District files appeal against deaf student

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Yeah we are different and we are happy being different. We very accepting of people of who they are and want to be. Maybe the way we live our lives has to do with the way I was raised. I took parts of the Mexican culture, parts of the Hungarian culture and parts of the American culture that I liked and that is how my family became the we are.

And being different is exactly the root of your misperceptions.
I have learned we can never please everyone, we just need to be happy with who we are and my family is happy. I am enjoying my children so much now because they would only be in our home for a couple of more years.

If you are indeed happy with who you are, why is it that you feel such a need to defend your philosophy?

Why can't we have our own definition, why do we have to accept our people's definition. we are each very unique each and every one of us. We live in a country that prides themselves on being individuals. This is what makes this country so wonderful.
And you can't just make up any definition that suits you because that is known as deviant behavior. One must abide by the norms and standards of the greater society.

I like how you stated that my daughter serves as a communication mediator because you are right she is not fluent enough to be an interpeter. When she is communicating with her friends it is a combination of things lip reading, signing, and acting. It is just so fun to see her in that role. I just love it. I love watching with her friends and watching her friends with her and our family. It is just so accepting. They are just so accepting of all their difference. It is amazing.
You are the one that stated that your daughter was intepreting, not I. Another case of making up your own definition? And had she learned sign as a small child so that she was fluent, communication between herself and her peers would not be so limited as to have to rely on "acting". It would be easy and fluid. By your own description, your daughter is limited in her ability to communciate in either world.]

This is why I love summer. Her friends are always at my home. Just today about 10 of them are coming over. My house is way too big for us but we continue to pay the too big mortageg paid until they are done with high school so that her friends can over and sleep over.

What precisely does that have to do with anything? Is this just another attempt to elevate your status as being such a wonderful parent and friend, and to drop hints about your financial status? Irrelevent.
No. Because she is getting equal access when you figure in the pre and post teaching that you do at home.

The school is required to give her equal access and they are not

Many hearing kids need these services as well, but are not eligible for accommodations. It is something a parent does to insure that their child acieves at the highest level possible. If she is functioning at the academic level you claim, then you cannot claim that she is not getting equal access. Don't you get it?


DON'T YELL AT ME! You need to stop approaching everything from an emotional standpoint and use the brain I am assuming you have. The school has fulfilled their responsibility. They have provided other accommodations, and she is achieving, according to you, at alevel higher than the majority of her hearing peers. You are trying to use the fact that you are pre teaching and post teaching as justification for additional accommodations. That is asking for an advantage, not equal access. And yes, I support the people who disagree with the oral philosophy, because they make sense. What I don't support are people who choose a method that inderently limits their child and then wants to make everyone else responsible for the negative effects of the decision they willingly made. You chose to put your daughter in an oral educaitonal environment. Youchose not to provide her with additional tools that could have easily facilitated her educational process. You chose to sign off on the IEPs that provided only the services that she has received so far. Inherent in your choice is the fact that she needs extra help at home. Take responsibility for that. If your child needs extra tutoring because you have made the oral choice, then that is something you do. It is not the school systems responsibility to provide that, nor is the rest of society responsible for your child. YOU ARE THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR CHILD. The school system is responsible for admitting her to the classroom, and insuring that she has access to the material presented there. If she is oral, then she is being provided access. They are not responsible for insuring that she function at the highest level possible once that access has been provided. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOT THAT AS HER PARENT. Lots of parents provide their children with extra help at home--both hearing and deaf--to facilitate comprehension and mastery of material that was presented in the classroom.. That does not mean that all of these children are not being given equal access. Just as the fact that you have to give your daughter homework help does not mean that she is not being provided equal access. Find another reason to justify your decision, because using the fact that, as her parent, you are having to put in a little extra work is invalid.
QUOTE=jillio;815047]What precisely does that have to do with anything? Is this just another attempt to elevate your status as being such a wonderful parent and friend, and to drop hints about your financial status? Irrelevent.[/QUOTE]

