They were never interesting in learning about the deaf culture, they were only here bragging about cochlear implants on their own child, giving their child an ability to hear. I don't see them taking up the time listening the need to get all the information about the pros and cons of each piece of advice before making an informed decision that feels comfortable for the parents and the child. It's like it's either their way or the highway.
They are interested - believe me. Why would they end up at AllDeaf...???
What you forget is that the decision is already made. Why do you assume it's not an "informed decision that feels comfortable for the parents and the child"... because it is not the choice YOU would make..???
You see....
You're already telling me that my decision was not only wrong - it was not informed....
And that is just the first alinea
I barley see them posting in any other threads expect cochlear implant threads. What does that tell you? It tells me they don't want to learn about the deaf culture, only cochlear implants information.
Not true. There's plenty of activity in other deaf-related forums, just not as much...
Then again, I came here to learn about Deaf culture, and found a lot of misinformation regarding CI.... sure, I focus on that..... The perception that Deaf culture has of CI is distorted...
This is not the case regarding the perception of hearing people towards Deaf culture, or deafness... In general, hearing people don't think about it. I had not been in contact with deaf people until my daughter was born. When I did, did not have a clue. But at least, it was not distorted.
I read the books, I talked to deaf people.... I learned...
You parents only seem to listen and take advices from medical professionals what about deaf adults that experienced every walk in life?
Their experiences are taken into account. And I have to say... most of the are like:
"My childhood sucked because my parents didn't learn sign, so therefore YOU must learn sign." or
"My childhood sucked because I didn't know sign and had to learn to speak, then I discovered sign and my life changed, so therefore YOU must learn sign."
The comparison of growing up deaf without being able to hear (or hear very, very little) and a deaf child growing up being able to hear does not hold...
But there are deaf people that CAN explain about their experiences with CI.... and their stories are most of the time very positive...
Most hearing parents tend to favor concentrating on speech skills and want to mainstream their child, what about sign language? there is a window of opportunity when a child is most receptive to learning language by speech skills and sign language.
Yes... if there's people around that will use sign as well. Signlanguage is beautiful. So is French. I will allow my daughter to learn Dutch and Norwegian first....
You are your child's primary teacher. Learn what you need to know to be an effective advocate and to do a good job in this very important role you must play, even if it means to learn by us too, not just by medical professionals.
That's exactly what I'm doing....
We were hoping you will find the resources we gave you to be useful, but most of you decided to ignored it.
It's time to stop playing the victim, we are only looking out for your child as well as other hearing parents out there, we want to help, but it seems even so most of you don't want our help, then fine be it.
Had it not been useful, I would have been gone a long time ago.
And how are you looking out for my child? How are you relating to hearing parents of deaf children when you say "hearing is overrated" or "there are soo many bad sounds" or "I don't care about hearing" . It shows how you have reduced hearing to something that is not important, which is perfectly understandable when one cannt hear, but not when one is able to hear.
You learned to live with deafness. It is part of your identity. And the wonderful life you have built is tribute to all the work you have done.
But why would you assume that for a deaf person the only way to be happy is by not being able to hear?
Lotte grows up hearing. It will be part of her identity, together with the abcense of sound when she takes the CI off..
THAT is the difference between YOU as a child, and Lotte. She can choose to hear. You had to make hearing a non-issue.