I admit, Part 12

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i admit i havent had downloaded smileycentral for almost 4 yrs now.. i dont like that cuz its adware. sigh..

i admit it rained and rained almost all day.. finally it give up after 3 pm.. so we went to the fair and got home 1 1/2 hours ago.. now we both are TIRED.. worn out! i dont feel good cuz i rode on several rides.. now dizzy badly.. :( but we had fun! :)
I admit that we got SUNNY weather!
<--Happy dance
I admit that I am :hyper: cuz Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is coming on in 15 min! TY! TY! TY! TY!TY! TY!TY! TY! (chanting) :giggle:
i admit i took it easy today...i was online short time this morning but i felt sick so read book all day.. :) now soon will go bed.. :) real cool here tonite.. suppose to be in 40's!!! FALL IS HERE! hoooray! hehe..

i admit i will be busy tmw .. TJ have 2 appts that i need to take him to so will not be back home till tmw afternoon.. so i better go to bed .. have a great nite yall! :)
I admit that I am :hyper: cuz Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is coming on in 15 min! TY! TY! TY! TY!TY! TY!TY! TY! (chanting) :giggle:

I admit that I miss it out from 7 pm to 8 pm of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition oh well but glad watch from 8 pm to 9pm lol cause I thought it was started at 8 pm but oops oh well lol next week will have to watch out for it. :lol::lol:

I admit that I copy Amazing Race not want miss it out cause 2 programs are Amazing Race and xtreme Makeover: Home Edition same at 8 pm so I copy it :lol:
i admit i did watch Extreme Home Makeover. It was good! :)
I admit I watched DENVER BRONCOS last night. One of team vomited grossly on field. And I finished adding my compose in Yahoo! 360.
i admit.. make calls and my knee is healing slowly everyday i finally be able to walk without walker since friday... sorry i havent been here lately been busy w appts and etc..
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