Florida Neighborhood Watch

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Assuming the information we have is accurate and complete of course....

Of course, but then the media do its best to skew the story and cause more hyperventilating.

Zimmerman, a 28-year-old white Hispanic, has been widely criticized for following Martin, who was African American, and ignoring a police request that he stop doing so after calling the 911 emergency number to report that the young man in a "hoodie" hooded sweatshirt looked to be "up to no good."

But in own his version of events, as outlined in the Sentinel report, Zimmerman had given up the chase and was walking back to his sport utility vehicle when Martin approached him from behind.

The two exchanged words before Martin punched the burly Zimmerman in the nose, sending him reeling to the ground. The teenager then began pummeling him and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, the newspaper said.
Killer of Florida teen told police he was attacked first - Yahoo! News

"White hispanic?" Ridiculous. Reuters is obviously trying to make this into a black and white issue.
Stand Your Ground law means someone's life must be in threaten to make justifiable to shoot at unarmed person at park?

That's concerned me because there are some people are crazy and want to shoot anyone, even me for no reason, or they don't like my personality so shoot me and they claim as self defense. I noticed about Alabama has one.

Your commentary re: self defense is wrong.
that's called Castle Doctrine where self-defense law is limited to your home....
Depending on the state, it also includes your place of business, out buildings of your property (such as sheds and barns), and your vehicle.
Stand Your Ground law means someone's life must be in threaten to make justifiable to shoot at unarmed person at park?

That's concerned me because there are some people are crazy and want to shoot anyone, even me for no reason, or they don't like my personality so shoot me and they claim as self defense. I noticed about Alabama has one.
There are some people who will shoot whether it's a legal situation or not. Some people will shoot even if they are illegally carrying a gun. Some people don't care about laws. That's sad but true. :(

On the plus side, I doubt that anyone will shoot you in the park because of your personality. I would say that it's a rare occurrence. :)

Just use common sense when you're out and about.
There are some people who will shoot whether it's a legal situation or not. Some people will shoot even if they are illegally carrying a gun. Some people don't care about laws. That's sad but true. :(

On the plus side, I doubt that anyone will shoot you in the park because of your personality. I would say that it's a rare occurrence. :)

Just use common sense when you're out and about.

Yup, I hate to see people abused the law and politicians would have reason to repeal it.

Other new that related to FL Stand Your Ground law - Iraq War veteran killed; widow says Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law is free pass for murder | ksdk.com

Sounds not good - I have say thanks to David James for serving our country and hate to see him to be gone because of shoot. It is still unclear if Dooley is justifiable to shoot him and I like to ask Jiro for opinion.
oh I didn't see this post. let's see...

Stand Your Ground law means someone's life must be in threaten to make justifiable to shoot at unarmed person at park?
generally - Stand Your Ground means you do not have a duty to retreat and you're allowed to use deadly force in self-defense only if it's reasonable justifiable enough. You're allowed to stand your ground in public areas.

I believe about 31 states have this law but like what Reba said... each state law regarding Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, Duty to Retreat, etc does vary in what you can do and can't do and where.

That's concerned me because there are some people are crazy and want to shoot anyone, even me for no reason, or they don't like my personality so shoot me and they claim as self defense. I noticed about Alabama has one.
that is one of typical concerns but it doesn't bother me much because in most shooting cases, it is usually thoroughly investigated to see if use of deadly force in self-defense is justifiable or not.

although there are some cases where some shooters do get away from it especially when the circumstance looks suspicious but unfortunately it can't be proven in court.

I have a faith that the court will find Zimmerman guilty. If not, then I am afraid that our self-defense laws would be even more restricted. Our gun laws are all about personal responsibility and common sense. Zimmerman had neither. Nearly all armed law-abiding citizens with CCW permit know very well that they should be avoiding any conflict and not get involved at all cost. they also have to take a high road in any confrontation and simply walk away. Zimmerman did not do that.
Did Trayvon know that Zimmerman was armed? Did Trayvon see the gun in Zimmerman's hand or did Zimmerman say, "I have a gun"?

