I am beginning to see a pattern of hypocrisy here.
Hypocrisy means to say one thing and do another. Where is the hypocrisy?
...I don´t see an excuse that you see God and human differently... but they did the same thing is KILL...
God doesn't need an "excuse."
God never did "the same thing" as any human (which human do you mean anyway?).
wow, very interesting... I received twist word from you in some threads in the past... Your favorite word toward me... " it´s okay for you..... ? it´s okay for her / him..... ? which you knew very well that I never said that word "it´s okay... "
Yes, that is interesting. You are correct that I never use the word "okay". The word is "OK".
Now you see yourself how you feel... You don´t like it.. then next time, don´t tell me those word ever again which you knew very well that I never say it´s okay...
I only quote your exact posts. I "cut and paste" directly from your posts, so there is no mistake. I know that you didn't do that because I never use the word "okay" in my responses unless I'm quoting someone else. It's a habit from my AP Style Guide days.
Anyway, don´t make fuss over my short English grammer "... often said that the people killed people for the reasons is no excuse but killing is a sin except Iraq war"?
I'm not correcting your grammar. I'm correcting your content. Your content was erroneous. You claimed that I said something that I didn't say.
...A soldier refused to serve in Iraq... we ADers are understanding people and don´t blame him... you are the one who say that he broke the law... with no feeling but see only facts and support government.
I'm an ADer, too, and I also am understanding. (We are getting personal, and off topic, I'm afraid.) What's wrong with stating facts? (I thought
you were the one that always emphasized how "factual" you are.) I explained that he broke the law. That's a
fact. Military people understand that.
I cannot beleive that you denied it... I has no reason to make up or attack you on this... Oh yes, I have links here with me...
You said yourself that the soliders go to Iraq war is self-defense which ADers and I disagreed with you... and said to you that Bush sent soliders to attack there as revenage, not self-defense...
So? You and some ADers disagree with me; so what? Am I supposed to roll over and play dead? I thought debate was allowed.
But you find okay that Eyptian firstborns killed and find not okay what the people did to firstborns under Current Event... that´s because God and human are not the same... Oh my dear....
I guess I don't need to make a reply since you've already answered for me (or so you think).
I see no excuse for the action what human and God did... but they did the same thing... You kept on saying that God and human can´t be compared because they are different...
That's right. We're going in circles here. I believe God is Holy
God Almighty, and you believe God is just another human who should
to your judgment, so we're never going to agree.
It´s you who brought abortion, self-defense, etc subject here which is not relate this thread here because God didn´t what you brought this subject of kind of killings here but killed the people for their disobeyence and disloyal... We are here to talk about what and how God killed the people...
OK. So how did my posts about Iraq and deserters get involved in this? I sure didn't bring it up.
You denied that God killed the people...
No, I didn't.
I said kill is kill, no matter what but you brought kind of killings to twist my word... No Way.
Several times I agreed that "kill is kill", just as dead is dead. I disagreed that all killing is murder, and I gave you examples. That's not twisting your words. That's explaining that some killings are murders, and some are not. I don't understand your problem with that.
You didn´t use your logic view but use the bible or links to help you to answer me...
Let me get this straight. If
I post a link that agrees with my viewpoint, that's not using logic. But if
you post links from every Tom, Dick, and Harry on Google, that's "logical".