Rambling still on going.. you know everything the best for your daughter knowledge than everyone's pov.. Pretty find interesting rest of all your thread. Full of trash! FYI!
I'm waiting for your daughter turned against your back really bad..
I'll be very happy look forward your daughter's speak it out herself NOT YOU CLOGGY!
When your daughter turned teenager or Adult.. she'll stand up!
Lotte may or may not turn against her parents as a teen. Probably will go through a rebellious stage just as all kids do.

I once asked on one discussion of a young person who discontinued the use of a CI why? The reasons went from to much noise (new processors would now help with that) to eventually the fact that deaf friends without CI treated him in a way that made it easier for him to take the thing off. The confindence that Lotte has in herself and the fact that her parents are willing to listen to her will go along way in her journey through her teens. If every child could have such support it would be nice but that isn't possible in this less then perfect world.
have a nice night.