I did think about mentioning MSAD to them, will on Sunday. I still wish my parents had sent me there when I was a kid. The kids in my school were very mean, although elementary school wasn't that bad. Junior high (7th grade only) was horrible; 8th & 9th grade I was in a private Christian school that nearly landed me in special education in 10th grade. I had other problems in hs with student support services, too, but that's another story.
I think You said their daughter is in elementry? If they want to check out MSAD one good way to do that would be to sign her up for the summer enrichment program. that's usually 2 weeks in june and is open to all deaf/hoh kids in MN. That's when we first became aquainted with them.
As for your trip through middle school, one of my daughters friends bil decided to teach, after some student teaching he said he would do younger kids, the attitude of the middle school students was that bad. Also my oldest had a heck of a time from about 6th grade until 11th. And this was just a small school where the kids were together from k-12. If 'they' decide you're the outcast there's not alot you can do about it but hope your family is supportive enough to get you through that.....either that or hope they have enough money to try a different placement. (that wasn't us tho, we aren't that 'rich')
Have a nice day.