God Versus Satan

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:gpost: Yes I know it's a very simple question... I already stated some of simple questions but my questions are being denied... I'm glad that you are here...

If God really love the people no matter what then accept what they are but he doesn't... He killed the people because of their disobedances and worship different beliefs - mainly worst is innoncent firstborns....

Read my post I responded to XBGMER. Since you believe that God is a murderer, then it obviously that you are against Jesus and God, because you don't believe Jesus and God. You hurt His feelin' because, you made Him a liar which He is not. :(
Here is simple question, Why God set 10 commandments, " Thou shalt not kill "?

The 10 commandments does not involves God, God is the creator of this world, we are not, You think God is a murder? I don't, because we are living in denial of our own sins, it's up to us to seek for help to clean ourselves, by looking up to God, it's the same meaning when someone is living with deadly cancer, and need to seek medical help to be cured of cancer. You want to blinded yourself to your own sins?

Another thing, If God was a murder?, Has God has yet struck us down with lightning? No, he giving us a chance to spare our life in doing good, and have a relationship with God. It doesn't sound selfish, It sounds like God loves us enough to not want us sent to a location of burning torment and punishment place.

He gave us freedom of choices, free will, If we choose not to love him, then why would he want to force us to live with him eternally in heaven? Heaven is a perfect place, and God is a perfect God, Why would he want evil sinners, and people who don't love God in heaven? That means his plan from the start will not go through. God has given us many gifts so far, given us are free will, Right? and salvation by grace through Jesus Christ who died for our sins. Right?

You think just because God is a "murder" he flooded the earth back in Noah Ark time choose to do evil, so you're saying they shouldn't be punished? I am most certain you wouldn't want this lack of justice to happened in reality. There's no differences from Noah Ark time to present, should we again never be punished?
wow, since I was busy all weekend, read all what I miss. I don't know what to say. Like I said last week, it's keep repeating, never get the idea what God is saying and the purpose what is been going on in Old Testament times, God's goal is to bring people to Himself, Satan's goal is to destroy people, what is going on in this world is evident. Have no clue the purpose of 10 commandments about killing, what about God? God is beyond we can see. And like Bible of Catholics, Baptist, Lutheran have the same Bible, but different views of interpreting. But like Mormons, JW, those are not Bible. The point what christians believe is God is love, Proof? Jesus. Jesus gave up His authority, then born human like us, that is God Himself. Why to be born? To die. How come? To have a new agreement, no more sacrifices to bring us to God, Jesus done it all. His victory over power of death (spiritual), those who have Christ , spirit becomes alive, without Christ, spirit is dead, and victory over power of sin and hell, that shackle been broken for those who are in Christ, without Him, remain in shackle. For all of that, does that mean God is Love, no doubt, yes! He still offers. Praise be The God, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, which is one God.
Here is simple question, Why God set 10 commandments, " Thou shalt not kill "? God allowed or commanded enemies killed disobedances, Because Enemies aleady read God's scriptures said so!

MARYA> >> God is LOVE? Then GOD is jealously from what holy scripture said so.. Even God hate others.. Why God said in New testment commanded us " don't serve two masters " Love and Hate ". that is not make sense to me. MARIA, you confusing people's minds already

If i remember right, You dont believe in God, right?
If so, then you are an athiest, right?
Why bother discussing the Ten Commandments if you dont
believe in God then...no point arguing about it, really.
If i remember right, You dont believe in God, right?
If so, then you are an athiest, right?
Why bother discussing the Ten Commandments if you dont
believe in God then...no point arguing about it, really.

*sigh* All what I see is you are nothing but complaint or critizing them that´s because he is an unbeleiver or different belief... It´s not a first I see your post here.

If they feel like to post here then they are welcome, no matter what...

satan is laughing at you...
enjoy watching you debating here more more..
I noticed something amiss here too, Liebling..
what happened to your stauch supporters like Yiffzer
and Xenter? You like their theories and comments, dont ya?
Havent seen them for awhile so i wonder whatever
happened to them....mmm. Do you miss them?
I am beginning to see a pattern of hypocrisy here.

Of course. God and humans are different. Humans don't have the wisdom, holiness, omniscience, omnipresence, eternal perspective, and omnipotence of God. God doesn't have the sin nature and limitations of humans. There is no way they can be compared other than to see how far humans fall below God.

