God Versus Satan

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Yes, I am the mother of my own children I will not throw my children out, Why would I? I love my boys unconditional, they will get punished for something they did wrong, I will not throw them out, God also love each one of us unconditional, and he punished those who do wrong, No differences. ;)

Good, but Eve and Adam were kicked out of the garden because they disobeyed God... Why punish them harshly that´s because they made a mistake or they are naughty... Why can´t God discipline them Eve & Adam are like children because they are very new and naive couple and develop new things everyday...

But, I'm a sinner the same way my children are sinners, no differences. God is the one without a sin, so therefore don't compare people, me, to God.

No matter either sin or not sin...

I am still focus to know more about sin...

I know, and as I see, they don't picture God like we do. They are looking just in "religions' view other than who God really is and purpose of. So what people behaving putting God as the similar behavior, that's where they got problem and missing the whole point.

The problem is they created their own religions and beleive in differently...

There´re plenty of websites, the people focus to see the logic...
Yes, but, How hard it is to quote each line of sentence that you want to reply on? Unless You're too lazy to do that?

lazy? :confused: quote each is more work than just quote one of post.

Oh Whatever, I'm not going to keep going at it with you, Jesus came to save us, does it mean anything to you? Jesus said in his words: “I am the bread of life,” “the light of the world,” “the resurrection and the life” which means he is God, so therefore God took his life in his hands for us. You'll never understand it unless you study it to get the knowledge of the real meaning of God, how God loves us, he's not a murder like you said he was. End of discussion. :)

Oh yes I understand because I was raised by Roman Catholic Religion Grandparents and learn awful alot from them and also of course learn from JW people, I was grow up with and went same school... and also learn about religion history at school that´s why I know a lot about biblical history... Yes I thought the exact same as you that´s time and was too blind to label Eve and Adam as bad people... until saw logic... I need to open mind and collect more experiences from anywhere and look at both ways than depend on one bible all the time... I can´t change your mind but yourself...

It has nothing to do with who's side I am on, I already know about Adam and Eve's, There's no needed for me to read again. :ugh:

That´s problem is that you refuse to look at it and still blame Eve and Adam... I only look who planted the tree in first place and how/what/why etc... before Eve and Adam...

Again, God WARNED them. Just like how it is in AllDeaf, Alex warned us about the rules of his forum, if you don't follow along, You'll get banned. Right? Same meaning. :crazy:

Remember, we are not Alex´s children... We are adult and know the rules which is not same thing as Eve and Adam because they are very first couple in the earth and very naive... new experiences.... has no idea what "lie", "honest", "satan" etc. is about like babies and children... Eve and Adam made ONE mistake... wow...

We punished our children right? Because children did the wrongful thing, not the righteous. You can call it experiment if you want, I don't think of it as an experiment, I think of it as they're chosen the wrong path. ;)

Yes we punished our children in positive form of discipline, not throw them out of our house that´s because they disobey us. It´s normal that the children experiment new things... But if the parents keep on forbid them all the time then they will go to wrong path and learn from wrong crowd... that´s why we prefer to open talk with children then children won´t fear anything and go to wrong path.
:werd: They want to blame someone, so they start off their blaming game on God. I don't think they do look at the whole picture, just one side. If you were to read atheist's websites, you will often find complaints about God, and how God should let everyone into heaven? :crazy:

Something interesting to read Nature of God

I accepted and read your link, not ignore your link because I want to understand but I saw this link... I must say that it´s pretty convoluted logic, I have ever read.

Example accord the link, you provided here:

We learn that God wants to give us the very best in life, but if we disobey He has no choice but to punish or discipline us. Why? Because God hates sin.

Why he said this when he KNEW we are sinner since Adam & Eve time?

Discipline? *scratch my head*

Study this and understand it for those who are unbelievers

It has nothing do with "unbelievers" and get unbeleivers to study that´s just because we study the logic from everywhere than depend on one side... I would be appreciate that you show your respect on our beliefs instead of label us as unbeleivers and put us down that´s because we study differently as you... Remember that we all have different beliefs, not just Christianity...

Thank you.
From Lieblin's post # 496 : Good question...Why can't God just forgive sin, instead of demanding justice?

