oh ewwww butterflyGirl .. I never had staples for stiches shudders! eww lol ..
I never forgot that I use staple at high school need to staple on the wall but I got wrong one and it caught staple in my thumb and I was said OUCH!!!!!! didint scream just yelled said OUCH!!!! and cant take it out so had to go to small imfarmy (spelling) maybe GA know spelling from in ECD school hehe so the nurse took it out of my thumb from staple.
when I was ummm 14 or 15 cant remember that time I was soooooooo bored at home so I have an idea why I grab barbie so I can play around with the hair so i went into my sisters' bedroom with the dark light that i wont turn on to wake them up so i grab barbie doll under the drawer which cant see where is the barbie and it got cut my skin on my thumb and I was mute yelled ouch cant use my voice not want to wake them up and got lots of bleed so I had to clean up with the bleed till finally stop and I can see my thumb of scar lol.
cant remember what my age was that time I was went with my sister's friend house and her friend's mother totally forgot put rack away for bbq that you put something on metal for hambuger or hot dog or else that she forgot put away that I was ran and didnt see it till got cut my arm so she was used to be nurse and fix my arm. My friends said that look like stiches so i told them no not stiches eheh.
when I was 6 yrs old I was ride my first bike and got fell off strach my arm owww I can see my skin look awful cause of the road are rough.
when I was 6 yrs old and my mom asked me to take the garbage bag out so I took the garbage bag out but caught cut my leg owww then my mom warning me there are glass in the bag and i told her it already cut my leg and didnt tell me before I take the garbage out grrr at my mom lol
When I was 11 years old. I saw there woman shave so I wanna to try myself to shave my right leg bit too fast and got cut the skins off and I was bit scream said owww then I am telling my mom then she said what happened???? so I said it was remolde of bathtub/shower that not finish to fix it then my mom blame her ex husband for not finish fix the bathtub/shower cause we got new bathtub/shower but :Oops: oops hahaha
Sound like I am so freak!!! lol 2 or 3 of my friends said I am freak! lol cause I get too many hurt lol