I will be paying a big mortgage too but my house is small. :giggle:

DON'T YELL AT ME! You need to stop approaching everything from an emotional standpoint and use the brain I am assuming you have. The school has fulfilled their responsibility. They have provided other accommodations, and she is achieving, according to you, at alevel higher than the majority of her hearing peers. You are trying to use the fact that you are pre teaching and post teaching as justification for additional accommodations. That is asking for an advantage, not equal access. And yes, I support the people who disagree with the oral philosophy, because they make sense. What I don't support are people who choose a method that inderently limits their child and then wants to make everyone else responsible for the negative effects of the decision they willingly made. You chose to put your daughter in an oral educaitonal environment. Youchose not to provide her with additional tools that could have easily facilitated her educational process. You chose to sign off on the IEPs that provided only the services that she has received so far. Inherent in your choice is the fact that she needs extra help at home. Take responsibility for that. If your child needs extra tutoring because you have made the oral choice, then that is something you do. It is not the school systems responsibility to provide that, nor is the rest of society responsible for your child. YOU ARE THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR CHILD. The school system is responsible for admitting her to the classroom, and insuring that she has access to the material presented there. If she is oral, then she is being provided access. They are not responsible for insuring that she function at the highest level possible once that access has been provided. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOT THAT AS HER PARENT. Lots of parents provide their children with extra help at home--both hearing and deaf--to facilitate comprehension and mastery of material that was presented in the classroom.. That does not mean that all of these children are not being given equal access. Just as the fact that you have to give your daughter homework help does not mean that she is not being provided equal access. Find another reason to justify your decision, because using the fact that, as her parent, you are having to put in a little extra work is invalid.

I don't need to find another because you are not judge or jury. You are just a bitter lonely lady.
I don't need to find another because you are not judge or jury. You are just a bitter lonely lady.

And exactly how did you come to that conclusion? The only part you got right was "lady". And you have once again proven the deficits in your character by resorting to name calling and juvenile snap judgements about something you know absolutely nothing about. Grow up, for God's sake, and act like the parent you claim to be. You give oralists a bad name. Not that they don't have one already.

The fact of the matter is, you don't have another excuse. Your defense tactics prove that. God help the children you have influence over!
QUOTE=jillio;815047]What precisely does that have to do with anything? Is this just another attempt to elevate your status as being such a wonderful parent and friend, and to drop hints about your financial status? Irrelevent.

I will be paying a big mortgage too but my house is small. :giggle:[/QUOTE]

I guess we aren't all as rich and famous and wonderful and well educated as jackie!:giggle: Since she is obviously so well off, I wonder why she doesn't jsut hire a tutor for her daughter instead of working her poor wittle fingers tot he bone doing all of that pre andpost teaching,
the thing that you don't get is that what Jackie is doing is pretty much akin to those folks who claim "ADD" so they can get disabilty checks from the government.
Her daughter ALREADY is doing really really well. Why does she need Dolce and Gabbanna accomondations when she is doing really well? I mean it just kinda seems like Jackie is the type who's "OMG! New technology! It MUST be better then what's already out there." .

Why does it upset you that she is working to get the accomdation for her daughter, if she wins it for her daughter then the children coming after her who are doing well will have a better chance of getting the better accomodation. I'll again say thanks to Jackie for putting her family through the stress of due process, without those willing to go through to ensure their rights under ADA/IDEA progress wouldn't be made.

YOu still seem to have a problem with using newer and better 'tools'. PErhaps you need to reflect on why you are so adament on everyone being treated exactly teh same and not getting or working toward something better.

If her daughter did not have total and complete access, she would not be acheiving as well as she is.
I acknowledge that the mainstream can be a good place. I just think that its overidealized. There are kids who do well, but there are just as many who don't do as well..........and by mainstream I mean regular school regular classes..