I have a friend who has recently turned Agnostic, and in a debate with him about the existence of a loving God, a few questions were brought up that I could not answer. The most thought-provoking questions were, "If God is all-powerful and all-forgiving, why must he send his son to die for our sins. Couldn't God just forgive the sins without sending his son down in human form to die? So what, so God dies for a few hours, how does that in any way forgive a sin..." And on and on... You get the idea. Of all the people in the world, this is one man I do not want to see reject God, and being of a philosophical mind, there is no other way to show him the truth but through theological interpretation of this Truth. I would greatly appreciate any response you could give me. Thank You.

" I ( God ) gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair; I ( God ) hid not my face from shame and spitting. " (KJV). Isaiah 50:6 - ( Old Testament )

" And the men that held ( Jesus ) mocked him, and beat him. " (KJV). Luke 22:63 - ( New Testament )

Jesus' betrayal, trail, beatin' and crucifixion :

Crucifixion typically began with a scourging or flogging of the victim’s back. The Romans used a whip called a flagrum, which consisted of small pieces of bone and metal attached to a number of leather strands. The number of blows given to Jesus is not recorded; however, the number of blows in Jewish law was 39 (one less than the 40 called for in the Torah, to prevent a counting error). During the scourging, the skin was ripped from the back, exposing a bloody mass of tissue and bone. Extreme blood loss occurred, often causing death, or at least unconsciousness. In addition to the flogging, Jesus faced severe beating and torment by the Roman soldiers, including the plucking of His beard and the piercing of His scalp with a crown of thorns.

After the flogging, the victim was often forced to carry his own crossbar, or patibulum, to the execution site. The patibulum could easily weigh 100 pounds. In the case of Jesus, the record shows that He may have carried His patibulum the distance of over two football fields. In a weak and tormented state, it’s no wonder the record establishes that Jesus needed a great deal of assistance. Once the victim arrived at the execution site, the patibulum was put on the ground and the victim was forced to lie upon it. Spikes about 7 inches long and 3/8 of an inch in diameter were driven into the wrists. The spikes would hit the area of the median nerve, causing shocks of pain up the arms to the shoulders and neck. Already standing at the crucifixion site would be the 7-foot-tall post, called a stipes. In the center of the stipes was a crude seat to “support” for the victim. The patibulum was then lifted on to the stipes, and the victim’s body was awkwardly turned on the seat so that the feet could be nailed to the stipes. At this point, there was tremendous strain put on the wrists, arms and shoulders, resulting in a dislocation of the shoulder and elbow joints. The position of the nailed body held the victim’s rib cage in a fixed position, which made it extremely difficult to exhale, and impossible to take a full breath. Having suffered from the scourging, the beatings and the walk with the patibulum, Jesus was described as extremely weak and dehydrated. He was probably losing significant amounts of blood. As time passed, the loss of blood and lack of oxygen would cause severe cramps, spasmodic contractions and probably unconsciousness.

Ultimately, the mechanism of death in crucifixion was suffocation. To breathe, the victim was forced to push up on his feet to allow for inflation of the lungs. As the body weakened and pain in the feet and legs became unbearable, the victim was forced to trade breathing for pain and exhaustion. Eventually, the victim would succumb in this way, becoming utterly exhausted or lapsing into unconsciousness so that he could no longer lift his body off the stipes and inflate his lungs. Due to the shallow breathing, the victim’s lungs would begin to collapse in areas, probably causing hypoxia. Due to the loss of blood from the scourging, the victim probably formed a respiratory acidosis, resulting in an increased strain on the heart, which beats faster to compensate. Fluid would also build up in the lungs. Under the stress of hypoxia and acidosis, the heart would eventually fail. There are several different theories on the actual cause of death for Jesus. One theory is that there was a filling of the pericardium witthe fluid, which put a fatal strain on the ability of His heart to pump blood. Another theory states that Jesus died of cardiac rupture. Another theory is that Jesus' death was “multifactorial and related primarily to hypovolemic shock, exhaustion asphyxia and perhaps acute heart failure.” Regardless of the actual medical cause of final death, the historical record is very clear -- Jesus suffered numerous hours of horrible and sustained torture on the cross of Calvary.

