District files appeal against deaf student

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Curious... It is apparent that most deaf children of hearing families are placed in oral programs at first so I just have a question about that program..what is the amount of time allowed before making the decision or conclusion that the deaf child is not making progress in picking (developing language) up on oral language? When they are in their toddler years, is it hard to tell which child is developing full language and which is not?

That's what I really dont understand is that we get children who are elementary and even middle school aged referred to our program because they fell so far behind. Why wait so long until they are at the point where motivation to learn is completely gone due to years of being frustrated learning? That's what irks me the most.
You are so right you do not want the child to shut down and lose motivation. And a trained oral teacher of deaf like me can see when a child is not going to make it orally and this is where I begin to tell parents little by little some parents it takes longer to accept. And as a parent I hate when people just throw information without giving me a chance to get use it. I have case right now where one of my students is not going to be able to oral. I am beginning to tell the parents. This child has other issues that they parents are not willing to see, this child has some somewhat severe sensory issues and the parents are now begining to see them. I make sure the parents see my other students that are oral so they come to the realization themselves that HEY my child is not doing what all the other children are doing\

For me, keeping the child in an oral only approach for years knowing that the child is struggling with picking up on spoken language is not acceptable but others see it differently.
I agree with you there, where I differ if the child is below 3 years old I personally would not introduce sign because sign is much easier for a profoundly deaf child to pick but I would defintely introduce signs after about 18 months of the child being expose to rich oral language program like mine, if I think the child is not going to be oral. This is just my way.
That's why I prefer to use both languages starting from day one to minimize the chances of the children not developing language acquisition.

In our area No most kids are not placed in an oral program. It really depends where that family lives. There are couple of school district that only have TC programs so the kids are just placed there. Parents are not told abouth their options. We have John Tracy locally so if the child is diagnosis at a place that knows about John Tracy they tell them about their options but the school district will not. At my first school district I was told to not tell them about John Tracy Clinic more because they informed parents of their legal rights.

At school district where my children use to go to they had both an oral and TC program. What they did I know this as a fact because I have a close friend that is an oral teacher there. The school will look at audiogram and if a child has a severe or profound hearing loss they place them in the TC program without telling the parents about the oral program. I have a problem with that. I think schools should tell parents all options and then tell your child could possibly be oral but it would very hard. But they do not do that. The other I think all schools should do is put new parents in contact with older parents. I know that help me so much meeting other parents that went through what I went through.

I think elementary is way to late to switch. Especially here in California. We have new born screening. So if everything works properly a deaf child should be diagnosis by 4 months. In my option a parent wanting to be oral has great chance. If a child is diagnosis by 6 months wearing hearings or an implant I would give that child a year or two. Look closely and you would be able to tell if they would able to oral. In my option by the beginning kindergarten you will know completely if the child will be able to be oral.
I ready yesterday someone talking about oraldeaf and how they have all these materials that are give to parents of deaf children. I have heard about them and do have their material but you know out here school districts are not give parents this information.
What I think should happen is somewhere a committee should come up with a large packet of all the different approaches and doctors and places that identify new diagnosis children should have to give to parents this information but not only that members of each approach should contact parents and talk them. As you know over 90% of deaf babies are born to hearing parents. I can tell you from my experiences I had no idea what I was going to do with deaf children. I never knew anybody deaf growing up so this was all new to me. I feel lucky that I was able to find out about the different appraoched and make an informed decision for my children. But how about all those other parents.
I ready yesterday someone talking about oraldeaf and how they have all these materials that are give to parents of deaf children. I have heard about them and do have their material but you know out here school districts are not give parents this information.
What I think should happen is somewhere a committee should come up with a large packet of all the different approaches and doctors and places that identify new diagnosis children should have to give to parents this information but not only that members of each approach should contact parents and talk them. As you know over 90% of deaf babies are born to hearing parents. I can tell you from my experiences I had no idea what I was going to do with deaf children. I never knew anybody deaf growing up so this was all new to me. I feel lucky that I was able to find out about the different appraoched and make an informed decision for my children. But how about all those other parents.

It is the same problem here in MD even with a very large deaf community here. My school just formed a committe to work with the CI center at John Hopkins but things are kinda tense due to differences in philosophies regarding education for the Deaf. I am not part of the committee..family ed does that but they do keep us updated. Since we are out for the summer, I dont know what is happening now.

