Sweetmind is my friend.greema said:Sm = Sp ????
gnulinuxman said:Also, parents of deaf children will jump at any "fix" because they think it's the only way their kids will ever succeed at all.
You are the expert at what parents will do to help their children fix their children?
My youngest has been through surgery hmmm, 4 times I believe, the first was open heart surgery, without this 'fix' she would at this time in her life probably be living with pulmonary hypertension. The fix was needed to improve her quality of life.
The second occured about a year late, this 'fix' was to place tubes in her ears. She had fluid build up, she could probably have done without this 'fix' after all the fluid just muffles the sounds she's hearing so nothing is really clear, we chose to operate and give her a chance to hear correctly.
At age 6 she had a tear duct probe, by this time the chance of a probe being successful was pretty low, but we decided to take that risk to give her less goopy eyes. This fix didn't really work, now 10 yrs later we are still trying to decide if we should go with the stent placement to help eye drainage. It would probably 'fix' the problem, but it is another surgery and she does ok most of the time....
The next 'fix' occured after her hernia became infected. We hadn't 'fixed' it when it first occured because we didn't want her to have to go through surgery again and normally these types of hernias don't cause problems. Once this type of hernia has caused problems then it is better to decide to remove it, but still not medically 'necessary', you just run the risk of getting another infection. we chose to do this 'fix' because we have no idea when she is in alot of pain so it's best to get rid of the problem so we don't have to worry about it.
There's the possiblity that she may need another 'fix' for her heart, hopefully not but that leaky valve could cause problems. In which case we will again opt to 'fix' her.
There are a couple of other 'fixes' that we are contemplating for her, but at this time the need isn't that great.
Now for parents with profoundly deaf children the time to get the most benefit out of the 'fix' is when they are very young. (just like the best benefit for my daughters heart repair was asap) These parents don't jump at the 'fix' without concidering the risks and they do know that it's possible it won't work. They are making INFORMED choices and they really don't need you or anyone else to tell them it's wrong to implant toddlers and young children. They are facing the reality that the world runs on spoken words and that there is a chance for their children to learn that language with relative ease when they implant them early. That they are less likely to run into 'discrimination' problems because they can't understand/hear what is going on around them.
If you've don't have children how can you know what goes into making the decision to put your child under, no matter how trivial the reason is (like ear tubes and eye probes, ci implantation is outpatient surgery so really not anymore dangerous then them).
gnulinuxman said:Jag, you cannot compare cochlear implants to heart surgery. People can live as deaf people, but the heart is a vital organ. (By "vital" I mean there's a 100% chance you'd die without it.)
gnulinuxman said:Sweetmind is my friend.
SxyPorkie thinks I'm a liar.
They are NOT the same person.
greema said:Sm = Sp ????
You accused me of lying about my fiancee's childhood.SxyPorkie said:I did not call you liar... i am tired of someone always blame Sweetmind all the times... it has to be stopped...
Yes, you are older than Sweetmind...SxyPorkie said:As i told everyone I am not Sweetmind.. yes i know her from the deafchat... she lives out in the East.. I live out in the West... we agree on same topic does not mean we are same person... You are fucking wrong...
I am much older... I had met and made friends who were oral deaf and I understood how they went through frustrations.. NO sign langauges allowed in their lives... I taught most of them.... I was HOH but I went to the deaf school.. what more my parents were deaf...
I had lived in both hearing and deaf worlds.,, I prefer living in the deaf world...
I am over 60 yrs old LOts of experiences than you knew...
Oh, some people have tried proving me wrong about it... and failed to convince me.Cheri said:Cochlear Implants to Organs doesn't make no sense, It's not the same thing.
You just refused to accept that Dr cannot fix our deafness if you mind. Thats the whole point here that many of us deafies do not hear everything, that cannot be fixed. DR did this to drop those stupid devices into their head, that does not always work out for many d/Deaf children to hear like Hearing people. You are wasting my time after all I know what it s like to hear with my HA that will not make any difference from CI device.
Have you read any information from people that chose a CI after they couldn’t hear with a HA? Guess not. They are doing well..
