Have you got stiches or broken on white cast?

FreeWoman77 said:
wow, too many lists u have stitches, surgery n broken
about delivering babies, both my girls, it was like a soapy, in few hrs I got up and walked fine to see my girls :lol:
I agree with ur mom, when i was little girl I might always start in trouble with my younger sister, she has stitches on her forehead and eyebrow my fault, my mom lighted off I got up and wake sister up, we walked to the door to check where are mom and dad I saw my mom was walking toward to our door I turned and pushed my sister to hurry running I guess I was pushing her too hard she was too little hardly to run fast and falled hit the metal pail, lucky not hit her eye :( my mom saw whole happened cuz she already lighted on I knew it but lasted to run and push my sister in hurry to avoid getting spanked :lol:
now I got 2 girls, older daughter got happened many, most is miracle, she was climbing on dresser on top of it was TV there in our bedroom I was folding and talking with girls's father somewhat my eye caught TV gotta to fall off slowly I have to get up quickly but dresser is falled off along with TV too my weak to push my older girl got pressed by both her father pushed TV I got girl out thank god there wasnt footboard, our bed, we let only matress on floor no head/foot boards if footboard's there she would have got broken her back from heavy TV but soft mattress sigh*
and she, was 3 y.o. then, jumped off the balcony/patio from 2 floor, 20 ft height I was working in the early morning she woke up didnt see dad sleeping covered the comfort she thought alone home she knew where my work at, door was locked she didnt know how to open i dont know where her mind comes up to go patio/balcony to jump off :( she got only few scratches on her ribs from bricks falling off the patio no broken bones :shock: only bleeding in her urine for 3 days Dr believed her kidney bruise from hitting on her side on the grass and guess what? she got up and run across street to.. sorry long story

your daughter jumped off from the 2nd floor????? oh my god! that has got to be scary!!!!!!! whew glad she's okay! OH god don't tell me she got hit by a car??
RebelGirl said:
your daughter jumped off from the 2nd floor????? oh my god! that has got to be scary!!!!!!! whew glad she's okay! OH god don't tell me she got hit by a car??

nope, returned home safe no harm, every time i see her sleeping right next to me I always :tears: thank God

Sheesh, :shock: I would freaked out if either of my children fell off the second floor level or higher. I'm glad that your daughter made it through. That is one scary moment I believe. :Ohno:
Me too..I got a weak ankle too! So far I am more careful because I sprained TWICE last year. UGH!

SherryCherish said:

I have many scars too..

Broken bone....

2 yr old, leg broken by my cousin jumped on my leg

my little finger (12 yr old) from old fashion window shutted on my finger

12 yr old, arm broken from jumped other bar to monkey bar (i'm guts!)

Stitiches? well i never had that before,

But, got c-section with my first preggy. with stappled

I got many sprained ankle (right ankle) 6 times! (weak ankle!)

thumb (hairline almost like sprained) accidently bent when drop a big heavy box.


I been gone many ER when i was young. My bro and i always fight about bathroom, that time was only one bathroom. somehow, he slammed the door while my finger got caught. And, always running to the glass screen door, always shattered the glasses with my hands all the time.. (oops my parents been paying new glasses all the time) And always bite my tongue everytime i ran and jump. (alots blood!) But no stitiches in that either.

Beside i had gal bladder stone, did has laser surgery (very tiny scars)
Cheri said:

Sheesh, :shock: I would freaked out if either of my children fell off the second floor level or higher. I'm glad that your daughter made it through. That is one scary moment I believe. :Ohno:

yes, i couldnt forget it sure scared me s**t out when her father paged me that older daughter is missing or kidnapping I got freaked out asked boss to replace and rushed to leave on my way driving i was already crying..
I have few stitches. During summer time, when I was 9 years old, my mother, myself and her friends went on a boat for a ride then park the boat the the deck. We all got off. I was running around on the deck. It was kinda alittle dark. I couldn't see the edges of the deck. I run and jump around. The next thing, I was holding the deck and saw the water below me. I screamed, my legs were kicking in the air. They saw me and pull me up, my knee were bleeding all over on my leg. They drove us to the hospital in speed. I hated the hospital. They had to tied me down on the bed because I was banshee!! My mother kept telling me it will be alright it will be alright. BS it wasn't. I had alot of stitches on my knee. I wasnt allow to swim at the camp for a week.

Other is on my head, I was so drunk at Gally in 1987. I was so mad at someone because she said "bullsh*t" I blew my temper. I had to chase her down the hallway, she had her knee surgery a day before. (tsk on me). She was trying to find a dorm room that was open, so she can go in without having me HURT her. The door was open, she bursted in the room and slap the door on my face. I was banging the door. Two girls from the same floor, put their hands on my arms to pull me away from the door. I struggled to be free and did but hit my head on other side of the hallway doorway. It was only 4 stitches.