My mom went thru the same thing..she didnt know any deaf people and had no idea what to do with me. She was barely 18 when I was born so she was a kid herself. I cant imagine how overwhelmed she must have felt at the time when my deafness was diagnosed.
In our area No most kids are not placed in an oral program. It really depends where that family lives. There are couple of school district that only have TC programs so the kids are just placed there. Parents are not told abouth their options. We have John Tracy locally so if the child is diagnosis at a place that knows about John Tracy they tell them about their options but the school district will not. At my first school district I was told to not tell them about John Tracy Clinic more because they informed parents of their legal rights.

At school district where my children use to go to they had both an oral and TC program. What they did I know this as a fact because I have a close friend that is an oral teacher there. The school will look at audiogram and if a child has a severe or profound hearing loss they place them in the TC program without telling the parents about the oral program. I have a problem with that. I think schools should tell parents all options and then tell your child could possibly be oral but it would very hard. But they do not do that. The other I think all schools should do is put new parents in contact with older parents. I know that help me so much meeting other parents that went through what I went through.

I think elementary is way to late to switch. Especially here in California. We have new born screening. So if everything works properly a deaf child should be diagnosis by 4 months. In my option a parent wanting to be oral has great chance. If a child is diagnosis by 6 months wearing hearings or an implant I would give that child a year or two. Look closely and you would be able to tell if they would able to oral. In my option by the beginning kindergarten you will know completely if the child will be able to be oral.

In your opinion u mean?

Anyways, that's what happened with my brother which is why I think waiting until kindergarten is just too long for me cuz the formative years of language development have passed.

Signing interfering with oral skills is a myth..I read that in a study and it showed no difference btw two groups..I cant remember the name of it. The two groups were in their toddler years...I will have to look for it. It was interesting cuz I used to think the same too but that study opened my eyes and I got to see it for myself with some of my signing students.
It is the same problem here in MD even with a very large deaf community here. My school just formed a committe to work with the CI center at John Hopkins but things are kinda tense due to differences in philosophies regarding education for the Deaf. I am not part of the committee..family ed does that but they do keep us updated. Since we are out for the summer, I dont know what is happening now.

My mom went thru the same thing..she didnt know any deaf people and had no idea what to do with me. She was barely 18 when I was born so she was a kid herself. I cant imagine how overwhelmed she must have felt at the time when my deafness was diagnosed.

WOW what an amazing mom you have to be able to do all that she has being a single mom and being just 18 years old.
I thought I was young I was 23 when I had my daughter and 25 when my son was born. I have been married for close to 18 years. IN the beginning it was hard because we were both young and inmmature. We made it through and have pretty strong marriage now.

We were lucky that about 6 months after my daughter was diagnosis we meet other parents and that is when began to feel like we can do this
WOW what an amazing mom you have to be able to do all that she has being a single mom and being just 18 years old.
I thought I was young I was 23 when I had my daughter and 25 when my son was born. I have been married for close to 18 years. IN the beginning it was hard because we were both young and inmmature. We made it through and have pretty strong marriage now.

We were lucky that about 6 months after my daughter was diagnosis we meet other parents and that is when began to feel like we can do this

Oh my parents were married at the time :) My dad was not very involved cuz he was working all the time. My brother was born 4 years later ..same diagnosis so my mom was better prepared but devastated at the same time to have 2 deafness to deal with. My parents divorced later..

In your opinion u mean? Yes in my opinion but honestly now with newborn screening I really don't think we need to wait so long. If a child is diagnois by the time they are 6 months and you immerse them in a rich oral language envirnoment we will know by the time that child is 3 years old if they will be able to be oral. Really now you do not have wait so long

Anyways, that's what happened with my brother which is why I think waiting until kindergarten is just too long for me cuz the formative years of language development have passed.