Again, without parents willing to file due process the status quo will remain low. Sure her daugher is doing well, but she is missing more then the normal hearing person does. I do know what the mainstream is, I may not have gone to college but I've been working with a disabled daughter for about 17 yrs now and really don't need you to discribe mainstreamed is. sigh. In Jackies daughter case her LRE is the regular classroom with proper accomodations. THe disagreement that the due process is to resolve is what is a proper accomodation. Without the parents like Jackie the accomodations won't improve.

I know you've been there and done that. But so have I..........and I'm not that old. I also have many friends who have their sped kids in the system.......and I can tell you that the majority of them have a hell of a time trying to get their kids good accomondations.
And yes, her daughter has ASL in her toolbox........but I was under the impression that it was more social, rather then being able to use it fluently 100%.

Perhaps it really is time for parents who really want to get those accomodations to begin filing due process. Or aren't they willing to put up with the stress to get what their child needs. Jackie is putting her 'money where her mouth is' so to speak. I said the hell with it and moved my child into a deaf school. and she 'gasp' is a residential student. And yes I am aware that she is at higher risk for abuse in that situation.

And yeah when jackie was speaking about her daughter translating for her deaf signing friends I to got that it was more for social sitations and not acutual school sitations. I don't think anyone ever said it was during school did they? Perhaps some are misreading what she wrote. But that said her daughter does at times translate for deaf friends.
Why does it upset you that she is working to get the accomdation for her daughter, if she wins it for her daughter then the children coming after her who are doing well will have a better chance of getting the better accomodation. I'll again say thanks to Jackie for putting her family through the stress of due process, without those willing to go through to ensure their rights under ADA/IDEA progress wouldn't be made.

YOu still seem to have a problem with using newer and better 'tools'. PErhaps you need to reflect on why you are so adament on everyone being treated exactly teh same and not getting or working toward something better.

Again, without parents willing to file due process the status quo will remain low. Sure her daugher is doing well, but she is missing more then the normal hearing person does. I do know what the mainstream is, I may not have gone to college but I've been working with a disabled daughter for about 17 yrs now and really don't need you to discribe mainstreamed is. sigh. In Jackies daughter case her LRE is the regular classroom with proper accomodations. THe disagreement that the due process is to resolve is what is a proper accomodation. Without the parents like Jackie the accomodations won't improve.

Perhaps it really is time for parents who really want to get those accomodations to begin filing due process. Or aren't they willing to put up with the stress to get what their child needs. Jackie is putting her 'money where her mouth is' so to speak. I said the hell with it and moved my child into a deaf school. and she 'gasp' is a residential student. And yes I am aware that she is at higher risk for abuse in that situation.

And yeah when jackie was speaking about her daughter translating for her deaf signing friends I to got that it was more for social sitations and not acutual school sitations. I don't think anyone ever said it was during school did they? Perhaps some are misreading what she wrote. But that said her daughter does at times translate for deaf friends.

No,she said her daughter interprets, not translates. But she also says that her daughter does not know sign language and therefore would not benefit from an interpreter inthe classroom. Jackie is not putting her money where her mouth is as she has already stated that her attorney is not charging her.

