God Versus Satan

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Well, like God said to Noah, " I am sorry to made those people", why? their evil and wickedness. Jesus said to Judas, " It would be better if you weren't born", why? Bec Judas refusal to accept Him. Here is the problem. We are not in Heaven, the day of creation, the world is perfect, when Adam and Eve sinned, the world tarnished and sin invade. Why sacrifice? Why the blood is needed? Bec that represent life, fruit and veg doesn't. That is the only way we can get to God and have intercession, till when Jesus came from Heaven to become human like us, for sacriflicial death, that is what? B L O O D. Why? to cover our sins? Why thats the only forgiveness we can recieve. Without the blood, that so call unpardonable sin, why? There is no blood and sin expose to Holiness. Does God want to kill 1st born? No. Who pay the consequence of rebellion? Pharoah. Not God. The problem I see, in here, by blaming God, bec have no clue who is God and the point what God is trying to do. Look like wrong perspective who God is by using in human terms and not getting the point about the difference about people killing each other, and God destroy the wickedness. Jesus was there when Egypt was defeated, Jesus was there and talk with Abraham, Jesus was there in fiery furnance with Shadrach, Meshach and Obednego (Daniel's time). Where did it say Jesus was there? Jesus said to religious leader, " Have you not read, I was there with Abraham." What did religious do? They were furious and called Jesus blasphemer. Psalmist wrote, again quote, " My Lord (Father) said to my Lord (Jesus)...." Think about it. The problem human have no clue the point God is saying.
Well, like God said to Noah, " I am sorry to made those people", why? their evil and wickedness. Jesus said to Judas, " It would be better if you weren't born", why? Bec Judas refusal to accept Him. Here is the problem. We are not in Heaven, the day of creation, the world is perfect, when Adam and Eve sinned, the world tarnished and sin invade. Why sacrifice? Why the blood is needed? Bec that represent life, fruit and veg doesn't. That is the only way we can get to God and have intercession, till when Jesus came from Heaven to become human like us, for sacriflicial death, that is what? B L O O D. Why? to cover our sins? Why thats the only forgiveness we can recieve. Without the blood, that so call unpardonable sin, why? There is no blood and sin expose to Holiness. Does God want to kill 1st born? No. Who pay the consequence of rebellion? Pharoah. Not God. The problem I see, in here, by blaming God, bec have no clue who is God and the point what God is trying to do. Look like wrong perspective who God is by using in human terms and not getting the point about the difference about people killing each other, and God destroy the wickedness. Jesus was there when Egypt was defeated, Jesus was there and talk with Abraham, Jesus was there in fiery furnance with Shadrach, Meshach and Obednego (Daniel's time). Where did it say Jesus was there? Jesus said to religious leader, " Have you not read, I was there with Abraham." What did religious do? They were furious and called Jesus blasphemer. Psalmist wrote, again quote, " My Lord (Father) said to my Lord (Jesus)...." Think about it. The problem human have no clue the point God is saying.
How can God be sorry about making those people? He knew what they were going to do when he created them.
So, Jesus was suicidal?

Would you call firemen suicidal? Would you call policemen suicidal? Reba had a good point on firemen. ;)

If God killed millions of people, who do we really blame? Blame the people? God put these people on Earth. He knew what they were going to do. He's willing to let them come to Earth anyway to kill other people that were innocent... which he also put on Earth. I bet those innocent people are thinking, "God, you knew that bad man was going to kill me. So, why put me on Earth in the first place? If you put me on this Earth to live, then why waste your time sending that bad man to Earth?"

God did not made this to happened, We were all born under the same sin of Adam and Eve.

God put people on earth give them free will and hope that they will choose the more righteous path. It's the people who chosen to abuse their free will. All sin is bad and all sin crucified Jesus, not only those who murder others, whether it be stealing, lying, cheating everyone will be judged by God, every deed done will be brought to light and receive judgment. Even through God loves us all but hates the sin, it's up to us to have a relationship with God, ask for forgiving for the sins we committed then that sin would be forgotten by God. Make sense? ;)
Would you call firemen suicidal? Would you call policemen suicidal? Reba had a good point on firemen. ;)

God did not made this to happened, We were all born under the same sin of Adam and Eve.

God put people on earth give them free will and hope that they will choose the more righteous path. It's the people who chosen to abuse their free will. All sin is bad and all sin crucified Jesus, not only those who murder others, whether it be stealing, lying, cheating everyone will be judged by God, every deed done will be brought to light and receive judgment. Even through God loves us all but hates the sin, it's up to us to have a relationship with God, ask for forgiving for the sins we committed then that sin would be forgotten by God. Make sense? ;)
So, you're saying...

God: "Here you go. You're born. You're free. Now, go kill yourself or get yourself killed!" *waves good-bye*
Please leave God´s son Jesus out of this thread because he has nothing do with killings.