Crucifixion: Jesus Suffered for You and Me

The crucifixion accounts of Jesus Christ are in entire agreement with the customs and practices of the Romans in that period. The evidence for Christ’s horrible and painful death is unquestioned by today’s legitimate scholars. The only dispute is the nature and character of the “criminal” Jesus Christ. Look at the record yourself -- Even with all the pain, Jesus thought of others rather than Himself. His first words from the cross were, " Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34). He thought of His mother, who stood by the cross weeping, and asked his beloved disciple John to take care of her. On either side of Jesus were two thieves executed at the same time. When one of them accepted Jesus as Lord, Jesus shared with him, " Verily I say unto thee, To-day shalt thou be with me in Paradise. " (Luke 23:43). Finally, Jesus expressed his complete surrender to the will of God as He said, " It is finished " : and he bowed his head, and gave up his spirit." (John 19:30). " And Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said: " Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said this, he gave up the ghost." (Luke 23:46).
Investigate the historical record, and then examine your heart. Jesus gave Himself willingly for you and me. Jesus suffered a horrible death for you and me. Jesus loved us so much that He willingly died in utter shame and pain for our sins. In fact, the Bible teaches us that He who was without sin was literally "made sin" for us. God, in human form, allowed himself to be made sin to save us. On the cross, he bore all the world's sin because of His love. The only way to complete His story of love is to love Him in return.

Jesus is really God when God said " I ( God ) gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair; I ( God ) hid not my face from shame and spitting. "

I would advice you to read your own Bible to prove all this yourself. All you need to do is re-examine the Words of God in your own Bible. Re-read them until you completely understand the meanin' of the scriptures.

The question is : So, do you call God a murderer ?
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And, do YOU believe it is a suicidal ?

I only suggest either it´s suicidal or as a sacrifice that´s because Jesus is willing to die for us.

Why do you think God sent His Only Begotten Son to die on the cross as sacrificed Lamb ?

I would not do that to my own son.

Why can't God just forgive sin, instead of demanding justice?

FYI, I am not relyin' on the websites to make an excuses by findin' God's faults. I am NOT expectin' you to find links like this from the websites. I am expectin' you to find the scriptures from YOUR OWN Bible. Why do you always usin' the website to find links ? I don't think it will help you, because you are not showin' your challenge and learn on YOUR OWN without the website.

No, I would not depend on my own bible but collect the experiences from ANY bibles, websites, forums, people etc because I am interesting to focus to find out the fact... Its about open mind and focus. Yes I already compared the scriptures from my bibles to your and other bibles in several threads but the interpretation of our bibles are different.

I am afraid that Christians here are tellin' the truth about your " repeat " comments.

I´m afraid that I am not only one who see the Christians denied the truth but disrespect, insult, judge and ignorant. It´s not just my question about tree of knowledge but some of ADer´s question about religion history as well... I see none of Christians answered to this question but denial and ignorant...

You said you are considerin' to become an Agnostic ? Then, you can't accept Jesus and God.

Again I accept Jesus and doubt God´s existance.

I will post to share somethin' with you today when I gather up the scriptures from my own Bible...so, please bear with me. :)

Okay, no problem :)
Remember, we are not Alex´s children... We are adult and know the rules which is not same thing as Eve and Adam because they are very first couple in the earth and very naive... new experiences.... has no idea what "lie", "honest", "satan" etc. is about like babies and children... Eve and Adam made ONE mistake... wow...

Okay, let's say I made one simple mistake, as I took a couple of drinks and decide to drive home cause I felt I was sober enough to drive, then bang I hit someone with my car, police arrest me, and send me to jail, then in court I face the judge, the judge makes decision based on what I did was wrong, as God was telling Eve and Adam not to eat the fruit, and yet they did not obey Him...If a police or a judge tell you what to do, would you obey or would you do what you want? and what happens if you don't obey?...

It the same thing applies to our children, if they don't obey us, they will be punished..if people truly believe in something, they will obey by doing the right thing...
I noticed something amiss here too, Liebling..
what happened to your stauch supporters like Yiffzer
and Xenter? You like their theories and comments, dont ya?
Havent seen them for awhile so i wonder whatever
happened to them....mmm. Do you miss them?

Uhh? I'm a "staunch" supporter? ROFL.
No, it's just that this topic got boring.
Posting here is like talking to brick walls [on both sides].