Lawsuits such as this actually make it more difficult for parents to get cooperation of school systems in providing reasonable accommodations because you have a child that is already performing, according to her parent, at a level higher that the majority of the hearing students. To ask for additional accommodation in light of that fact is overkill.
The school has fulfilled their responsibility. They have provided other accommodations, and she is achieving, according to you, at alevel higher than the majority of her hearing peers. You are trying to use the fact that you are pre teaching and post teaching as justification for additional accommodations. That is asking for an advantage, not equal access
Exactly.............Right on! Jackie, if your daughter wasn't doing well with her current accomondations, and you wanted CART b/c she could do better we would be behind you 100%. So you're involved with your daughter's education........so what? Most parents SHOULD be involved with their kids' educations. She is doing FINE with the notetaking and the normal parental involvment. She's even doing fine compared to HEARING kids. Why does she need an accomondation that won't even help her improve her grades?
And jillo is 100% right. Oral-only advocates imply that kids don't need as much accomondations. If that's true, then how come you feel she needs this accomondation? And why such an expensive accomondation? Why not just have the teacher change seating arrangements? That could really help just as much, b/c then she could follow the discussions easier.
Oh and I find that VERY offensive that you suggest that my friends do not know how to get accomondations. Accomondations and advocates are all well and good, but trust me..........it is NO match for teachers (including so called sped teachers) who have NO clue about how to educate kids like us. It is no match for sped programs where the unspoken attitude is that if wittle Smashlie can't acheive with minimal accomondations, they're never going to college or anything like that. If your daughter didn't get such good grades, I think you'd experiance a completly different mentality. The attitude is that if you can't acheive with generic accomondations you're never going to get anywhere. Trust me...............I know.
And jag, no that's not how government thinks. I mean god our government is the type of government that takes away welfare benifits b/c of a few "urban legend" welfare queens. If they hear about Jackie the thinking is that "Oh all sped kids are just trying to work the system to get advantages. They can learn with just minimal accomondations. Anything else is just a case of yuppie overacheiver parents trying to make sure wittle Smashlie gets into Harvard. " Hey, that attidue is rampent with ADD kids.
Exactly.............Right on! Jackie, if your daughter wasn't doing well with her current accomondations, and you wanted CART b/c she could do better we would be behind you 100%. So you're involved with your daughter's education........so what? Most parents SHOULD be involved with their kids' educations. She is doing FINE with the notetaking and the normal parental involvment. She's even doing fine compared to HEARING kids. Why does she need an accomondation that won't even help her improve her grades?
And jillo is 100% right. Oral-only advocates imply that kids don't need as much accomondations. If that's true, then how come you feel she needs this accomondation? And why such an expensive accomondation? Why not just have the teacher change seating arrangements? That could really help just as much, b/c then she could follow the discussions easier. Oh and I find that VERY offensive that you suggest that my friends do not know how to get accomondations. Accomondations and advocates are all well and good, but trust me..........it is NO match for teachers (including so called sped teachers) who have NO clue about how to educate kids like us. It is no match for sped programs where the unspoken attitude is that if wittle Smashlie can't acheive with minimal accomondations, they're never going to college or anything like that. If your daughter didn't get such good grades, I think you'd experiance a completly different mentality. The attitude is that if you can't acheive with generic accomondations you're never going to get anywhere. Trust me...............I know.
And jag, no that's not how government thinks. I mean god our government is the type of government that takes away welfare benifits b/c of a few "urban legend" welfare queens. If they hear about Jackie the thinking is that "Oh all sped kids are just trying to work the system to get advantages. They can learn with just minimal accomondations. Anything else is just a case of yuppie overacheiver parents trying to make sure wittle Smashlie gets into Harvard. " Hey, that attidue is rampent with ADD kids.

I've got another solution. Give the teacher a little hackie sack ball. When a student raises their hand to talk, have the teacher toss the ball to that student, and Jackie's daughter can follow it visually, and turn around to have the speaker in her line of vision. The student then tosses the ball either back to the teacher, or tothe next student talking.
That would be, "I am", not "I", made. (no and).....children, don't.... cares?

Syntax of your entire last sentence is off--that would be "I will just make sure", or "I will just make certain", and I do believe that you meant don't, not do. What you said was that you will be certain to send your children to the college where I am employed.

If I were taking someone to the IEP meeting with me, I would certainly want to be sure that they didn;t make errors such as this when attempting to make their wishes known. You are asking for exactly the opposite of what you want. Aren't teachers supposed to be more capable in their language usage than the children they are teaching?

I am on an extended vacation and cannot get online much but I was wondering how long before this specific thing was gonna get back into the light since the time I brought it up.......it is VERY telling. Good job, Jillio! Please note that I'm neither feeling vindicated nor gratified in any way here...it's really a very sad thing....
No,she said her daughter interprets, not translates. But she also says that her daughter does not know sign language and therefore would not benefit from an interpreter inthe classroom. Jackie is not putting her money where her mouth is as she has already stated that her attorney is not charging her.