God didn't say to tell me to leave His Only Begotten Son out of this thread. IF, you tell me to leave Jesus out of this thread, then you are tellin' me to leave the TRUTH out of this thread. Why would you tell me to leave the Truth out of this thread ? Jesus is not a murderer, neither is God. Jesus is LOVE, so is God. Jesus is forgivin', so is God. Jesus is the Creator, so is God.

I made God a liar? It´s author of the bible who says that God killed the people, not me...

Yes, you made Him a liar, because you accuse Him as a murderer for killin' people. God IS the Author of the Holy Bible. You HAVE TO show me where it stated in the bible that God is a MURDERER. Show me the scriptures that God confessed that He is. He loves you soo much to die on the cross to purchase YOU thru His Blood, so you can have an eternal life with Him -- but, you refused to accept Him as your personal Saviour - the One who is God, the One who left Heaven to die.
Looks like we will be here in this thread until the Rapture! Well, I guess that's better than me going 70 mph on the freeway during this event; I wouldn't want my vehicle harming someone EVEN if they are staying behind! :fingersx:
Judas bought blood with money. ;) It can go either way.

If your'e talking to me, your'e not making sense; I am not a sell-out; the ones left behind made that decision with their own free will.
Hypocrisy means to say one thing and do another. Where is the hypocrisy?

Accord your post #469.

God never did "the same thing" as any human (which human do you mean anyway?).

I do not need to repeat. Go back and re-read my previous posts.

Yes, that is interesting. You are correct that I never use the word "okay". The word is "OK".

OK and okay are the same thing. :)

I'm not correcting your grammar. I'm correcting your content. Your content was erroneous. You claimed that I said something that I didn't say.

I didn't say that you correct my grammer but said that I have to correct my short English grammar myself. :)

I'm an ADer, too, and I also am understanding. (We are getting personal, and off topic, I'm afraid.) What's wrong with stating facts? (I thought you were the one that always emphasized how "factual" you are.)

Yes it's nothing wrong to state facts but you took one side, not both sides. All what I see is you support Government, not see people's feeling. Yes I'm for facts but I take both sides to listen what the people feeling and fact. Yes I realized that we begin to get personal and :topic: here. I apologized that I brought :topic: up toward your post in first place to get bit personal which I should not.

I explained that he broke the law. That's a fact. Military people understand that.

Yes you explained facts but not look his feeling. Sure, Military accepts both facts and feeling.

With due respect, I would not provide the link from other thread over here.

So? You and some ADers disagree with me; so what? I thought debate was allowed.

Yes, I see no problem to have open mind and good debate as long as there're no bash, insult and disrespect. :)

I guess I don't need to make a reply since you've already answered for me (or so you think).

Yes this is your answer on your post #290 - Firstborns have to die because Pharaoh choose to disobey God and not let the Jews leave Egypt. Blame Pharaoh. You has no feeling for innoncent firstborns but blame Pharaoh for that... Pharaoh did not killed firstborns but God.

OK. So how did my posts about Iraq and deserters get involved in this? I sure didn't bring it up.

Yes, I just admitted that it's me who brought this subject up. Now I am asking you the same to not bring :topic: issue self-defense, combat, manslaughter, abortion, euthanasia etc to add here where that form of killings God did not to the people.

No, I didn't.

Now you know that God killed the people... :)

Several times I agreed that "kill is kill", just as dead is dead. I disagreed that all killing is murder, and I gave you examples. That's not twisting your words. That's explaining that some killings are murders, and some are not. I don't understand your problem with that.

What you brought the examples is :topic: which is not relate this thread here because the form of killings what God did not to the people.

Let me get this straight. If I post a link that agrees with my viewpoint, that's not using logic. But if you post links from every Tom, Dick, and Harry on Google, that's "logical".

That would be "I"... which is God.

It's like parents and their kids.

The father could leave the gun on the desk or the mother could leave a sharp knife on the kitchen counter.

If their kids were to get a hold of those weapons and harm someone... who gets the blame?

The same goes for the tree. If the tree was not to be touched, why allow the tree to be sitting there for the whole world to see and for anyone to pick from?

Exactly!!! Blame God, not Eve and Adam. :)
Would you call firemen suicidal? Would you call policemen suicidal? Reba had a good point on firemen. ;)

Nope, firemen have fire protection clothes and helmut to protect from the fire. If they don't have any protection to wear or do something then is a suicidal.

Policemen have something to protect/defend themselves... If they don't have any protection to wear or do something then is a suicidal...

Can you show me where/how Jesus protect himself? I see none... He could pray his father for protection but he didn't. What is this?

Cheri's post
God did not made this to happened, We were all born under the same sin of Adam and Eve.

God put people on earth give them free will and hope that they will choose the more righteous path. It's the people who chosen to abuse their free will. All sin is bad and all sin crucified Jesus, not only those who murder others, whether it be stealing, lying, cheating everyone will be judged by God, every deed done will be brought to light and receive judgment. Even through God loves us all but hates the sin, it's up to us to have a relationship with God, ask for forgiving for the sins we committed then that sin would be forgotten by God.