You treat God and human who did the same thing differently... that´s because God don´t have the sin... :dizzy:

I don´t see an excuse that you see God and human differently... but they did the same thing is KILL...

I don't think it's "okay" for our soldiers to die. Where did I "... often said that the people killed people for the reasons is no excuse but killing is a sin except Iraq war"? That's not even close to my beliefs or statements. That kind of statement is dangerously close to slander. :mad:

wow, very interesting... I received twist word from you in some threads in the past... Your favorite word toward me... " it´s okay for you..... ? it´s okay for her / him..... ? which you knew very well that I never said that word "it´s okay... " Now you see yourself how you feel... You don´t like it.. then next time, don´t tell me those word ever again which you knew very well that I never say it´s okay...

Anyway, don´t make fuss over my short English grammer "... often said that the people killed people for the reasons is no excuse but killing is a sin except Iraq war"? Again, I has to correct my English grammar... I MYSELF said that you often said when you see a person who kill other person for the reason is a sin, no excuse or whatever under Current Event and then visit War & Politican Section and said differently and support Bush and war... and denied angry ADers who label war as murder.... kill.... also label Bush as killer.... etc. etc... A soldier refused to serve in Iraq... we ADers are understanding people and don´t blame him... you are the one who say that he broke the law... with no feeling but see only facts and support government.

You are totally misrepresenting my statements. Please use direct quotations from my posts, and refrain from making false personal attacks on my character.

:jaw: I cannot beleive that you denied it... I has no reason to make up or attack you on this... Oh yes, I have links here with me... You said yourself that the soliders go to Iraq war is self-defense which ADers and I disagreed with you... and said to you that Bush sent soliders to attack there as revenage, not self-defense...

What's wrong with that?

But you find okay that Eyptian firstborns killed and find not okay what the people did to firstborns under Current Event... that´s because God and human are not the same... Oh my dear....

See... :)

God and sinner cannot be compared. Two totally unequal entities cannot be compared with each other.

I see no excuse for the action what human and God did... but they did the same thing... You kept on saying that God and human can´t be compared because they are different...

My answer was that God is not a murderer. I didn't say anything about people committing murders. There is no logic in your statement.

Yes, it´s logical but you refuse to see the logical that God killed innoncent firstborns and angry with human for killed innconet firstborns.

Then you agree that not all killing is murder. :)

:confused: It´s you who brought abortion, self-defense, etc subject here which is not relate this thread here because God didn´t what you brought this subject of kind of killings here but killed the people for their disobeyence and disloyal... We are here to talk about what and how God killed the people... You denied that God killed the people... I said kill is kill, no matter what but you brought kind of killings to twist my word... No Way.

True. What God does is way above what we do. He's responsible for all people, of all generations, all over the world, forever. We can't even comprehend that immense duty.

Oh I see, it mean that God can do what he wants because he created and killed the people... :dizzy:

On that topic, my view is the same as the author's.
You didn´t use your logic view but use the bible or links to help you to answer me...

I bolded the sections that applied most directly to your questions.
Do you understand those sections and disagree? Or do you not understand those sections? If it is the latter, perhaps I can rephrase them for you.

I already asked you twice... that I am confusing.. Too late, I found 2 interesting links about tree of knowledge and posted here which easier for me to understand which Christian scripture is somewhat too complicated.

I didn't give you the "right" answer? Why do I even bother answering if my answers aren't "right" to you? I give you my answers, if they aren't "right" to you there's nothing more I can do. I'm not going to change my answers to fit your concept of rightness.

You're not looking for true answers. You're looking for acceptance of your viewpoint. Sorry, I can't help you there.

No, you didn´t give me answer but twist and denial...
Read my post I responded to XBGMER. Since you believe that God is a murderer, then it obviously that you are against Jesus and God, because you don't believe Jesus and God. You hurt His feelin' because, you made Him a liar which He is not. :(

Please leave God´s son Jesus out of this thread because he has nothing do with killings.

