I admit that I .......

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I admit that GalaxyAngel must have had a great super time playing in a Texas Hold 'Em tournament--wtg!! (way to go) :thumb:
I admit that i love to see this weather in England today .. was white frost over and now it so beautiful sunny add on it with blue sky .. mind you all it still cold thou smile .... does it make me feel alive despite my back still playing up grrr !!... :wiggle: but i shouldn't be doing this :wiggle: since i still have this bad back lol .... this painkillers make me hyper !! heeh ...
Heath said:
Hi Ecevit, I admit here is some sunlight and warm weather , blue skies that make you alive and happy your way!!! Awesome !!!! :) :thumb:
Thanks a million :) buddy :hug:
I admit that I am eating Mexican breakfast burrtios. YUMMIE!
I admit if I had one of Mama2T's mexican burritos, I would end up with gas and farts all day. :fart: Beware!!!

I admit that I had to laugh at Cheri! :rofl: I like it and it is YUMMIE! MMMMMMM!

Cheri said:
I admit if I had one of Mama2T's mexican burritos, I would end up with gas and farts all day. :fart: Beware!!!

I admit that I feel so annoying since my boyfriend pest me all morning, couldn't wait for him go away for short hours.
Anybody need a muffler? Cheri? Mama2A? :thumb:
I admit that I am worry about GA that keep getting miragines often...do you go doctor for it? Please have it check it out. :) Get better! :hug:

GalaxyAngel said:
I admit that I have miragines.. *groan*
I admit that RR and I will be meeting Cheri and DiehardBiker on Friday night for dinner.....
I admit that I'm too sleepy after I ate breakfast I wanna go back to sleep again, ha ha ha.
GalaxyAngel said:
I admit that I have miragines.. *groan*

I admit that i notice you keep having miragines lots, so wonder what had you been eat before your miragines come on .. try to write down the lists what you had eat before it attacked .. it does help to find out maybe it cause by what food you eat like .. Egg, Cheese or Chocolate ( Candy) . if any one of those that has happen to be attack then try cut it down and see if it work okay. Also could be cause by stresses too either , .Or maybe you already know if so am sorry i just want try to help ... hope u feel better soon ...
I admit that I'm resting and surfing around the web, it's raining outside once again. We have seen more than 11 inches of rain this month, yikes!
I admit that I took short nap and we got some rain too! UGH! I've been cleaning the house for like 6-7 hours! CRAZY!!! So it's all CLEAN!! AHHH!!!!

sequoias said:
I admit that I'm resting and surfing around the web, it's raining outside once again. We have seen more than 11 inches of rain this month, yikes!
I admit that I'm in D.C. for work and my family just left after coming to visit for the weekend, and now I'm feeling down in the dumps. :cry:
BoomBoom said:
I admit that I'm in D.C. for work and my family just left after coming to visit for the weekend, and now I'm feeling down in the dumps. :cry:

I admit that i does to understand how you feeling smile :cuddle:
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