Signing interfering with oral skills is a myth..I read that in a study and it showed no difference btw two groups..I cant remember the name of it. The two groups were in their toddler years...I will have to look for it. It was interesting cuz I used to think the same too but that study opened my eyes and I got to see it for myself with some of my signing students.
I would love to see that study. Honestly I have not seen any profoundly deaf children that were toddlers that had both oral and signing at the same and the child had good oral skills. I have met many people like yourself that have oral skills and were very fluent in sign language but because like you they were raised orally and then learn sign language as teenagers or adults. I would love to read the study. The other problem I see with TC programs out here by us and I have observe many programs is that they say they use oral language and sign language together at the same time but I have not seen a program like that yet. Generally what happens is that there a lot more signing done by the teachers, aides, and student then oral language. It is not a balance program, I have also seen classes that say they are TC but there is no oral language in the program
Oh my parents were married at the time :) My dad was not very involved cuz he was working all the time. My brother was born 4 years later ..same diagnosis so my mom was better prepared but devastated at the same time to have 2 deafness to deal with. My parents divorced later..

Yeah you know my son'[s diagnois was harder on me and my family. When my daughter was born I had about 50 hours of labor and there were some probems when she was diagnosis we thought it was because of the labor but when my son was diagnosis deafer then my daughter it was hard especially since he birth there were no problems.

Like your parents I am much more involved although my husbandi s very linvolved in their lives but he knows that I am responsibile for the education part. In the past we have had teachers trying to play us against each and so we learned that someone has to be completely responsbile for the decision making of course I alawys tell him everthing doing on and ask for his opinion but he knows that if the school calls and wants to change something he tells them you need to talk to my wife and I will tell her to call you.
Ok.. WHy do you have to find "sense" in having deaf children? Why don't you see the blessing they are in your lives? There's no "sense" in having deaf children. It's what you were given for a reason.
Ok.. WHy do you have to find "sense" in having deaf children? Why don't you see the blessing they are in your lives? There's no "sense" in having deaf children. It's what you were given for a reason.
I am sorry you are right sense wasn't the word I should have used or meant to use. What I meant was that I was given my deaf children for a reason and I feel the reason is to help other parents feel that they are the ones that have the biggest influence in their child life in the early years.
My children are trully a blessing. I am know I am because of them.
Hi all,
I wanted to give you briefly my background. As I mention before I have 2deaf oral children and I am an oral teacher of deaf. What I didn't mention is that I did not get my college degrees until after I had my children. I needed to make sense of why I was given 2 deaf children. I wanted to help other parents who were going to go through what we went through. I went to college when my son was in kindergarten I arranged my schedule around theirs. My total focus in college was on deafness. All of my projects were always focus on deafness both oral and signing. I have a master's in special education. I have received my teacher training at John Tracy Clinic.
I really love John Tracy Clini's philosphy not because they are oral but because of required parent involvement. I have not seen a program that demads so much parent involvement as John Tracy Clinic. I have seen both gooor oral programs and sign programs out here but never have seen one with such huge parent requirement.
When my children were first diagnosis, I had no idea what to do. I begin to hear things like my kids wouldn't read above a 3 or 4th grade level. This was just not acceptable to me. I felt powerless and as I began my parent classes at John Tracy I learn about the laws that affect deafness and more importantly I learned that I would make the biggest difference in my children's lives and for that I will always have a special place in my heart for John Tracy.
AGAIN I will always be greatful to John Tracy not because of the oral but because of the education they gave me as a parent and teacher.

John Tracy has also changed from where they started. I saw it alot of it when my children where there. If a child was not progressing orally, they would tell the parents and give them a chance to look for other programs and if the parents wasn't ready change they did tell parents they had certain amount of time but their child needed to be in another program and they couldn't stay at John Tracy.

Time has change, I guess. John Tracy had lied to my parents about me so I never really trusted them. I would never forgave them for damaged me in first place. I am glad ur kids are doing great but they should never be shame of being who they are.
Time has change, I guess. John Tracy had lied to my parents about me so I never really trusted them. I would never forgave them for damaged me in first place. I am glad ur kids are doing great but they should never be shame of being who they are.