I made God a liar? It´s author of the bible who says that God killed the people, not me...
Are you calling me and Cheri, UNBELIEVERS?

you calling me an "unbeliever". :squint:

No I did not call you and Cheri unbeleiver but ask you QUESTION either you and Cheri are true beleiver or not... Please re-read my post carefully.

why?? I am a Christian person so i dont appreciate

Im sure Cheri dont appreciate it either!

You asked me why... Here is answer to your question...

If you consider as a true Christian then you should practice tolerance and talk about God what you know from your bible and try to share your view with us, not bash, judge, insult and disrespect us.

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Totally missing the point, again.

The fireman consciously makes a decision to risk his life to save another person. He is willing to die for the other person. If he wasn't willing to die for the other person, he would never enter the burning building and risk his own life.

Riding a motorbike is not the same as saving someone's life, for crying out loud.

:dizzy: Fireman have protect clothes and helmut against fire... They are expert and know how to protect from fire and how to rescue the people from fire, etc... I have firemen at my work... They talk about fire protection etc. Of course I asked them why they like that kind of job.. .Their answer is they loves those job. Yes, it could be accidents sometimes like cars, trains, plane, etc... but Jesus did is different because he CAN ask his father for support/protection but he didn´t.
We've told you, we've even answered your question, It's you who's in denied. Get your fact straight, Liebling.

It would be nice to see that you are looking from both ways/sides but you didn´t. ;) All what I see is you are looking for one side.

Let me quote every answers I gave you, even better let me bold the answers God saw how corrupt the Earth had become, during the Noah Ark time, evil all the time, God said "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the Earth – men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and the birds of the air – for I am grieved that I have made them." God did used the flood to destroyed the Earth, because people were sinning, doing wrongs. It is going to happen again when Jesus comes down on earth. Because the world is in chaos. We live in one fucked up world. Why?? it's all because of Adam and Eve, they started with the sins, and passed it along to every human race on earth.

Also Jesus did warn Noah the flood was coming and the world was gonna end, to save as many people as possible, Noah had to give frequent seminars warning the people about the coming flood and the end of life, as they knew i!! After a while, fewer and fewer people attended, until eventually, no one showed up. Who's fault is that? God? No, the people!

God as creator to bring judgment on those who sin against Him. God will eventually judge the nations (for their sins) even us. We shall be judge by God.

If God was really a murder, he wouldn't let his only son die for us, who was sinless. We should be punishment for the crime we committed which the crime would be sin, not Jesus but...

"God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" If you believe in Jesus you shall have eternal life.

I already answered your post #145. I did not ignore or deny your post but debate with you where I see both sides, not one side.

You see how many times I've answer your very same question?

You do not need because those subject what we debated is old... We have other debate with few different subjects example "Tree of knowledge". Nobody give me logic answer on this but Vampy.
I am beginning to see a pattern of hypocrisy here.
Hypocrisy means to say one thing and do another. Where is the hypocrisy?

...I don´t see an excuse that you see God and human differently... but they did the same thing is KILL...
God doesn't need an "excuse."

God never did "the same thing" as any human (which human do you mean anyway?).

wow, very interesting... I received twist word from you in some threads in the past... Your favorite word toward me... " it´s okay for you..... ? it´s okay for her / him..... ? which you knew very well that I never said that word "it´s okay... "
Yes, that is interesting. You are correct that I never use the word "okay". The word is "OK".

Now you see yourself how you feel... You don´t like it.. then next time, don´t tell me those word ever again which you knew very well that I never say it´s okay...
I only quote your exact posts. I "cut and paste" directly from your posts, so there is no mistake. I know that you didn't do that because I never use the word "okay" in my responses unless I'm quoting someone else. It's a habit from my AP Style Guide days.

Anyway, don´t make fuss over my short English grammer "... often said that the people killed people for the reasons is no excuse but killing is a sin except Iraq war"?
I'm not correcting your grammar. I'm correcting your content. Your content was erroneous. You claimed that I said something that I didn't say.

...A soldier refused to serve in Iraq... we ADers are understanding people and don´t blame him... you are the one who say that he broke the law... with no feeling but see only facts and support government.
I'm an ADer, too, and I also am understanding. (We are getting personal, and off topic, I'm afraid.) What's wrong with stating facts? (I thought you were the one that always emphasized how "factual" you are.) I explained that he broke the law. That's a fact. Military people understand that.

