Does AD Make You Hungry? Part 2

HA, tvp means "textured vegetable protein" - meat substitute made from soy flour. Comes in crumbles of chubs and can be used for veggie sloppy joes/janes veggie chili....I eat vegan a lot of the time so it works for me:D

tonight we see my folks for dinner-

:ty: for the explanation dogmom. What are chubs? I've never heard of that word before.
oh no problem :) chubs are like short, squat wrapped tubes, sometimes what sausage or ground beef might come in-
I just ate at Wendy's.

I tried their new spicy & sour Asian boneless chicken bites. They're quite good.

They taste almost like the Asian Zing flavor from Buffalo Wild Wings.
I finally had mac-&-cheese again. It's been a while since I had some. :)

For dinner, I had TV dinner. It's one of those $1 TV dinners you buy at the store.

Anyways, I've always microwaved it. But this time, I thought I'd try cooking it instead. It turned out a lot better that way. I think I'll do that for the rest of my TV dinners from now on. :)
I finally had mac-&-cheese again. It's been a while since I had some. :)

For dinner, I had TV dinner. It's one of those $1 TV dinners you buy at the store.

Anyways, I've always microwaved it. But this time, I thought I'd try cooking it instead. It turned out a lot better that way. I think I'll do that for the rest of my TV dinners from now on. :)

My sister loves Mac & Cheese, and she realized that the cooking taste better than a microwave. She is adult and still eat it often. I don't eat it cuz I eat healthy food like cooking wild fishes, scrambled eggs, veggie burgers, rice with sour cream.

I love to eat Tofu, but I wasted the unopened package in the refrigerator often b/c the date is expired. I don't know what is wrong with me. Maybe, it's my brain from messy house. :shrug:

TV dinners are best when they are made in the oven -- or so it seems to me.

I haven't had dinner yet, but I plan to throw a DiGiorno's pepperoni pizza in the oven around 10pm.

Right now I'm making due with Nacho Cheese Doritos and Sunkist orange soda. :giggle:
Yeah, those are good.

I like them better than chicken quesadillas. :)

I love them both just the same. My brother in law will be picking up dinner for me as he does several times/week, so I may ask him to pick up some quesadillas at Taco Bell since the one near my home is along a highway and I have to cross a busy intersection to get there. It sure is a bummer now that Taco Bell is no longer located on the same side of the street my apartment complex is. I could walk along the side streets where there was no traffic even at 11 at night without any hassles from neighborhood teenagers.
I just ate at Wendy's.

I tried their new spicy & sour Asian boneless chicken bites. They're quite good.

They taste almost like the Asian Zing flavor from Buffalo Wild Wings.

I have not try those, I always get the Ultimate Chicken Grill

TV dinners are best when they are made in the oven -- or so it seems to me.

I haven't had dinner yet, but I plan to throw a DiGiorno's pepperoni pizza in the oven around 10pm.

Right now I'm making due with Nacho Cheese Doritos and Sunkist orange soda. :giggle:
I just had a very good DiGiorno's pizza for dinner recently. :)

It was one of those special edition kind that had pepperoni, sausage, & bacon... along with mozzarella stuffed crust with garlic seasoning all over. Whew! It... was... good! *burps*
I just ate leftover Papa John's pizza and caffeine free Diet Pepsi!
I just had a different kind of microwavable dinner. This one was mexican beef with mashed potatoes. Instead if microwaving it, I cooked it... turned out perfect. Finished it off with some kettle cooked cheddar potato chips and a couple chocolate chip cookies. :)
Right now I have a bottle of Ruby-splash Sierra Mist. It was on sale at Walmart for 25 cents per 20 ounce bottle.
Actually I don't like it. It tastes like a bad grapefruit juice imitation. But I can never resist a great sale. :wave:
Ah, that's understandable.

I do the same with some products.

If it's on sale and a flavor I've never tried, I might buy one just for the hell of it.

Half of the time, it's good. The other half, it's bad.

The strawberried peanut butter M&Ms were good. The coconut M&Ms were okay. :)