I had 3 surgeries -- Oral, Gallbladder and CI.
Cheri said:
I had another stitches the tip of my middle finger, I slam the door on my finger when I was shoveling the snow early in the morning that my mom ordered me to do before she had to go in work, I was half sleep and slam my finger right in the doorway and I pulled it out and it cut open, bleed everywhere.

make me feel goosebump and remind me that at my junior school that little boy got slam the door on his finger in the middle it was painful so he has to rush to go hopstial later on he had no nail in it just a skin. and still right now no nail :)
RebelGirl said:
Interesting thread here!

When I was born, I had a broken collarbone from the dr using the forcep to pull me out

At age 4, I was running in the house and fell on the bicycle peddle (metal ones) cut my forehead.. had to have 5 stitches.. that scar is still there

Broke my nose from walking behind a batter.. she was swinging the bat and hit me...

At age 6, was running in the house.. YES AGAIN! hit my head on the corner of the coffee table.. on my forehead in the hairline area.. 4 stitches

Broke my big toe from running in the house and my big toe went underneath my foot and broke it

Age 7, I was hiding from my mom and dad. I hid in my dad's camper which he was building. there was a metal piece sticking up and i sat on it.. cut my ass.. 2 stitches.. Deaf Monkey.. you're not alone!!!

Age 13, broke my ankle from playing basketball.. I jumped to get the basketball from the air and landed my right foot on someone else's foot and twisted it. no cast.. just foot brace for 3 weeks and on crutches

Age 15, broke my upper nose from a softball.. it was a fly ball and the sun was blocking it and I didn't see it coming.. and hit my nose

Age 16, I torn a ligament in my knee from playing volleyball, on crutches for a month

Age 18, had my 4 wisdom teeth taken out

Age 21, broke my nose again for the last time! Playing softball in Gallaudet.. blindspot from the sun

Broke my little pinkie finger from hitting the concrete floor, I got pissed off at my ex husband cuz he was calling me names and hit the concrete floor.. stupid of me!

Age 25, broke my same pinkie finger.. landed on my hand trying to catch the ball in the outfield (softball)

Age 30, just last year.. I had surgery.. appendicitis.. 3 small cuts just like getting your tube tied

for those of you talking about staples, stitches and c-section, I had my baby naturally, no stitches, no tear.. :shock:

But what can I say??? I'm a dangerous girl... I guess I'm definitely a tomboy..:dunno:

NOW my daughter is taking that after me.. and is giving me a heart attack! My mom told me one day " see how I feel? I had to put up with all your injuries when you were younger, now you're next, taking care of your baby and she's dangerous already!" :squint:

My daughter has already had stitches in 4 different places and a broken arm.. she's only 8! :Ohno:

ouchie dangerous woman :)..

Ahhhhhh whew I am not the only one about their ass whew! :lol:

ah thanks for word said "DECK" that when I was 15 or 16 yrs old in cottage. I was walk on the stone rock like a sidewalk from the deck to cottage and I was just walk slow but flip on my foot from the rock that my foot was under the rock, flip and hit the porch really harder and got my skins peel off and didnt crying just like ow ow ow ow like a whinning :lol: so my step father cleaning out on my leg of skin then cover the patch of white to stay away from the dirty.

in my eyes oh man one of it stupid!! lol when I was teenager at the cottage and want to make a tree house so I use hammer on the wood without safety glasses on and it got piece of wood stuck in my eye so my mom had rush me to the hopstial till the doctor check my eye and said there is nothing in my eye then I was :|:| yes it is there!!! in my eye so back to cottage still itch itch itch in my eye till 9 pm at night time so my mom had take me back to hopstial and different doctor which the doctor was soooooo damn cute!! so I let him to check my eye till found there are piece of wood in my eye then take them out then put white patch my eye for 24 hours cause of cream in my eyes.

At my old work while I was doing on grind of metal and I did use safety glasses on but the piece of metal was stuck in my eyes under in my safety glasses geez ! hehehe in few times which I hate it haha.. still stuck in my eye till my grandmother took me to hopstial in Hamilton, Ontario and the 2 doctors one is normal doctor and one student doctor which the student doctor soooo damn cute so I let him staring at my eye to checking out and other doctor too check my eye ahh there are strach in my eye that bother me till they ask me if i did take a shot of tetanus (sp) ??? I told them no I havent so they shot my arm to stay away from dirty infection.
Rebel wow damn girl! haha..

Angel, interesting. I was planned go natuaral birth. Baby was into right direction and his head won't turn for go natuarl birth, and push back in. Had to gone emergency c-section. The staple usually take up to 3 weeks but all HEAL inside in my stomach take me one year and half. Barely see the scar. Its bottom from belly button. (hate sctrech marks LOL)

Mama... Yeah i hate it I love to curled my leg and sit. Always sore on my ankle. Spoiled from jumped on tampoline with my ex boyfriend. He accidently stomped on my ankle. Its HURT! After that, keep has weak ankles every since.

