but Cochlear Corp says they have tested it to 99 feet deep. You can trust me that it's PERFECTLY safe to jump into the water (that is.. if you know how to swim..:) ). I can even link you to sources if you'd like.

Posts 83? to 86. It was darkage who said 15 feet.
I never said 15 feet deep (Please let me know where I said it, if I did say it, so I can correct it). I said 66 feet deep. My surgeon recommends 66 feet deep for me, but Cochlear Corp says they have tested it to 99 feet deep. You can trust me that it's PERFECTLY safe to jump into the water (that is.. if you know how to swim..:) ). I can even link you to sources if you'd like.

Oops, I am sorry my mistake. Botti found a thread for me. I got it. Whew! it's safe at least 99 feet deep. That's so great! I want to learn how to scuba dive for experience.
Oops, I am sorry my mistake. Botti found a thread for me. I got it. Whew! it's safe at least 99 feet deep. That's so great! I want to learn how to scuba dive for experience.

Oh yea? Make sure you get the medical clearance from your surgeon AND doctor. Even though the Cochlear Corp has tested it to 99 feet, it's better to be on the safe side and go no deeper than 66 feet. However, most of the fun stuff is within 50 feet anyway!!! :)
Oh yea? Make sure you get the medical clearance from your surgeon AND doctor. Even though the Cochlear Corp has tested it to 99 feet, it's better to be on the safe side and go no deeper than 66 feet. However, most of the fun stuff is within 50 feet anyway!!! :)

Yes, I will ask them when I see them for my second appointment. Thank you for advice. :)
Yeah that what I mean. It's new 24 electrodes. The audiologist told me and my husband. The AB is 16 and Med EL is 12. That's why I picked Freedom. Thank you for like my colors! I can't wait to show you a picture of my new CI. I am consider to join member of wordpress blog for my CI journey.

Cool, I'll look forward to your blog and add you onto my blog.

Umm, thats interesting can you show me link to information on this, because all the NUCLEUS 24 I have googled stated it got 22 electrodes. :hmm: and from what i have read it is an older implant, the latest is Freedom implant with Contour Advance electrode (which I have). Correct me if i am wrong, Here's the link below

Cochlear Implants | Cochlear

this is 2009 information.... no mention of 24 Electrodes.
My Doc said I can dive up to 25 metre but I allow 20 metre (66 feet) to be on safe side by the way most of nice diving happens at 10/15 metres anyway. You'll be fine but don't dive too soon after the operation!!
Cool, I'll look forward to your blog and add you onto my blog.

Umm, thats interesting can you show me link to information on this, because all the NUCLEUS 24 I have googled stated it got 22 electrodes. :hmm: and from what i have read it is an older implant, the latest is Freedom implant with Contour Advance electrode (which I have). Correct me if i am wrong, Here's the link below

Cochlear Implants | Cochlear

this is 2009 information.... no mention of 24 Electrodes.

I can't find the link. I will ask my audiologist again when I see her. I was confusing about 22 and 24 between. I might be misunderstand what she said. I guess you're right.
My Doc said I can dive up to 25 metre but I allow 20 metre (66 feet) to be on safe side by the way most of nice diving happens at 10/15 metres anyway. You'll be fine but don't dive too soon after the operation!!

That's good. I will not able to go swim after the operation. I don't know when I will able go back to swim for fun. The doctor will tell me to do.