I am not sure who old you are but I have heard some horror stories from the beginning days at John Tracy. I just will always be greatful for the education they gave me.
My kids are proud of who they are. I always make sure that they know how proud my husband and I are of.
They know who they are, first teenagers, then deaf teenagers, and then deaf oral teenagers
I am not sure who old you are but I have heard some horror stories from the beginning days at John Tracy. I just will always be greatful for the education they gave me.
My kids are proud of who they are. I always make sure that they know how proud my husband and I are of.
They know who they are, first teenagers, then deaf teenagers, and then deaf oral teenagers

Wow u had heard horror stories from them. I am older than u I guess if u have teenagers. I never went school there except I went there to have my hearing test which it was free. They told my parents that I was deaf and mentally retarded. Of coursse I was not mentally retarded, need time to heal from major illness. U have to understand something, when John Tracy told my parents what were best for me back then that oral was must, sign language was bad. So they believed them and send me to oral program for few years. During two years time with this oral teacher, she abused me and I could not tell my parents about her because I could not communicate with my parents, only silence. I had problem with attention which I could not sit still and watch her lips for long time so I looked away from her then she came to me and shook my head and hurt me. Finally my parents fought school and changed it to TC which it was best thing ever happen to me. I learned right away after TC. Years later I met this oral teacher again , my fear was so bad and I shut myself down and not say one voice to her at all. U know what she told me after I refused to use my voice with her " What a shame on you for not being taling" That was when I decided I would never be a teacher for the deaf and blind. It was my first goal to be a school teacher now after her words to me. I would never do that to any deaf child ever so I decided to leave college and never return. I read you are a teacher and hope u are very good with those children. This is way off subject from CART to this. Oops. It was good reading. Good luck with your kids.
Wow u had heard horror stories from them. I am older than u I guess if u have teenagers. I never went school there except I went there to have my hearing test which it was free. They told my parents that I was deaf and mentally retarded. Of coursse I was not mentally retarded, need time to heal from major illness. U have to understand something, when John Tracy told my parents what were best for me back then that oral was must, sign language was bad. So they believed them and send me to oral program for few years. During two years time with this oral teacher, she abused me and I could not tell my parents about her because I could not communicate with my parents, only silence. I had problem with attention which I could not sit still and watch her lips for long time so I looked away from her then she came to me and shook my head and hurt me. Finally my parents fought school and changed it to TC which it was best thing ever happen to me. I learned right away after TC. Years later I met this oral teacher again , my fear was so bad and I shut myself down and not say one voice to her at all. U know what she told me after I refused to use my voice with her " What a shame on you for not being taling" That was when I decided I would never be a teacher for the deaf and blind. It was my first goal to be a school teacher now after her words to me. I would never do that to any deaf child ever so I decided to leave college and never return. I read you are a teacher and hope u are very good with those children. This is way off subject from CART to this. Oops. It was good reading. Good luck with your kids.

As a parent I would say you should be a teacher so that what happen to you will not happent again.
Since I have seen successful oral and signing kids, it really doesn't matter to me, what road a family takes as long as it is an inform decision.
The reason I want my children to be oral is so that they more opportunites. I knew they can learn everything through but I also knew if they had all the knowledge and were oral, they would have better opportunities.
I have met some bad teachers and some teachers that need to retire.
I think I am different
I love working with young children and their families.
It is just a fun age.
You need to go back to school and show that teacher that you can do it and ask CART
I would love to see that study. Honestly I have not seen any profoundly deaf children that were toddlers that had both oral and signing at the same and the child had good oral skills. I have met many people like yourself that have oral skills and were very fluent in sign language but because like you they were raised orally and then learn sign language as teenagers or adults. I would love to read the study. The other problem I see with TC programs out here by us and I have observe many programs is that they say they use oral language and sign language together at the same time but I have not seen a program like that yet. Generally what happens is that there a lot more signing done by the teachers, aides, and student then oral language. It is not a balance program, I have also seen classes that say they are TC but there is no oral language in the program