Trayvon was heard crying for his life on a phone call , so I would have to yes he saw the gun before he shot in cold blood! The crying stopped once the gun was fired off. Zimmerman could of help Trayvon at gun point until the cops came. I was held a gun point when I was trespassing on a sheep farm. The farmer waited for the cops to come. And the farmer could had shot my dog right in front of me. Zimmerman is not a trained cop and had no business trying to be one! I hope Zimmerman will never be allowed to a cop like he want to be!
You are making an assumption that Zimmerman confronted Martin in a violent manner. We don't know that.

If you were selling pot, or about to break in somewhere, and a stranger was following you - I am sure you would get a bit "skittish" too.

I am not saying that was what Martin was doing, but Zimmerman felt compelled to call 911 because of something Martin was doing.

Zimmerman said " Martin had something in his waistband and was up to no good." That 'something' was a bag of candy! Zimmerman is trigger happy!
Trayvon parents: Son disrespected even in death
Trayvon parents: Son disrespected even in death - CBS News

Report: Zimmerman told police teen punched him before fatal shooting
Report: Zimmerman told police teen punched him before fatal shooting - CNN.com

CNN poll: Majority call for arrest in Trayvon Martin shooting
CNN poll: Majority call for arrest in Trayvon Martin shooting - CNN.com

Trayvon Martin: Sanford rally over Florida shooting
BBC News - Trayvon Martin: Sanford rally over Florida shooting

'Trayvon Martin punched me in the face and tried to grab my gun': George Zimmerman tells police he was victim of unprovoked attack in dramatic new account of shooting
Trayvon Martin case: George Zimmerman tells police he was the victim | Mail Online

Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman claims he was fighting for his life
Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman claims he was fighting for his life - Telegraph

we will kept news update
Trayvon was heard crying for his life on a phone call , so I would have to yes he saw the gun before he shot in cold blood! The crying stopped once the gun was fired off. Zimmerman could of help Trayvon at gun point until the cops came. I was held a gun point when I was trespassing on a sheep farm. The farmer waited for the cops to come. And the farmer could had shot my dog right in front of me. Zimmerman is not a trained cop and had no business trying to be one! I hope Zimmerman will never be allowed to a cop like he want to be!

Umm...Many reports say it was Zimmerman that was heard crying
Umm...Many reports say it was Zimmerman that was heard crying

really? I haven't yet seen "many reports" that verified the sound heard in the clip to be Zimmerman's. It was said it was inconclusive at best.

I must have missed something.
At first, I believed that Zimmerman shot Trayvon for no reason. After I read many articles, now I believe that Zimmerman shot him as a self-defense (Stand Your Ground Law).

I will tell you why. Alot of black guys are great punchers. They can kill or severely injure you by punching your face several times with their fists, therefore the fists are their weapon. I was mugged three times by black guys so I know how dangerous they are.

The picture of Trayvon when he was a kid looks cute but the latest pictures of him look scary. In other words, he grew up meaner and meaner.

I believe what happened is that Trayvon got hot-tempered when he saw Zimmerman following him so he turned to confront him and beat him up. Trayvon should ignore him and should keep walking to his father's fiance's home and let cops take care of it. Instead, he confronted him and beat him up badly. Zimmerman didn't want to die so he shot Trayvon.
No good reason?
Obviously he was hot-tempered and didn't like to be followed. Police saw blood on Zimmerman's face and back of his head so that's why they let him go.

Zimmerman should not have followed him as told by a police dispatcher. However it was not a crime to watch where people go.
From an article;

Meanwhile, Mr Zimmerman's associates – including a close friend who is himself black – have made a series of television appearances arguing that he is not a racist, and was genuinely in fear for his life.