And I thought you stopped using your HA years ago. What do you know about hearing with a HA? My guess is… nothing! .
it s same old behavior patterns that affects many d/Deaf children who has been delaying their literacy because of your audist attitude.
No, that was because they were deaf and only exposed to ASL
Sighs! IT S ALL ABOUT MONEY that hearing parents are having a good lollipop after all they listened to DR who doesnt know nothing about our deafness and our abilities from the start.
Your’re right, doesn’t know nothing… means he/she knows something!!
Scoffs! Nothing is good about Deaf children without devices from you guys.. So that’s how you look at children with CI… Shame on you!
Sound and body organs are totally different because body organs is not the sound.. Deafness is not life threatening or death matters if you mind. …….
You failed to see the truth that many deafies cannot hear everything with CI and that they do really need Deaf languages to be part of their lives that you dont give a damn.
Have you actually checked how many use sign and how many rely on lipreading? Sign language is not a requirement to communicate. There are plenty of examples on this messageboard.
Once people tried to fix us and our deafness that makes things worse and more conflict or problem all along that has not solved the problems yet because you are thinking of HEAR and SPEAK before LITERACY that is totally wrong from audist attitude people. It hasnt changed a bit at all. No wonder many deaf people do not write very good written english with HA / CI. So what is your point? Gemma thinks one member of alldeaf has a very good written english, that makes me laugh so hard.
If this is the case, why are you letting someone else do the writing for you. The long posts are in good English, but when you reply quickly, you are back to your old self!!
Why don’t you stop covering up. For me, I understand your message fine when you write it yourself because that’s what matters in the end. Not the grammar.
Now I am glad that you cannot accuse our Deaf languages for not having literacy because it s proven that Deaf girl with CI complained for not having BSL that she feel more comfortable and more relieved after she found out. Audist attitude people have no right to take our Deaf language away from Deaf children. Thats totally selfish and self centered by your own negative audist attitude. BSL helps her alot more than HA or CI devices. I feel the same way she felt in her own true inner soul.
Literacy… How do you write down ASL? It has been tried, but not to any satisfactory level.
For goodness' sake, those deaf children is deaf as always that you want to get rid of our deafness..
I thought we agreed that CI-users are still deaf. They just can hear in addition to being deaf.
NONE OF YOUR CONCERN to destroy those d/Deaf children and d/Deaf/ Hearing children s need to have ASL that helps them to communicate or have their own true thinking as creative thinking that helps by using ASL or any other Deaf languages .
FORCE or Conformity are totally wrong for you to misuse on Deaf children's emotional and mentality as well as I can see it very much.
I feel it needs to change their own audist attitude into postiive outlook about our deafness and d/Deaf children's abilities without devices. You refused to see the truth that they have their own accomplishment in the old past like Butterfly did posted a good topic about Deaf Professionals who were or are still success in todays that you dont want to face the reality. So what is your excuse to have DEVICES to make it work with Hearing people out there? You are not making any sense that u are trying to cover up yourself and pretend you are not deaf? What are you trying to prove that Hearing people are more superior that you think d/Deaf people are inferior? Thats the impression I'm getting from your own stinky audist attitude.
…or do you feel inferior?? Perhaps that’s the problem here….
All I am seeing most hearing people couldnt handle with d/Deaf children while we Deaf parents can handle with Hearing children with no problem..
…or perhaps hearing people ARE handling it. Just not in the way you like it….
So what is your real problem about us and deaf children? .. Jeez! I have nothing against hearing people with a very good attitude but I have always get a big turn off by you d/Deaf, d/Deaf oralism, hearing, with your damn negative/nasty audist attitude. You dont have a good feelings about yourself and your own deafness that shows you are so helpless and getting more disabled to depend on devices that is not guarantee to make your life success. JEEZ! Attitude is the answer as usual. …HUH….
LITERACY IS THE ONE answer that we need focus to have a good success than having to focus on <HEAR AND SPEAK FIRST> Scoffs! You failed us all along that hasnt been stopped yet. We are deaf as is. So be it! …HUH….
