I admit that I .......

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I admit that I have to stop this thread page 53.......popluar "I admit that I....."
move to part 2
Move to Part 2 "I admit that I..... "

Hey Mod, let's bring HUGE LOCK... Don't call locksmith release open this door..! :D
Cheri said:
Oh geesh! I had no idea you were hurt badly, I take back the laugh. I'm so shame of myself. I am so sorry I had no idea you were this bad. :( Hugs!!!!

I admit that I need a knock out in the head myself.
Haha, Cheri..im not mad at you for laughin..my hubby was not laughin at me for being hurt, just at my comment that the thorn bush attacked me..hehe.
Im ok, just lickin my wounds and my humiliation haha...thanks for the hugs, sweetie... :hug:
I admit that my 2nd day of work today went by *so* fast. I worked for 7 hours today, but I felt like I only worked for 30 minutes. I love the job already!

I admit that I feel guilty leaving my daughter to my good ol' tired mom. Seeing her looking so tired just makes me feel so bad! I really want to put her in school so she'd be with other children, but mom said NO! It's too early.
Mod Note:

Per request, thread's locked....Part II is now up and continuing this sort of thread.

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