Rebel oh goshh.. My son fell down the stair, which a boy let him from my old apartment. Gosh wish i could hear but its too late. Good thing my son didn't go through hole of fence from 2nd floor. But only stair, had to stay overnight at hospital with a small bleed in brain. Hes fine now.

I forgot to add.. I got about 4 bee stings in my right lid of eye. Damn it got swollen fast and hurted. Its look like i had black eye. My glasses can't even fit cuz of swollen in the way. Geeez.. Had that black eye for 2 weeks!!
ohh yeah.. its painful with a bee sting in the eye area, huh? I had 1 wasp that stung me right at the tip of the corner of my eye 3 years ago. my eye was completely shut and black n blue. it was like that for about 2 weeks too. everyone thought i got into a fight.. :giggle:
RebelGirl said:
NOW my daughter is taking that after me.. and is giving me a heart attack! My mom told me one day " see how I feel? I had to put up with all your injuries when you were younger, now you're next, taking care of your baby and she's dangerous already!" :squint:

My daughter has already had stitches in 4 different places and a broken arm.. she's only 8! :Ohno:
oh yea.. she take after u!!!!! now ur turn!! :lol: your mom is right abt that... my mom told me that someday when i have kid then hope that my baby is stubborn alike me!!!! i gulped! :lol:
:) I had two C sections with both my daughters. The first one, I had stitches, and then, the second one, I had staples.

The next time, I had a hernia repair procedure done, I had 8 stitches with that procedure. :)
^Angel^ said:
Very interesting...

Is your C-section cut looks like a cut below your belly button to all the way down near ummm...*ahem* *coughs*.....Goodness how do I say this?... :Oops: ummm.... help me here.... :giggle:

Mine is pretty long and I'm surprise to hear that one of my friend just have a little cut sideways but mine doesn't.... :-o
LOL no it didn't go all the way down there to my ummm ya know where :P :lol:
don't get jealous! I broke my first and only bone while doing body surfing at Sandy Beach along Windward Oahu! That beach is known as killer beach! I had a blast 5 weeks in Oahu, Hawaii, but the last 4.5 weeks was wearing cast! Sigh! Do I miss Hawai'i? Hell yes! I don't mind go down there again!
diehardbiker65 said:
don't get jealous! I broke my first and only bone while doing body surfing at Sandy Beach along Windward Oahu! That beach is known as killer beach! I had a blast 5 weeks in Oahu, Hawaii, but the last 4.5 weeks was wearing cast! Sigh! Do I miss Hawai'i? Hell yes! I don't mind go down there again!

I didn't know you were a surfer or went to Hawaii before, :-o
wow you all have alot of stitiches.... especially Rebelgirl and ^Angel^... :jaw:

I was hitted by car when I was 2 years old. My few ribs is fractured and spleen was damaged, they have to remove spleen from me. I have no spleen but I still have 2 scars on my body is one on tummy and c-section to deliver Danny out to world after 36 hours pain labor. It nearly killed me or Danny so they HAD to operate to deliver Danny out.

See the picture what I have 2 scars...

Also scar on middle between thumb and finger... 5 stitches... rollstakes accident... I rollstakes and fall down and broke glass on the street hit my hand... almost hit the nerves.

The bone of my right wrist was fractured when I was 9 years old by stair accident then again next to right elbow was fractured by bicycle accident 2 years after wedding and right ankle to feet was fractured by stair accident in 2000... 3 months before I flied to Sinpagore and Australia with my family...
Woah... You people got some stories to tell!

I got stitches on:

* my chin/jawline (I did post a thread "Show of your scars" about my stitches along with the LONG story about my jawline scars) which occured when I was 8 yr old to mend a 2-year-old injury.

* my eyebrow (I walked into a schooldoor's threshold in a hurry to go out for recess in third grade. Blood did gush out... fun fun!),

* the gum around my four wisdom teeth (the stitches FINALLY came out two weeks ago. now you can see scars on my gum...)

* Two times on the stitch job for my chin after two incidents of falling off my bicycle when I was a youn'un. Bicycles got me plenty of hospital visits.

I never broke any bones. I did sprain PLENTY, although.
I forgot to add few more...I have scar on my throat from breathing tube when I was about 3 years old...I was tooo sick and almost died. So they had to put me on breathing tube. I also have small scar on my chin...hard to see...that was from skiing and thanks to my ex boyfriend..he took off T-bar and I got hit with T-bar grr! Nurse wanted me go ER and I told her I don't need to because it is not that DEEP! So she fed up and put butterfly on it...it worked. And surgery scar on my left ear. Next probably will be CI.