I will find it. I just am so against in putting any deaf children at risk for being delayed in language and since u stated that around kindergarten is when u know whether to switch to signing or not. I think that is way tooo long cuz that's 5 years of being language deprived for the children. Nope..I wont be open minded about that issue at all. I can be open minded about the oral approach working for some deaf children and putting them in oral only education but during their formative years for language development, nope. Nothing personal...I am thinking of the childrens' needs ..not about u, not about me, not about Deaf or Hearing culture...it is about providing full access to language for all deaf/hoh children to ensure that they will be ready to learn reading and writing at 5 years old instead of having them learn a new language at 5 years old and putting teaching reading and writing on hold until they become fluent in sign language.
Wow u had heard horror stories from them. I am older than u I guess if u have teenagers. I never went school there except I went there to have my hearing test which it was free. They told my parents that I was deaf and mentally retarded. Of coursse I was not mentally retarded, need time to heal from major illness. U have to understand something, when John Tracy told my parents what were best for me back then that oral was must, sign language was bad. So they believed them and send me to oral program for few years. During two years time with this oral teacher, she abused me and I could not tell my parents about her because I could not communicate with my parents, only silence. I had problem with attention which I could not sit still and watch her lips for long time so I looked away from her then she came to me and shook my head and hurt me. Finally my parents fought school and changed it to TC which it was best thing ever happen to me. I learned right away after TC. Years later I met this oral teacher again , my fear was so bad and I shut myself down and not say one voice to her at all. U know what she told me after I refused to use my voice with her " What a shame on you for not being taling" That was when I decided I would never be a teacher for the deaf and blind. It was my first goal to be a school teacher now after her words to me. I would never do that to any deaf child ever so I decided to leave college and never return. I read you are a teacher and hope u are very good with those children. This is way off subject from CART to this. Oops. It was good reading. Good luck with your kids.

John Tracy is against sign language or is has that changed now? The oral program that I was placed in when I was a toddler was against sign language and they told my parents that by teaching me sign language will be a detriment to my academic progress so that scared my parents shitless. I think that's f*(#cked up of them to do that.

That teacher who said that to u should be condemned! After a year at Gallaudet, I went back to AZ to visit my family and I contacted my old deaf ed teacher for lunch. We went out for lunch and I was telling her about how much I love Gallaudet and how wonderful it was that everyone signs and I dont miss out on anything. U know what she said? She said that she can tell that signing is making my speech skills deteriorate...right there, I felt sick to my stomach. Instead of being happy for me that I finally found happiness in my life after a lifetime of being frustrated, angry, jealous, and miserable of not being able to hear, she has to criticize my speech skills. Since then, I havent and I refuse to contact her. I thought she was cool but that was a big turn off for me. Been 6 years..she tried contacting me later on but I was going thru an anger stage about being denying sign language all my life. Boy, I had a blowout with my mom during that anger stage. It wasnt easy going thru that realizing how much I missed out all my life when it didnt have to be that way.