Lawsuits such as this actually make it more difficult for parents to get cooperation of school systems in providing reasonable accommodations because you have a child that is already performing, according to her parent, at a level higher that the majority of the hearing students. To ask for additional accommodation in light of that fact is overkill.

"Puttin your money where your mouth is' does not necessarily have to mean real money you know. In this case we're talking time and stress dealing with the due process. BTW there is a list of lawyers that do work pro bono or for little charge somewhere on the net. Can't remember where maybe connected to the WRitghts law site. These are lawyers who do education law and they are in quite a few states.

Ahh interpet vs translate in a setting where learning isn't goiing on. OK then we can go with your defintion.

If in fact the child is missing stuff despite doing well then overkill is a good way to begin getting all children the accomodations they need. Jackie may in fact lose in court, but she at least willing to try. Why should we not support her when she's willing to go through the process to get accomodations for her child which will in the end help all kids doing well. To say the schools are right and she's wrong is to except that only average is good. To except that is to say that everyone should be the same, that one should never try to change the status quo. Why not? If parents had not tried to change things you'd still be talking about total segregation between disabled children and their peers.

So good luck to Jackie.
Exactly.............Right on! Jackie, if your daughter wasn't doing well with her current accomondations, and you wanted CART b/c she could do better we would be behind you 100%. So you're involved with your daughter's education........so what? Most parents SHOULD be involved with their kids' educations. She is doing FINE with the notetaking and the normal parental involvment. She's even doing fine compared to HEARING kids. Why does she need an accomondation that won't even help her improve her grades?
And jillo is 100% right. Oral-only advocates imply that kids don't need as much accomondations. If that's true, then how come you feel she needs this accomondation? And why such an expensive accomondation? Why not just have the teacher change seating arrangements? That could really help just as much, b/c then she could follow the discussions easier. .

Because her grades are good she should continue to struggle understanding what's going on when someone speaks softly. OOoKKKK.

The thing about seating arrangements is there are always those kids you can't understand unless they sit right next to you. In Hs kids don't really like to have seating arrangements and many of the teachers don't either. At least that was my experience.

Oh and I find that VERY offensive that you suggest that my friends do not know how to get accomondations. Accomondations and advocates are all well and good, but trust me..........it is NO match for teachers (including so called sped teachers) who have NO clue about how to educate kids like us. It is no match for sped programs where the unspoken attitude is that if wittle Smashlie can't acheive with minimal accomondations, they're never going to college or anything like that. If your daughter didn't get such good grades, I think you'd experiance a completly different mentality. The attitude is that if you can't acheive with generic accomondations you're never going to get anywhere. Trust me...............I know. .

I didn't say they don't know how to get accomodations, I'm saying if they can't get what is appropriate for their child and they really think it is appropriate rather then complain they should begin using the system established to get the accomodation that is appropriate for their child, or quit complaining. Usually things turn around when you begin to ask for things like rejection in writing. But if you know that something would help the child are you willing like Jackie to try to change the status quo by filing due process? Are your friends?

I live in a small school district, I knew all the kids in sped. My youngest was the only one in the school for a couple years with significant delays who was mostly contained and only mainstreamed in the classes like art, music etc, but all breaks and play time were with her peers and she wasn't treated like ar 'retard', even tho she is mentally retarded. I will agree that the staff was more of a problem with her. But the point is my daugter who's hoh/deaf would have still been treated like she was regardless. And alot of it was her attitude.

And jag, no that's not how government thinks. I mean god our government is the type of government that takes away welfare benifits b/c of a few "urban legend" welfare queens. If they hear about Jackie the thinking is that "Oh all sped kids are just trying to work the system to get advantages. They can learn with just minimal accomondations. Anything else is just a case of yuppie overacheiver parents trying to make sure wittle Smashlie gets into Harvard. " Hey, that attidue is rampent with ADD kids.