Denial is no good and not healthy for you to have in your life. You are making things worse and hateful of our ASL or Deaf languages. You wanna be hearing then be my guest.. You wont get there before hearing people.
…So now you are even telling us how hearing people feel. Impressive… AND WAY OFF!!….
Deaf languages are equal Hearing s languages that fit on both sides..
…Again. How do you write down ASL….
Sweetmind said:You just refused to accept that Dr cannot fix our deafness if you mind. Thats the whole point here that many of us deafies do not hear everything, that cannot be fixed. DR did this to drop those stupid devices into their head, that does not always work out for many d/Deaf children to hear like Hearing people. You are wasting my time after all I know what it s like to hear with my HA that will not make any difference from CI device.. it s same old behavior patterns that affects many d/Deaf children who has been delaying their literacy because of your audist attitude. Sighs! IT S ALL ABOUT MONEY that hearing parents are having a good lollipop after all they listened to DR who doesnt know nothing about our deafness and our abilities from the start. Scoffs! Nothing is good about Deaf children without devices from you guys..
Sound and body organs are totally different because body organs is not the sound.. Deafness is not life threatening or death matters if you mind.
You failed to see the truth that many deafies cannot hear everything with CI and that they do really need Deaf languages to be part of their lives that you dont give a damn.
Once people tried to fix us and our deafness that makes things worse and more conflict or problem all along that has not solved the problems yet because you are thinking of HEAR and SPEAK before LITERACY that is totally wrong from audist attitude people. It hasnt changed a bit at all. No wonder many deaf people do not write very good written english with HA / CI. So what is your point? Gemma thinks one member of alldeaf has a very good written english, that makes me laugh so hard.
Now I am glad that you cannot accuse our Deaf languages for not having literacy because it s proven that Deaf girl with CI complained for not having BSL that she feel more comfortable and more relieved after she found out. Audist attitude people have no right to take our Deaf language away from Deaf children. Thats totally selfish and self centered by your own negative audist attitude. BSL helps her alot more than HA or CI devices. I feel the same way she felt in her own true inner soul.
For goodness' sake, those deaf children is deaf as always that you want to get rid of our deafness.. NONE OF YOUR CONCERN to destroy those d/Deaf children and d/Deaf/ Hearing children s need to have ASL that helps them to communicate or have their own true thinking as creative thinking that helps by using ASL or any other Deaf languages .
FORCE or Conformity are totally wrong for you to misuse on Deaf children's emotional and mentality as well as I can see it very much.
Gemma why dont you grow up and act your own age? For pete s sake. I m Sweetmind as a whole person and different from Sexy Porky as individuals.. Geema, You dont have anything to say then hush up instead of attack toward Sexy Porky or myself or make up your stupid fairy tales about me and Sexy Porky. It seems to me that you looked like a green witch with a wart nose that s how you like it that you wish I am the same person as Sexy Porky. It s all in your head that you are wishful for all Deaf children to be hearing children. Scoffs!. That's a perfect example here.
SexyPorkie and I know the truth from what we did meeting many deafies who shared with people in a very honest approach all along. So Are you objected that we want to share the truth because you dont want anybody to know the evil thing that audist attitude people did it to our d/Deaf children from the old past years up todays? Thats not right. Like I said Sexy Porky and I was in between range from HOH and Deaf. It s no difference between her and me that has a real problem in a real life that people believes that we can hear with our devices or speak 100 percent because of oral professional told all of us a big lie at all.
I feel it needs to change their own audist attitude into postiive outlook about our deafness and d/Deaf children's abilities without devices. You refused to see the truth that they have their own accomplishment in the old past like Butterfly did posted a good topic about Deaf Professionals who were or are still success in todays that you dont want to face the reality. So what is your excuse to have DEVICES to make it work with Hearing people out there? You are not making any sense that u are trying to cover up yourself and pretend you are not deaf? What are you trying to prove that Hearing people are more superior that you think d/Deaf people are inferior? Thats the impression I'm getting from your own stinky audist attitude.