I am sorry Jazzy that u had a horrible experience there and I am sorry that what that teacher said turned u off about becoming a teacher for deaf ed.
Is it possible because she is in an oral environment, and has not been exposed at all to deaf culture, that she has developed a sort of self destructive oralist attitude toward herself? After all, if she has been given the message that oral is superior to sign, then she would rebel against sign for fear that it would place her in that inferior category. Please reread some of shel's posts on the consequences of an oral environment and the message that it provides.
Excellent point! Yes, oralists may not be as extreme as they used to be, but still..........the unspoken attitude is that things like Sign are very stigmatized as being "speshal needs" .............A lot of the teens and kids pick up on that. All teens idoloize the American suburban middle class whitebread existance. I mean god, who would want to be "different?"
Unfortunatly, I don't think you will be able to get CART, since your daughter is doing so well even without it. Ever hear of the Rowley case? That was a case where the student was doing really well However, her parents thought she could do much better with a 'terp. They sued the school district, but lost the case. The judge in the case said that the law did not streach to provide complete and total equality for dhh kids.
Jackie, the attitude is that mainstreaming is better then self contained classes or special schools. BUT most dhh kids ARE mainstreamed. Wouldn't acheivement levels have risen?
But I have to say that I think mainstreaming is overrated, especially since the gross majority of teachers, including sped teachers have NO CLUE whatsoever about teaching kids like us. We are lumped into the "Ummmm who's President Bush? type of dumbasses who are LEGION in sped! :bowdown:
And Jackie, I do know that a lot of parents chose oral so that their kids won't have to depend on a 'terp or depend on writing notes. That's a noble goal........but how many oral kids get signed off of speech therapy b/c they absolutly positively don't need it any more? How many oral kids have mastered speech on the level of a native hearing person? Did you know its fairly common for oral kids to be able to articualte, but still make syntax errors like "How many spiders have legs?" for "how many legs do spiders have?" Is their vocabulary and verbal IQ at the same level of a hearing person? Oral kids don't nessarily have higher acheivement levels then Sign kids.........it just seems that way b/c a lot of oral families tend to be VERY VERY hyperinvolved. (the type who basicly do therapy 24/7)
I think it rocks that you're so openminded. But I do think that more pro oralists need to realize that they should equipt kids with a full toolbox, rather then just exclusively speech.
Isn't it better to have a FULL toolbox, where the kids can CHOOSE (without bias) which tools they want to use? Most oralists tend to be very audist. Some of them are openminded........."equipt the kid with choices..let the kid chose." I actually know of a few kids who were raised under a full toolbox philosophy and *gasp* CHOSE sign!
But why according to oralist philosophy should Sign be a last resort sort of thing?
The gross majority of dhh kids are strongly visual learners.........Why is it that oralists are so obessed with concentrating on ameiorating speech, speech and even more speech? Maybe more dhh kids could really do great things if they didn't have to expend so much energy on speech!
Is it possible because she is in an oral environment, and has not been exposed at all to deaf culture, that she has developed a sort of self destructive oralist attitude toward herself? After all, if she has been given the message that oral is superior to sign, then she would rebel against sign for fear that it would place her in that inferior category. Please reread some of shel's posts on the consequences of an oral environment and the message that it provides.
Excellent point! Yes, oralists may not be as extreme as they used to be, but still..........the unspoken attitude is that things like Sign are very stigmatized as being "speshal needs" .............A lot of the teens and kids pick up on that. All teens idoloize the American suburban middle class whitebread existance. I mean god, who would want to be "different?"
Unfortunatly, I don't think you will be able to get CART, since your daughter is doing so well even without it. Ever hear of the Rowley case? That was a case where the student was doing really well However, her parents thought she could do much better with a 'terp. They sued the school district, but lost the case. The judge in the case said that the law did not streach to provide complete and total equality for dhh kids.
Jackie, the attitude is that mainstreaming is better then self contained classes or special schools. BUT most dhh kids ARE mainstreamed. Wouldn't acheivement levels have risen?
But I have to say that I think mainstreaming is overrated, especially since the gross majority of teachers, including sped teachers have NO CLUE whatsoever about teaching kids like us. We are lumped into the "Ummmm who's President Bush? type of dumbasses who are LEGION in sped! :bowdown:
And Jackie, I do know that a lot of parents chose oral so that their kids won't have to depend on a 'terp or depend on writing notes. That's a noble goal........but how many oral kids get signed off of speech therapy b/c they absolutly positively don't need it any more? How many oral kids have mastered speech on the level of a native hearing person? Did you know its fairly common for oral kids to be able to articualte, but still make syntax errors like "How many spiders have legs?" for "how many legs do spiders have?" Is their vocabulary and verbal IQ at the same level of a hearing person? Oral kids don't nessarily have higher acheivement levels then Sign kids.........it just seems that way b/c a lot of oral families tend to be VERY VERY hyperinvolved. (the type who basicly do therapy 24/7)
I think it rocks that you're so openminded. But I do think that more pro oralists need to realize that they should equipt kids with a full toolbox, rather then just exclusively speech.
Isn't it better to have a FULL toolbox, where the kids can CHOOSE (without bias) which tools they want to use? Most oralists tend to be very audist. Some of them are openminded........."equipt the kid with choices..let the kid chose." I actually know of a few kids who were raised under a full toolbox philosophy and *gasp* CHOSE sign!
But why according to oralist philosophy should Sign be a last resort sort of thing?
The gross majority of dhh kids are strongly visual learners.........Why is it that oralists are so obessed with concentrating on ameiorating speech, speech and even more speech? Maybe more dhh kids could really do great things if they didn't have to expend so much energy on speech!
I have a couple of questions for you first what state are you in. Second, of the deaf children you have seen that have a profound hearing loss and have been educated in a bi-bi approach, how many of these people have good oral skills where they can go out in the hearing community and be able to communicate with hearing people without having to write notes. How many of these people can have jobs in the hearing world without having an interpeter with them.

# 1: Ohio

# 2: Numerous

# 3 The majority.
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