There are welfare queens. I don't come here to discuss my opinion of people like the young mom with 2 kids who was taking classes to be a photographer (easy classes btw) who was given money for day care so she could attend school, who never showed up for school because she was tired or whatever and who somehow while not having any money and needing my tax money to go to school and pay her rent has the money to go to FL and take her kids to disney during the school year when she's supposed to be attending classes. While my kids attend classes they had to work to pay for? Nope this isn't the place for that discussion. BTW, studies done have shown that the kids of the moms who went to work actually are doing better then those who's moms are still on welfare 10 yrs after the 'reform' that was to get them off their butts and into the workforce.

Oh and Harvard is sooooo overrated, but if someone wants to overpay to get Smashie into Harvard let them, it's their money. But in a public school if you can get better accomodations or are willing to go for it, good luck I hope you win and change things for those coming behind you. My youngest would have had to go to a school about 20 miles from her rather then in her home district if people had not been willing to fight the status quo. <let me add this, we have a neighbor who's severely disabled daughter was my 29 yo's age, so we're talking early 80's, they decided that the school in the county seat wasn't the correct place for her when she could travel 20 mile instead of 35 or so to the larger city who's school system had been taking kids like her for years. In the end they won their transfer out of this county but I believe they ended up paying for transportation at first. That to had to be changed and has changed. Without parents running into the obsticles and getting changes things will stay the same>

Yes there are some accomodations that seem excessive (like the hiring of a nurse for one child) but in the end the kid needs to go somewhere and his parents were willing to fight to keep him with his peers where he would have gone if he hadn't had medical problems. If Jackie can win her due process then things can begin to gradually change for kids who do better but could still use some accomodation.
I am on an extended vacation and cannot get online much but I was wondering how long before this specific thing was gonna get back into the light since the time I brought it up.......it is VERY telling. Good job, Jillio! Please note that I'm neither feeling vindicated nor gratified in any way here...it's really a very sad thing....

Very sad, indeed. If this an example of the modeling of English that oral deaf children are getting, it is no wonder than literacy rates are so very poor!

Hope you are enjoying your vacation, Tousi!
"Puttin your money where your mouth is' does not necessarily have to mean real money you know. In this case we're talking time and stress dealing with the due process. BTW there is a list of lawyers that do work pro bono or for little charge somewhere on the net. Can't remember where maybe connected to the WRitghts law site. These are lawyers who do education law and they are in quite a few states.

Ahh interpet vs translate in a setting where learning isn't goiing on. OK then we can go with your defintion.

If in fact the child is missing stuff despite doing well then overkill is a good way to begin getting all children the accomodations they need. Jackie may in fact lose in court, but she at least willing to try. Why should we not support her when she's willing to go through the process to get accomodations for her child which will in the end help all kids doing well. To say the schools are right and she's wrong is to except that only average is good. To except that is to say that everyone should be the same, that one should never try to change the status quo. Why not? If parents had not tried to change things you'd still be talking about total segregation between disabled children and their peers.

So good luck to Jackie.

We attempted to support her inthe beginning. She is the one that changed the tone of the discussion by insulting people and playing juvenile games. Now she has contradicted herself in so many different posts that her credibility is shot. And overkill does not help the kids still needing accommodations. Providing CART for jackie's daughter may well result in another student doing without the services neccesary to achieve even on a moderate level.
If in fact the child is missing stuff despite doing well then overkill is a good way to begin getting all children the accomodations they need.
Well as jillo said missing stuff is one of the downsides of being oral only. Jackie is simply one of those typical AG Bell types who talk until they are blue in the face about there being freedom in listening and talking, and then they start whining about the downsides. (eg there's nothing like a 'terp for oral kids. Boohoo hoo!)
I think that its overkill financially. I mean Jackie's daughter could do just as well if they changed the seating arrangements and then did the hackysack thing. That would be just as good. .......and I totally agree with jillo. I think CART/Cprint is awesome..........but it should only be used when there is an OBVIOUS need for it, and so it doesn't take away from someone else.
Someone else might have to stick with PECS instead of using a Dynamo board b/c Jackie's daughter doesn't get everything in the classroom.
Because her grades are good she should continue to struggle understanding what's going on when someone speaks softly. OOoKKKK.

