It's A Parents Decision

I did not insult any group of people here, i got these facts from different posts here. I come here to the CI forum to discuss CI issues. I wanna thank alldeaf for opening my eyes and getting a taste of what the deaf culture would be like for my thanks. I would never in a million years expose my daughter to the hostility and 1 sided minds that i see here. Whatever she chooses later is up to her but for now no way. I read all i can from this site, thank you again.

You did not insult any group of people.

I believe you are open minded and realize that the deaf community is much broader and more tolerant then some of the people on this board (which by the way is not a Deaf board but a deaf board that welcomes hearing people!).

I totally understand your feelings about Deaf Culture but realize that the larger deaf community also includes the oral deaf community. Please seek out as many members of the deaf community as possible for we found that they were wonderful, compassionate and sharing people who helped us and especially our daughter.

It was their experiences and guidance, patience and understanding that played a big role in our daughter becoming the person she is today-someone who is confident and self-assured but above all cares more about who the person is then how they communicate!

If I can help in any way, please let me know. BTW there is a conference in Sturbridge, MA this summer run by a ci club there that attracts hundreds of ci adults and kids.

All I can say... This is also why I don't post most of time anymore.. No time to argue about the debatic of having cochlear implants and who's best for to get one in an adult ages or child ages...

there's no reason.. you can't just try to change SOMEONE else's mind about what to do with their child or themselves....

Im just shaking my head.... most of people who I Have meet thru in any forums or chat place etc has left.. so

It is parent's decision for their child.
adult decision for themselves.

I just can't make my child/children to make decision on what they want.. This IS NOT a Free for kids to decided on what to spend or so.. I find that a parents has to make lots of pro-cons and make their own decision...

Im not here to compares or so... JUST REMEMBER I AM NOT MAKING ANY COMPARES!!!!!

My son was chemo free and cancer free for two years... If i decide not to do any radiations or Chemo.. He probaby be not here for sure... I have to make a loonngg decision on what to do with his health for future and educating him etc... I have agreed to make my son's health to get better and I promised him that he will feel better but I can't promise him if he lives or die.. all I can do is to make the right decision.. so I did and he went thru a long hard struggles going to dr in two hours drive to hosp from our old house.. all that craps we all been thru... and I STILL think I had make a RIGHT decision for me and the way I grew up for last 6 years with my CI, I have to say It is worth for a child to have Implants whether the other people dislike it or like it the decision.. The parent is a person who's gonna make sure their child gets what their needs.. even doing in both way.. I wish I was implanted earlier so I would have done better and Im waiting to see my surgeon doc on July 16th to find out if I will ever get my 2nd ear done this year :)

this will be my **last reply to anybody** all I will just read and pass and walk away etc. Unless I see something *interesting* to add!

Good night all.
If I can help in any way, please let me know. BTW there is a conference in Sturbridge, MA this summer run by a ci club there that attracts hundreds of ci adults and kids.

Great suggestion. I agree with Rick, whatever you do, don't isolate Kayla from other deaf friends, even if they are only oral ones because shared experiences are pretty important. If you are still interested in exposing Kayla to signing deaf culture, I read an article about a camp that welcomes children with CIs. Here is the link Cochlear implants changing Park District's 'Camp Sign': Day camp for Chicago Sun-Times - Find Articles
I think that probably Chicago is far away from you but I imagine that there will be more and more things like that as the years go by so there will be opportunities without Kayla being looked down upon.
"...By saying that your daughter will get a better education being mainstreamed is basically saying that deaf schools are worthless..."

No, that is not what she is saying, not even close. A choice indicates a preference over other choices and not necessarily that all other possible choices are "worthless".

For example:

When my oldest daughter was deciding on high schools, we looked at Catholic High Schools as an alternative to her public high school. We choose the public school. By your reasoning we deemed Catholic High Schools as worthless. Yet, when we went through the same process with our younger daughter, we chose the Catholic High School. Now according to your reasoning we deemed the public school as worthless.

Instead of choosing, according to your reasoning, contradictory schools, could it possibly be, like most choices parents have to make for their children, you look at what is best for your child?

Again, it all comes back to the fact that there is no one correct way to raise any child, even a deaf one!

She basically said her daughter will get a better education mainstreamed due to most deaf kids graduating with low reading levels and that she got her facts from other posts. How was I supposed to take that?
But Cheri - if a deaf child is born into a HEARING culture, (ie: a hearing family) how are they being "robbed" of anything? I don't see how they simply acquire "deaf culture" just by BEING deaf.

Culture can be defined as:

the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group: the youth culture; the drug culture.
Anthropology. the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another

So wouldn't a deaf child born into a hearing family have a HEARING cultural background - after all that's the background of their parents/family.

The reason I'm asking this is I never could understand the "deaf culture" card being thrown around when the majority of deaf children are NOT born into deaf culture. You can't steal what you never had in the first place.

Thanks so much for expressing what i'm thinking lol.
The forum here is not the only place for the deaf, there's many websites and there is one particular site where several blog entries are linked on on a daily basis.

Deaf Blogs and Vlogs - DeafRead

and here's my blog, Banjo's World

Hopefully, you will find some of these helpful.

Wow, those websites are awesome ! You look so great and out grow up into handsome man ! :) I will read through those of the sites.

Give my warmest regard to Patty. PM me with her email address. I lost contact with her lately.

Thanks !

You did not insult any group of people.

I believe you are open minded and realize that the deaf community is much broader and more tolerant then some of the people on this board (which by the way is not a Deaf board but a deaf board that welcomes hearing people!).

I totally understand your feelings about Deaf Culture but realize that the larger deaf community also includes the oral deaf community. Please seek out as many members of the deaf community as possible for we found that they were wonderful, compassionate and sharing people who helped us and especially our daughter.

It was their experiences and guidance, patience and understanding that played a big role in our daughter becoming the person she is today-someone who is confident and self-assured but above all cares more about who the person is then how they communicate!

If I can help in any way, please let me know. BTW there is a conference in Sturbridge, MA this summer run by a ci club there that attracts hundreds of ci adults and kids.

Wow! Its unbelievable how stories change around here!
She basically said her daughter will get a better education mainstreamed due to most deaf kids graduating with low reading levels and that she got her facts from other posts. How was I supposed to take that?

You read it correctly, shel. This forum seems to be full of posts that contradict what have been said by the very same posters in previous posts.