Cannot hear with HAs? So it is all in my head that I am hearing things? Oh my gosh!!!! I am hearing voices, cars, airplanes, music, and more...I have been lied to!!! So my HAs were a fraud? Wow! They did a good job fooling me.
Ah Shel, ya know my loss was in the severe range (lower part) reverse slope to. And I could sometimes hear voices, cars (when walking on my country road they'd be going by me from behind BEFORE I heard them, music (alot of it was awful tho) and I couldn't hear the sirens coming down the street. As with CI's the range of 'success' is different. Or perhaps its the indiviuduals idea of what a 'successful' outcome is. Mine wasn't really all that successful IMO. (with the HA's) You think yours is. To each their own.