I admit, Part 12

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I admit that I feel so shit. My stomach hurt all day.
I admit that this thread is silly and posters just post in this thread to get their post counts up.
I admit that this thread is silly and posters just post in this thread to get their post counts up.

i admit that the thread is very popular as im sure you can see? from thread 1 to 12 now? :nana:
i admit that the thread is very popular as im sure you can see? from thread 1 to 12 now? :nana:

I STILL admit this thread is silly but also admit that I am amazed at how many people in this thread always have something to admit.
I admit.. im dealing with sharp pains on my knee... am doing ok... have a good wknd...
I STILL admit this thread is silly but also admit that I am amazed at how many people in this thread always have something to admit.

i admit why not?? hehe.. I admit i like doing this! :P
I admit that my ankle seem getting better :) but still hurt when I take it easy walk just like keep my left leg straight not to bend from my knee when it normal walk cuase dont want push my feet on the floor it will pinch that something feel like needle poke my bone ahh. Last night I hit my matress bed on my ankle oww :lol:
I admit that my ankle seem getting better :) but still hurt when I take it easy walk just like keep my left leg straight not to bend from my knee when it normal walk cuase dont want push my feet on the floor it will pinch that something feel like needle poke my bone ahh. Last night I hit my matress bed on my ankle oww :lol:

I admit that I said owwww while I was reading your post. Hope your ankle will be better very soon.
I admit that I think I may got cold :( My throat feel funny! WAHH! I ran to Walgreen, same time got my RX and Niquil. OH well! Niquil always out every time one of us get colds! :pissed: Just on safe side to get it, anyway!
I admit that I said owwww while I was reading your post. Hope your ankle will be better very soon.

I admit that yeah oww painful!! lol in the house I cant use crutches arghh cause of downstair is complianed and called our landlord arghhh so I had to walk to take so easy not too hard :)
i admit i am worn out... my son and i had fun tonite.. we had root beer floats then laughed our azz off for no reason .. we both are tired.. LOL.. go figures.. hehe.. :nana:
i admit it is time for me to go bed so Sweet dreams and dont let the bedbugs bite ya'll! ;)
I admit that I am full from dinner. YUMMIE! Meatloaf, Au Gratin (sp) sour cream and chives (I added shredded cheese) and green beans. Dang I forgot about biscuts! Oh well! :giggle:
I seriously admit that I was supposed to be stduying but am hooked up here on AllDeaf!!

I admit that AD is sure addciting eh? :giggle: Go and try study! What are you study in? IN College?
I seriously admit that I was supposed to be stduying but am hooked up here on AllDeaf!!

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