My first appointment for CI

Hey Pinky, I just wanted to say good luck with your surgery!!! I will be gone in Greece while you have your surgery, so I'll just wish you luck now. :) Hope everything goes perfect!
Hey Pinky, I just wanted to say good luck with your surgery!!! I will be gone in Greece while you have your surgery, so I'll just wish you luck now. :) Hope everything goes perfect!

Thank you! Wow, You're lucky to go Greece. Have a fun and be safe trip. :)
3 days to go!!!!!! I went to pharmacy to picked my 3 medicines today. I have many things to do and get ready for surgery.
I know you must be excited. Just fill you mind with positive thoughts. I wish you all the best.
GOOD LUCK!!!! Make sure you RELAX the night before surgery and try to get some sleep
Good luck !! The big day will be here before you know it !! You will do great and let us know ASAP after you get home (when you are feeling well enough, of course!) how you are doing. :)
Good Luck! Don't worry, it'll go smoothly and quickly! Before you know it, you would be waking up from the surgery. :)
Thank you to all! Yes, I need to take a rest and sleep good tomorrow. I will be home when i get out of hospital. I will come to AD. :)
I want to let you know. I have to be there at hospital tomorrow morning at 9 clock. My surgery is start at 11 clock. I am little nervous with zombine in surgery room. LoL Of course, I will be sleep and not feel nothing. :bye:
I want to let you know. I have to be there at hospital tomorrow morning at 9 clock. My surgery is start at 11 clock. I am little nervous with zombine in surgery room. LoL Of course, I will be sleep and not feel nothing. :bye:

Good luck Pinky! I will look forward to hearing about your adventures when you return. :wave:
I'm so excited and super anxious to hear from you how things went! I'm so happy for you!!
Hope you come on and update soon!!
Only 4-ish more week until your activation(unless you have lucky case like few people get activated in a week or 2)! You'll be in for a huge surprise/shock in your life how loud world is!
I have a bad news! My surgery is postponed. When I was ready for surgery. The doctor and teams came to my unit. The doctor said, "it's bad news. Your surgery is postponed because the cochlear company didn't get in hospital" Everyone apologized to me. I was disappointed! My surgery is tomorrow morning. The Fedex will arrive at 8 in the morning. I have to be there at hospital at 8:30.
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Oh pinky, I am sorry to read that... and I got your PM just now. Lets hope they are implanting you tomorrow.

Will think of you tomorrow. X
I have to take an antibiotics today again. I have little nausea. Argh!