One of the downsides of the oral only appoach. But if you choose it, you deal with it.

The thing about seating arrangements is there are always those kids you can't understand unless they sit right next to you. In Hs kids don't really like to have seating arrangements and many of the teachers don't either. At least that was my experience.

One of the downsides of the oral only approach. Choose it, deal with it.
I didn't say they don't know how to get accomodations, I'm saying if they can't get what is appropriate for their child and they really think it is appropriate rather then complain they should begin using the system established to get the accomodation that is appropriate for their child, or quit complaining. Usually things turn around when you begin to ask for things like rejection in writing. But if you know that something would help the child are you willing like Jackie to try to change the status quo by filing due process? Are your friends?

I live in a small school district, I knew all the kids in sped. My youngest was the only one in the school for a couple years with significant delays who was mostly contained and only mainstreamed in the classes like art, music etc, but all breaks and play time were with her peers and she wasn't treated like ar 'retard', even tho she is mentally retarded. I will agree that the staff was more of a problem with her. But the point is my daugter who's hoh/deaf would have still been treated like she was regardless. And alot of it was her attitude.

There are welfare queens. I don't come here to discuss my opinion of people like the young mom with 2 kids who was taking classes to be a photographer (easy classes btw) who was given money for day care so she could attend school, who never showed up for school because she was tired or whatever and who somehow while not having any money and needing my tax money to go to school and pay her rent has the money to go to FL and take her kids to disney during the school year when she's supposed to be attending classes. While my kids attend classes they had to work to pay for? Nope this isn't the place for that discussion. BTW, studies done have shown that the kids of the moms who went to work actually are doing better then those who's moms are still on welfare 10 yrs after the 'reform' that was to get them off their butts and into the workforce.

Oh and Harvard is sooooo overrated, but if someone wants to overpay to get Smashie into Harvard let them, it's their money. But in a public school if you can get better accomodations or are willing to go for it, good luck I hope you win and change things for those coming behind you. My youngest would have had to go to a school about 20 miles from her rather then in her home district if people had not been willing to fight the status quo. <let me add this, we have a neighbor who's severely disabled daughter was my 29 yo's age, so we're talking early 80's, they decided that the school in the county seat wasn't the correct place for her when she could travel 20 mile instead of 35 or so to the larger city who's school system had been taking kids like her for years. In the end they won their transfer out of this county but I believe they ended up paying for transportation at first. That to had to be changed and has changed. Without parents running into the obsticles and getting changes things will stay the same>

Yes there are some accomodations that seem excessive (like the hiring of a nurse for one child) but in the end the kid needs to go somewhere and his parents were willing to fight to keep him with his peers where he would have gone if he hadn't had medical problems. If Jackie can win her due process then things can begin to gradually change for kids who do better but could still use some accomodation.

Considering that jackie's daughter is doing better than even the majority of the hearing students, this would be considered excessive.
Thank you jillo. The fact of the matter is that jackie's daughter is doing BEYOND well. There's no demonstrated need for accomondations.
Because her grades are good she should continue to struggle understanding what's going on when someone speaks softly
jag, most of the time people tend to unconsciously modify their speech patterns to make it easier for dhh folks to undy them, when they are speaking.
Besides, something like a cheap microphone would work just as well. What about a soundfield set up?
Besides not understanding is simply a part of being an oral dhh person. "What?" is almost everyone's favorite word when interacting with hearies!
Thank you jillo. The fact of the matter is that jackie's daughter is doing BEYOND well. There's no demonstrated need for accomondations.

jag, most of the time people tend to unconsciously modify their speech patterns to make it easier for dhh folks to undy them, when they are speaking.
Besides, something like a cheap microphone would work just as well. What about a soundfield set up?
Besides not understanding is simply a part of being an oral dhh person. "What?" is almost everyone's favorite word when interacting with hearies!

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