Have You Noticed?....( Part 3 )

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Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY get back from work and relax done eat supper from huntin in forest? found good meal CHOMP :p8=========8
LovelyBlkGal said:
You noticed im back on :type: since i get home from done appt hair?

have u notice that LBG and TB got appt for hair same day??:eek:
Have you noticed that i messing with LovelyBlkGurly and TweetyBirdy's hairs! :D

*zoom* *hiding from girls* *whistling*

*giggling* TOF *giggling* <---------evil lady!! wink!!!
TongueOnFire said:
Have you noticed that i messing with LovelyBlkGurly and TweetyBirdy's hairs! :D

*zoom* *hiding from girls* *whistling*

*giggling* TOF *giggling* <---------evil lady!! wink!!!
have u notice that TOF is mess up our hairs so we better put green dye on her hair??? :P
have u notice that LBG and TB sneak to TOF's house and she sleep while we dye her hair then next day she wake up and walk to bathroom and saw mirror *SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* green hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? :rofl:
:rofl: good one TB you

you noticed when TOF get up and saw on mirror said * :squint: i get green on mah hair? *
have u notice that LBG and TB will :whistle: and see TOF come with :madfawk: at us???
have u notice that TOF is growling tmw morning and find out what we say? :rofl:
GROWLING @ TB and Lovely!!!

:fu2: :fu2: :fu2: :fu2: :fu2: :fu2:

Have you noticed that i am gonna to SHAVE you guys' head off as Skinheads :D .. how is that?
Have you noticed that i made Lovely to licking all my :fu2:


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