I'm afraid yes, it's God who made this happened in first place, not Eve & Adam. I know you are on the bible's side so I show you the link of Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden?, I provided in my previous post.

God did not want Adam and Eve to sin. God knew ahead of time what the results of sin would be. God knew that Adam and Eve would sin, and would thereby bring evil, suffering, and death into the world. Why, then, did God put the tree in the Garden of Eden and allow Satan to tempt Adam and Eve? God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden to give Adam and Eve a choice. God allowed Satan to tempt Adam and Eve to force them to make the choice. Adam and Eve chose, of their own free wills, to disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit.


Who is the responsible?

And other question... As what the God said that he give Eve and Adam free choice but why he throw them out of Garden then? He should not do that in first place but warn and make sure their safety instead of give them free choice...

Make sense?

I ask you the same... :)
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Yes, you made Him a liar,

Where have I say to make him a liar? Did I said that he made false impression?

because you accuse Him as a murderer for killin' people.

I did not accuse him as a murderer but label him as a murderer because the bible say... This is a difference. :)

God IS the Author of the Holy Bible.

How do you know that God is the author of your bible since we have many bibles... which right bibles?

You HAVE TO show me where it stated in the bible that God is a MURDERER.

Okay, here is link, then you can see the list of scriptures in this link to compare with your bible..

Murder in the Bible

Show me the scriptures that God confessed that He is.

He don't have to confess that he is a killer because he is a God and allow to do what he wants. :)

He loves you soo much to die on the cross to purchase YOU thru His Blood, so you can have an eternal life with Him -- but, you refused to accept Him as your personal Saviour - the One who is God, the One who left Heaven to die.

Who die for love is a suicidal. I don't support suicidal. :)

OR God sent his son to earth as a sacrifice for us?

Good question...Why can't God just forgive sin, instead of demanding justice?

I have a friend who has recently turned Agnostic, and in a debate with him about the existence of a loving God, a few questions were brought up that I could not answer. The most thought-provoking questions were, "If God is all-powerful and all-forgiving, why must he send his son to die for our sins. Couldn't God just forgive the sins without sending his son down in human form to die? So what, so God dies for a few hours, how does that in any way forgive a sin..." And on and on... You get the idea. Of all the people in the world, this is one man I do not want to see reject God, and being of a philosophical mind, there is no other way to show him the truth but through theological interpretation of this Truth. I would greatly appreciate any response you could give me. Thank You.

Why can't God just forgive sin, instead of demanding justice?

No wonder why I am consider to become to be an Agnostic...
I noticed something amiss here too, Liebling..
what happened to your stauch supporters like Yiffzer
and Xenter? You like their theories and comments, dont ya?
Havent seen them for awhile so i wonder whatever
happened to them....mmm. Do you miss them?
:ugh3: You think you're on to something, but you're not.

And I'm still waiting for anyone to respond to my last post.
:ugh3: You think you're on to something, but you're not.

And I'm still waiting for anyone to respond to my last post.

Im surprised that Liebling didnt answer your question since she
is she is so knowledgeable, heh!! ASK HER!!
Im surprised that Liebling didnt answer your question since she
is she is so knowledgeable, heh!! ASK HER!!
Except for the fact that the question wasn't directed at Liebling. It was for any christians who are not aware of the history of religion and how it came about.

An inscription in the Vatican states plainly, "He who will not eat of my body, nor drink of my blood, so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved." This is not terribly surprising, unless you consider that this is inscribed on the remains of the temple the Vatican was built on- one dedicated to the God Mithras. Mithras was a solar deity whose worshippers called him redeemer; his religion died out not long after the advent of Christianity.

Such eerie parallels between the pronouncements of Jesus and Mithras are not the only similarities between the two religions. Mithras was known to his followers as "The light of the world," or "The Good Shepherd," and exhorted his followers to share ritual communion meals of bread and wine. His preists were called "Father."

Mithras was also born in a cave, with shepherds in attendance, on the twenty-fifth of December. (Alternatively, he is assisted in his birth from a stone by shepherds.)

Are these just coincidences? Absolutely not.
More Here

It is not probable that one modern Christian out of one hundred thousand knows that centuries before the time of Christ the nations annually celebrated the death and resurrection of Osiris, Tammuz, Attis, Mithra, and other gods.
More Here

Any response from you christians? (This is the third time I'm posting this relevant information)
Im surprised that Liebling didnt answer your question since she
is she is so knowledgeable, heh!! ASK HER!!

Xentar's question is for Christian believers only... Re-read his post. Should I answer him for you? No Way.. You do it yourself because you claim in previous posts that you are a Christian... then answer him yourself.

I already responsed to agree some of his posts which is good enough... If I say something then tell him myself..., not for you.
Xentar's question is for Christian believers only... Re-read his post. Should I answer him for you? No Way.. You do it yourself because you claim in previous posts that you are a Christian... then answer him yourself.

I already responsed to agree some of his posts which is good enough... If I say something then tell him myself..., not for you.

I will let other Christians like Reba, CyberRed, etc answer him,
not me.
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