Just finished reading all the posts and it seems to be the same thing over and over again. First of all, naturally i'm going to be very active in the CI threads, i want to know about other parents with their dhh kids and their experiences with the CI.I am always checking out other topics but why should i post something and then be drilled implanting my daughter. Who said anything about not exposing their child to sign? For now she dosent sign but i've stated numerous times in other posts that we were in the process of learning. We chose to expose her to oral language first and if that is such a crime, so be it. I am glad i chose that route first for her and now we are in the next phase which is signing. I just can't seem to see the problem, she is 6 years old and has good language and speech skills that are going to help her in life and she is still young enough aquire good signing skills. Am i saying that you have to speak in order to make it in this world, no of course not but i am trying to knock down some barriers for her and making sure she has both oral and signing skill. For now it's up to us, the parents to make decisions on our children behalf and make sure we prepare them for life. When she gets older she will be prepared to be apart of what ever she chooses and as long as she has her parents and her famlies love and support by her side, i know she will be just fine. It's not about the deaf world or the hearing world, it's about being an individual and being comfortable in your own skin and i will make sure of that.