The friend, Joe Oliver, told the Today Show: "The bottom line is there was a life-and-death struggle in that instance and someone was going to die." Mr Zimmerman's lawyer, Craig Sonner, claimed that the neighbourhood watch chief was himself injured during his confrontation with Trayvon.

He added: "It's not a racial issue. George Zimmerman is absolutely not a racist.

"George Zimmerman suffered a broken nose, and had an injury to the back of his head – he was attacked by Trayvon Martin on that evening.

"The evidence will show that this was a case of self defence."
Obviously he was hot-tempered and didn't like to be followed. Police saw blood on Zimmerman's face and back of his head so that's why they let him go.

Zimmerman should not have followed him as told by a police dispatcher. However it was not a crime to watch where people go.

however that's not what happened in here. Zimmerman went to confront him against 911 dispatcher's advisement and Neighborhood Watch's cardinal rules and to make the matter worst.... Zimmerman was armed. It is illegal for him to intentionally put himself in danger where he would be forced to use gun. It's called vigilantism or "Charles Bronson".

as you said - it is not a crime to watch where people go and he should continue watching and not confront him at all. I do not believe that Trayvon followed him back to his car.
From an article;

Meanwhile, Mr Zimmerman's associates – including a close friend who is himself black – have made a series of television appearances arguing that he is not a racist, and was genuinely in fear for his life.

The friend, Joe Oliver, told the Today Show: "The bottom line is there was a life-and-death struggle in that instance and someone was going to die." Mr Zimmerman's lawyer, Craig Sonner, claimed that the neighbourhood watch chief was himself injured during his confrontation with Trayvon.

He added: "It's not a racial issue. George Zimmerman is absolutely not a racist.
correct. I do not believe Zimmerman is racist and this racial issue is nothing but a headache and distraction from the truth.

"George Zimmerman suffered a broken nose, and had an injury to the back of his head – he was attacked by Trayvon Martin on that evening.

"The evidence will show that this was a case of self defence."

however....... Trayvon's girlfriend testified that he was trying to run away from him.

Trayvon Martin was on phone with his girlfriend just before his slaying, attorney says - Sun Sentinel
The records show that on the day of the shooting, Trayvon Martin and the girl spoke on the phone throughout the day multiple times. The final call between the pair was initiated at 7:12 p.m., less than five minutes before Sanford police responded to the shooting site, Crump said.

Martin's girlfriend recalled Martin saying that he was trying to lose the man pursuing him, Crump said. At one point Martin told her he thought that he had lost him, Crump said.

Then Martin said, 'Oh, he's right behind me again,'" Crump said. "She says run. But he said I'm not going to run, I'm just to going to walk fast.'"

The girl heard Martin ask, "Why are you following me?'" Crump said. She then heard another voice ask, "What are you doing around here?" the lawyer said.

An altercation ensued. The girl concluded Martin was pushed, because his voice falls out during the conversation, Crump said.

She said she next heard what sounded like Martin's cellphone earpiece getting dislodged from his ear before the call was abruptly ended. She tried phoning back, but there was no answer, Crump said.

so... it pretty much comes down to he-said, she-said. whose testimony will prosecutor believe the most? that is the question.
however that's not what happened in here. Zimmerman went to confront him against 911 dispatcher's advisement and Neighborhood Watch's cardinal rules and to make the matter worst.... Zimmerman was armed. It is illegal for him to intentionally put himself in danger where he would be forced to use gun. It's called vigilantism or "Charles Bronson".

as you said - it is not a crime to watch where people go and he should continue watching and not confront him at all. I do not believe that Trayvon followed him back to his car.
We have to wait and see. FBI and state law enforcements are currently working on fact findings.
We have to wait and see. FBI and state law enforcements are currently working on fact findings.

yup. April 10th. *twiddling my thumbs*

just to clarify - FBI is only investigating to see if it is a hate crime or not. I pray that it isn't otherwise it will put Stand Your Ground law in jeopardy.
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