All I am seeing most hearing people couldnt handle with d/Deaf children while we Deaf parents can handle with Hearing children with no problem.. So what is your real problem about us and deaf children? .. Jeez! I have nothing against hearing people with a very good attitude but I have always get a big turn off by you d/Deaf, d/Deaf oralism, hearing, with your damn negative/nasty audist attitude. You dont have a good feelings about yourself and your own deafness that shows you are so helpless and getting more disabled to depend on devices that is not guarantee to make your life success. JEEZ! Attitude is the answer as usual.
LITERACY IS THE ONE answer that we need focus to have a good success than having to focus on <HEAR AND SPEAK FIRST> Scoffs! You failed us all along that hasnt been stopped yet. We are deaf as is. So be it!
I dont blame this Deaf girl with CI feel this way as well as I felt that way when I was a young gal. I can understand her own pain feelings that I do care for her and her needs very much. Devices s always struggled for all of us with oral rules that has be HEARING S WAY that is totally wrong. We are getting sick of this bullshyt to have a same old routine audist attitude s way for more than 100 years. Nothing is good about Deaf people and Deaf languages that is your own selfish and self centeredness that u think you are better than any of Deaf people. What a pity!
Denial is no good and not healthy for you to have in your life. You are making things worse and hateful of our ASL or Deaf languages. You wanna be hearing then be my guest.. You wont get there before hearing people. LOL! So what are you trying to do to prove yourself like a hearing person who can hear? LOL You re giving many mixed messages like what you have learned from audist attitude people who doesnt accept you from the start. What a wacko and fruity head that we are dealing with every day in our lives.! You are not helping Deaf children s future because it s same old bullshyte routine from audist attitude people.
Deaf languages are equal Hearing s languages that fit on both sides.. So be it! Ex: ASL/BI BI lagnuage that incudes SE. BSL / BI BI languages that incudes SE with or with oral speaking that comes from a speech class. Thats a two way street. Thanks! We dont need your complications, it is not necessary to have too many artificial languages that relates spoken language only while hearing people do not have that artificial langauges. We Deaf people can learn Deaf languages and Hearing people can learn other languages that is our education to have foreign languages with or without orally speaking as equal. So it gives many oppportunities for d/Deaf people o have a job for Deaf teacher or Deaf counselor or any Deaf position that needs for Deaf children s needs. In anywhere in this society. Why stop them from having a real Deaf language? Jeez!
NO need to degrade on Deaf people s abilities with or without orally speaking. It should be equality for every individual s need that should be including Deaf languages for Deaf children. So be it! whether you like it or not, Leave it alone.
Thank you!
You realise she will not be able to remember this.StacieLeigh said:Sweetmind,
.............You say you wore HA and yet you say it's the same as CI, how would you know????? I wore HA all my life and I just got a CI and let me tell you, they are not the same! I am picking up sounds I've never heard before with an HA, I love it!
Agree. The comparison is totally wrong when using surgery needed to safe life.Cheri said:Cochlear Implants to Organs doesn't make no sense, It's not the same thing.
Cloggy said:You realise she will not be able to remember this.
Many people have told her this, but still she flippes back to the same statement.
I think a shortcut happens when she reads that someone actually likes (let alone loves) CI. It's a selfprotecting mechanism to prevent her world from collapsing... And it works![]()
Remember she's only 4 but she loves rhymes, and will sing by herself the songs she knows.StacieLeigh said:Oh, I know......
How's your little doll doing?
One other question, how does she do with music? I post in my thread about what music I'm listening to and any advice would be great on other types of music I should try.
Nice attitude...Sweetmind said:........Scoffs! Nothing is good about Deaf children without devices from you guys...
Excuse me but I don't think you should compare a life saving caesarean section surgery with a CI surgery. I had to have one in order to save my baby's life and also my life. Most caesarean section surgeries are done to save a precious life.Cloggy said:Agree. The comparison is totally wrong when using surgery needed to safe life.
But what about the comparison with circumcision and ceasarian?
I believe they can be used as a comparison....