Florida Neighborhood Watch

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Interesting, supposing that there are indeed two witnesses who saw the same thing. Yet, I'm more interested on what investigators have to say based on the facts they've gathered. It's best to stay neutral than to play pretend investigator, and be the judge, jury and executioner. :/

The point of this is that GZ was telling the truth.

the fact still remains that lead investigator (homicide detective) of the shooting case recommended that Zimmerman be arrested and charged with manslaughter.
the fact still remains that lead investigator (homicide detective) of the shooting case recommended that Zimmerman be arrested and charged with manslaughter.
Are you saying that the investigation is over? If not, then he/she is jumping to conclusions.
Are you saying that the investigation is over? If not, then he/she is jumping to conclusions.

no no. I was referring to that time of shooting which was last month. Zimmerman was interrogated for several hours and the homicide detective didn't buy his story and recommended that he be charged with manslaughter. But the state attorney rejected it and stated that there's not enough evidence to proceed ahead so Zimmerman was let go.

I'm very interested in reading his report and testimony. I think we will know on April 10th.
How did you know that Zimmerman drew his gun when he confronted Trayvon?

I don't know how it happened exactly. What I said was that, "Zimmerman had no reason to draw his weapon." We know that he did, because Martin is dead.
I don't know how it happened exactly. What I said was that, "Zimmerman had no reason to draw his weapon." We know that he did, because Martin is dead.


Zimmerman had no reason to get out and pursue Trayvon whom he described as suspicious and "up to no good" especially when he thought he had something in his hands and waistband. any person with common sense would automatically register this as a potentially dangerous/hostile person. who did he think he was? :roll:
I don't know how it happened exactly. What I said was that, "Zimmerman had no reason to draw his weapon." We know that he did, because Martin is dead.
He had a reason called self-defense. Imagine if he didn't have a gun, he would be the one dying. How would you stop someone bashing your head on the sidewalk many times? It can cause brain damage which could lead to coma or death.
He had a reason called self-defense. Imagine if he didn't have a gun, he would be the one dying.
if he didn't have a gun... he most likely would not have gotten out of his car and pursued him.

How would you stop someone bashing your head on the sidewalk many times? It can cause brain damage which could lead to coma or death.
walk away. don't get involved. let the police handles it.
if he didn't have a gun... he most likely would not have gotten out of his car and pursued him.
You don't know. He might or might not. What's more, it was not necessary for TM to get pissed and beat GZ up. Why didn't he let it go?
You don't know. He might or might not. What's more, it was not necessary for TM to get pissed and beat GZ up. Why didn't he let it go?

Why are you focused on Trayvon? Why not focus on Zimmerman since he started it first?

It was not necessary for Zimmerman to pursue him and confront him. Why didn't he stay in his car and let the police handles it? He reported to police that Trayvon looks very suspicious and he's got something in his hands and his hands were in his waistband. It does sound like he's got a knife or gun.
Ok, we have different opinions. I need a break from this and shut up while waiting for an outcome of the investigation. Talk to you later.
Ok, we have different opinions. I need a break from this and shut up while waiting for an outcome of the investigation. Talk to you later.

same here :lol:
if he didn't have a gun... he most likely would not have gotten out of his car and pursued him.

He was on a neighborhood watch(the head of the neighborhood watch no less) not just randomly walking down the street so I doubt not having the gun would have stopped him.
He was on a neighborhood watch(the head of the neighborhood watch no less) not just randomly walking down the street so I doubt not having the gun would have stopped him.

1. He wasn't on Neighborhood Watch duty at that time. He was just doing an errand.
2. This so-called "Neighborhood Watch" program was never officially registered with the city/town.
3. He self-appointed himself as "Neighborhood Watch Captain".
4. Official Neighborhood Watch programs strongly and strictly advised against pursing and confronting a suspicious person yourself.
5. 911 Dispatcher advised him not to follow him.

Most-Likely Outcome
Everything would have been fine if Zimmerman waited in his car since 911 dispatcher told him that the cop was on the way but we can agree to disagree on that.
1. He wasn't on Neighborhood Watch duty at that time. He was just doing an errand.
2. This so-called "Neighborhood Watch" program was never officially registered with the city/town.
3. He self-appointed himself as "Neighborhood Watch Captain".
4. Official Neighborhood Watch programs strongly and strictly advised against pursing and confronting a suspicious person yourself.
5. 911 Dispatcher advised him not to follow him.

Most-Likely Outcome
Everything would have been fine if Zimmerman waited in his car since 911 dispatcher told him that the cop was on the way but we can agree to disagree on that.

There is nothing here to indicate he would have waited in his car if he had not had a gun. I don't believe that would have been the case.
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