Have You Noticed?....( Part 3 )

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RedWolf said:
have you noticed i went to visit my friends in new hampshire for a week taking a break from my bitchy roommate?

yep I noticed u had took some time off that's good ;) hope u had fun :D
Have you notice that I am here and DreamDeaf is giving me a piggy back ride. Whoo hooo! What a ride. :mrgreen:

Have you notice that CCSinned have stopped talking dirty? Did momma dearest washed his mouth out with soap? :-o

Have you notice that Tweetybirdie had mayo on her hair. *stomach growling for a sandwich* :mrgreen:

Have you notice that my own sister ^Angel^ put me on hold for an hour? :gossip: (And still counting) maybe she won't answer me until the sun goes down. :-o
Cheri said:
Have you notice that Tweetybirdie had mayo on her hair. *stomach growling for a sandwich* :mrgreen:
have u notice that Cheri wanna eat Tweetybird :eek:? :tears:
Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY sneaky in here? eatin BLT sandwiches n ramen soup :)

Have u notice MLKSHKGRL's kids re so cute? they re adorable ;)
hahahahaa!!! *Buzz* wrong DreamieDeaf.

Have you notice that DreamDeaf is thinking dirty at this moment? Methinks she spends too much time by her desk at work.

Have you notice that Tweetybird's feather puffs out of my mouth? I ate her for lunch, with Mayo, Lettuce and tomatoes, had to cut her in half too cuz my mouth isn't big enough for the tweetybirdie. :whistle:

Have you notice that Punkywofly sneak in here without permission?

Have you notice that Raging Quiet isn't quiet anymore she snored last night in her sleep soo deep, and loud. Ohio had an earthquake. :-o

Have you notice Tongueonfire's tongue is burning up some peppers. Methinks she gotta passed gas soon. Don't lighten up anything yet!
Cheri said:
Have you notice that Tweetybird's feather puffs out of my mouth? I ate her for lunch, with Mayo, Lettuce and tomatoes, had to cut her in half too cuz my mouth isn't big enough for the tweetybirdie. :whistle:
:tears: have u notice that cheri has cut my body half!!???
Cheri said:
hahahahaa!!! *Buzz* wrong DreamieDeaf. Have you notice that DreamDeaf is thinking dirty at this moment? Methinks she spends too much time by her desk at work.

Have you noticed that since she ate TB, she HAS become a pussy eater? Me thinks she hasnt waken up yet.
You noticed I get ready go work for blue nite? :-o zoom outta here! will be home on lata tonite
Cheri said:
Have you notice that CCSinned have stopped talking dirty? Did momma dearest washed his mouth out with soap? :-o

TweetyBird said:
have u notice that my peck knock in cheri's stomach?
Have you noticed My pecker is knocking on Cheri's belly :naughty:
Dang... have you noticed I'm in love with my CheriTree's cherry pink kiss avatar?

Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY get ready zoom to work? will ck out tonite WOOF WAGGIN AWROOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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