Ladies: would you vote for Palin?

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Then, try to understand why they had to shoot wolves, so you can have squirrels/bambi in your backyard. :)

I have see the map of Alaska... wild animals live far away from houses... They use plane to kill animals there because it´s long way to walk or drive..

Accord the link, you provided that it´s law to shoot bears and wolves in self-protection if they come near your house. .
Yes, I think these people who hunt from the air are cowards to go on foot to hunt.

I have not read any of the links here but from what I know, in my lifetime, it is not legal to hunt and shoot animals from the air. This is obviously a government (Fish and Game Dept.) ordered hunt in order cull out herds of animals that have grown so large that they would have suffered a much greater, horrible fate if left alone.
I have not read any of the links here but from what I know, in my lifetime, it is not legal to hunt and shoot animals from the air. This is obviously a government (Fish and Game Dept.) ordered hunt in order cull out herds of animals that have grown so large that they would have suffered a much greater, horrible fate if left alone.

Original video film from plane - shoot wolf...

YouTube - Brutal: Sarah Palin's Record on Aerial Wolf Hunting

WARNING, it´s not good to see...

from the link in Maria's post. What's hard to understand? This is humane and legal. Nothing cruel. The only thing that's sad and icky is seeing those predators getting killed but it's better than seeing BOTH predator and prey populations going extinct. Like I said - nothing in nature is wasted. With these dead animals laying around, why not use it for something else? scientific research, meat, and fur? It's nothing but a cheap tactic by activists to paint it as "KILLED FOR SPORT.... CRUELTY!!!!...."

Wolves and bears are very effective and efficient predators on caribou, moose, deer and other wildlife. In most of Alaska, humans also rely on the same species for food. In Alaska's Interior, predators kill more than 80 percent of the moose and caribou that die during an average year, while humans kill less than 10 percent. In most of the state, predation holds prey populations at levels far below what could be supported by the habitat in the area. Predation is an important part of the ecosystem, and all ADF&G wolf management programs, including control programs, are designed to sustain wolf populations in the future.

The Alaska Board of Game approves wildlife regulations through a public participation process. When the Board determines that people need more moose and/or caribou in a particular area, and restrictions on hunting aren't enough to allow prey populations to increase, predator control programs may be needed. Wolf hunting and trapping rarely reduces wolf numbers enough to increase prey numbers or harvests.
I guess you didn't understand what I was saying. Read up on culling herds, etc which are government sponsored programs.

Kinda strange people some of you are: You bash Palin for killing animals and you bash her for not wanting to kill human babies.:lol: Maybe the wrong species are being culled? *Tousi slapping self*

Okay, you want the link about Alaska's Heritage/History ? I want you to read everythin' that are in that link. It will explain everythin' you want to know. It's not about Palin, but Alaska life itself.

The second link is not workin'. Will have to find other one that's workin'. Will get that one for you shortly.

Okay, here's a 2nd link: Please, read. :)
I guess you didn't understand what I was saying. Read up on culling herds, etc which are government sponsored programs.

Kinda strange people some of you are: You bash Palin for killing animals and you bash her for not wanting to kill human babies.:lol: Maybe the wrong species are being culled? *Tousi slapping self*

yup! Those are kind of people I'm especially frustrated with - massive inconsistency within one's view on broad scale... misplacement of blame & finger-pointing... illogical reasoning. oh well....
Maria - are you Alaskan native? or you live in Alaska for quite a while?
Well, it is easier to hunt on the plane than on foot. More faster. On foot or on plane... same thing to hunt, no difference.

Perhaps but hunting from a plane is not really hunting, it's murder to me..

Wolves are God's gorgeous creatures, and the video that Liebling posted earlier makes me wanna to cry... :(
I guess you didn't understand what I was saying. Read up on culling herds, etc which are government sponsored programs.

Kinda strange people some of you are: You bash Palin for killing animals and you bash her for not wanting to kill human babies.:lol: Maybe the wrong species are being culled? *Tousi slapping self*

Ooo you're so bad... LOL
Perhaps but hunting from a plane is not really hunting, it's murder to me..

Wolves are God's gorgeous creatures, and the video that Liebling posted earlier makes me wanna to cry... :(

Maria should have said it is easier, faster, cheaper to do this LEGAL (culling) activity, sponsored by the State's Dept of Fish and Game Dept. I can try to explain more via some other examples in Ohio if you want....

Oh, and welcome back; what took you so long? Hahaha
Kinda strange people some of you are: You bash Palin for killing animals and you bash her for not wanting to kill human babies.:lol: Maybe the wrong species are being culled? *Tousi slapping self*

So true. Thanks for pointing that out. :)
oh god.... a video created by overly-sensitive irrational animal activists. Ignoring this one. They just don't understand one bit.

Are you saying that shoot wolf from plane is a false or what?
Are you saying that shoot wolf from plane is a false or what?

no... I'm saying the activists are twisting it to make it looks cruel and unnecessary. Too bad they won't show the video of overpopulation of predators, increased incidents of encounter between predators and humans, dangerously low population of preys...

beside.... what are you worried about? for regular hunters - it is illegal to hunt from planes. it is illegal to hunt animals during off-hunting season. it is illegal to hunt more than allocated limit. it is illegal to hunt protected species.
Are you saying that shoot wolf from plane is a false or what?

It is true AND it is either a government shooter or a shooter contracted by the government to cull the herds. The shooter is not a citizen hunter (unless he is one but doing it illegally).
Kinda strange people some of you are: You bash Palin for killing animals and you bash her for not wanting to kill human babies.:lol: Maybe the wrong species are being culled? *Tousi slapping self*

I find odd that Palin is pro-lifer and support for kill animals for trophy and sport hunting. :hmm:

Anyway, the comparison you made is a fallacious because mothers do not shoot to kill human babies but fetus removal.
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