I do not need to know the history of religion first came out, I follow one God and only one. That's one reason why I ignored your post, it holds no bare with this thread itself. ;) Your bitter with Christians is getting old.


I see nothing wrong to focus the history of religion since you become a Christian belief. Christianity is a religion.. Right? I see nothing wrong to find out the history of religion about Christianity because it´s your own belief ...

I see nothing wrong that Xenta want to know the answer from Christian believers what they know or correct those link or provide him other link to against his link or whatever...
Okay, let's say I made one simple mistake, as I took a couple of drinks and decide to drive home cause I felt I was sober enough to drive, then bang I hit someone with my car, police arrest me, and send me to jail, then in court I face the judge, the judge makes decision based on what I did was wrong, as God was telling Eve and Adam not to eat the fruit, and yet they did not obey Him...If a police or a judge tell you what to do, would you obey or would you do what you want? and what happens if you don't obey?...

You as adult know the rules and choose to disobey their rules which is different as Eve and Adam as unexperience newbies.

It the same thing applies to our children, if they don't obey us, they will be punished..if people truly believe in something, they will obey by doing the right thing...

Yes punish children with positive form of discipline but not kick them out of house for their disobeyence.
Liebling:-))) said:
You as adult know the rules and choose to disobey their rules which is different as Eve and Adam as unexperience newbies

Eve and Adam are not kids, and they are adults, 13 years old are not adult yet in the eye of the law, yet they do know they have to obey the laws or else...

Yes punish children with positive form of discipline but not kick them out of house for their disobeyence.

What does kicking out of the house have to do with discipline? or punishment?

Liebling you're doing the same thing as CyberRed here posting your message inside a quote, I can not quote your whole post when you reply it in the quote try to quote it first then reply on the outside so it would be easy for me to take your whole post when I click on the quote button....smile
What does kicking out of the house have to do with discipline? or punishment?

God kicked Eve and Adam out of garden for their disobeyence. It´s punishment for their disobeyence.
God kicked Eve and Adam out of garden for their disobeyence. It´s punishment for their disobeyence.

Same thing as a police putting us in jail or prison for not obeying the laws..and if I had guests here and they do not obey my rules then I will kick them out...
Eve and Adam are not kids, and they are adults, 13 years old are not adult yet in the eye of the law, yet they do know they have to obey the laws or else...

Eve and Adam are very first couple in the earth. God created them like this... unexperience and learn new world... like the children. We were brought up from baby to adult ... but Eve and Adam doesn´t. Just created them as woman and man.

Liebling you're doing the same as CyberRed here posting your message inside a quote, I can not quote your whole post when you reply it in the quote try to quote it first then reply on the outside so it would be easy for me to take your whole post when I click on the quote button....smile

How? I alway pasted their message from inside a quote and add over to make response post to ADer´s post .
Same thing as a police putting us in jail or prison for not obeying the laws..and if I had guests here and they do not obey my rules then I will kick them out...

I am talking about our children, not guests or whatever.

Eve and Adam are God´s first creation children.
How? I alway pasted their message from inside a quote and add over to make response post to ADer´s post .

When you want to reply a line or two in someone's quote then make sure you add [ /quote] then reply your message..so it wont be inside their quote, cause it hard when I want to reply to your whole post but some of your message isn't there, so I have to go back to where your post is and copy and paste the message that was INSIDE the quote, it get frustrated sometimes, so it would be best if you just keep adding[ quote] [ /quote] everytime you reply to a line or two, so it wont remain inside their quote...:D
When you want to reply a line or two in someone's quote then make sure you add [ /quote] then reply your message..so it wont be inside their quote, cause it hard when I want to reply to your whole post but some of your message isn't there, so I have to go back to where your post is and copy and paste the message that was INSIDE the quote, it get frustrated sometimes, so it would be best if you just keep adding[ quote] [ /quote] everytime you reply to a line or two, so it wont remain inside their quote...:D

Thank you for let me know... It´s my habit to quote each message... I will try my best... :D
I am talking about our children, not guests or whatever.

Eve and Adam are God´s first creation children.

It really doesn't matter if they were created first or not hon, they should have obey God period...
It really doesn't matter if they were created first or not hon, they should have obey God period...

I would not kick my children out of my house for their disobeyence but punish them with positive discipline.
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