please do keep it up with this same ole' "I'm not racist! my neighbor's black!" song along with the insidious "passive aggressive" racist attitude.
You're not being honest. What I said was I never have used a racial slur. You have. I haven't. I just do not talk like that. I do not think like that. You, apparently, do.
I haven't said a word about my neighbors, either. You are just making things up.

You're the one who thinks it's acceptable to use racist slurs, provided one is angry enough. One wonders why that's okay with you.
everybody is racist to a certain degree. to deny it is the most racist one.
That's nonsense. It's a childish argument, "You're [insert baseless and gratuitous accusation here], and if you say you aren't, that only proves you are the worst!"
No, actually, it proves nothing of the sort. To deny false accusations does not make the lies true.
And, like I said, I never said a word about my neighbor, but instead of making accusations based in ignorance, why don't you take a guess at who this child is in relation to me. Something closer than a "neighbor":
Your false accusations are vile, and also ignorant and ill informed.