I cannot beleive that you denied it... I has no reason to make up or attack you on this... Oh yes, I have links here with me...

You said yourself that the soliders go to Iraq war is self-defense which ADers and I disagreed with you... and said to you that Bush sent soliders to attack there as revenage, not self-defense...
So? You and some ADers disagree with me; so what? Am I supposed to roll over and play dead? I thought debate was allowed.

But you find okay that Eyptian firstborns killed and find not okay what the people did to firstborns under Current Event... that´s because God and human are not the same... Oh my dear....
I guess I don't need to make a reply since you've already answered for me (or so you think).

I see no excuse for the action what human and God did... but they did the same thing... You kept on saying that God and human can´t be compared because they are different...
That's right. We're going in circles here. I believe God is Holy God Almighty, and you believe God is just another human who should :bowdown: to your judgment, so we're never going to agree.

It´s you who brought abortion, self-defense, etc subject here which is not relate this thread here because God didn´t what you brought this subject of kind of killings here but killed the people for their disobeyence and disloyal... We are here to talk about what and how God killed the people...
OK. So how did my posts about Iraq and deserters get involved in this? I sure didn't bring it up.

You denied that God killed the people...
No, I didn't.

I said kill is kill, no matter what but you brought kind of killings to twist my word... No Way.
Several times I agreed that "kill is kill", just as dead is dead. I disagreed that all killing is murder, and I gave you examples. That's not twisting your words. That's explaining that some killings are murders, and some are not. I don't understand your problem with that.

You didn´t use your logic view but use the bible or links to help you to answer me...
Let me get this straight. If I post a link that agrees with my viewpoint, that's not using logic. But if you post links from every Tom, Dick, and Harry on Google, that's "logical".
:lol: Good theory... Yes I'm for knowledge.... Am I Satan or what?

I think those dictonary will helps the bible beleivers to understand what the knowledge is.
knowledge definition - Dictionary - MSN Encarta

Other theory...

Who is the responsible if I leave my children alone with "dangerous" tree? I or my children?
That would be "I"... which is God.

It's like parents and their kids.

The father could leave the gun on the desk or the mother could leave a sharp knife on the kitchen counter.

If their kids were to get a hold of those weapons and harm someone... who gets the blame?

The same goes for the tree. If the tree was not to be touched, why allow the tree to be sitting there for the whole world to see and for anyone to pick from?
"The world" refers to all the people on earth, past, present, and future.

God loves all people, even though we are not worthy of His love.

As you said, even serial killers can love their loved ones. But God loves even those who hate and slander Him. God loves the unlovely.

Romans 5
6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
If he is willing to forgive those who sin, why send some of us to hell anyway?
God didn't send "people" to Earth.

Because He loved us worthless sinners so much, He was willing to make that awful sacrifice.
So, that makes him suicidal?
Jesus was crucified by the Romans but His death was because of the sins of everyone, Gentile and Jew.
1 Thessalonians 2:14-15

For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
Jesus knew what he was getting himself into. Ok, well, Look at the whole picture, People's lives were such a mess, evil was everywhere even in people. Jesus was brought down to show people how to forgive, how to love, how to make peace, and how to pray, how to follow God's words etc. and part of it was for Jesus to die for our sins, that just to show people how much love God has for all of us. It's very difficult to understand, but I do understand, when it comes to powerful love, only certain people would understand it not everyone, unless they try to have the time to understand the bible and God. ;)

I think it's wrong for anyone to make accusations against God, for what he did, and how he did it, It wasn't him that kills, it was the people, their actions, their evil sins, their disobey. Why did they kill Jesus because Jesus was seen as a threat to them, to their world, even through he didn't do anything. It just shows the true colors of people their behavior, their action, their bad sins. ;)
So, Jesus was suicidal?

I'm a forgiving person. I didn't need God or Jesus to teach me that. It's a simple ethical and philosophical thing.

If God killed millions of people, who do we really blame? Blame the people? God put these people on Earth. He knew what they were going to do. He's willing to let them come to Earth anyway to kill other people that were innocent... which he also put on Earth. I bet those innocent people are thinking, "God, you knew that bad man was going to kill me. So, why put me on Earth in the first place? If you put me on this Earth to live, then why waste your time sending that bad man to Earth?"
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