Declaration of Occupy Wall Street

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ADL Calls On 'Occupy Wall Street' Organizers To Condemn Anti-Semitic Remarks Made At Rallies

New York, NY, October 17, 2011 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called on organizers, participants and supporters of the worldwide "Occupy Wall Street" movement to condemn anti-Semitic signs and comments that have appeared at some of the protest rallies across the country and around the world.

Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement:

We are seeing some individuals holding anti-Semitic signs at the "Occupy Wall Street" rallies, and some videos posted on YouTube from the rallies have shown individuals expressing classic anti-Semitic beliefs such as "Jews control the banks" and "Jews control Wall Street." While we believe that these expressions are not representative of the larger views of the OWS movement, it is still critical for organizers, participants and supporters of these rallies to condemn such bigoted statements clearly and forcefully.

There is no evidence that these anti-Semitic conspiracy theories are representative of the larger movement or that they are gaining traction with other participants. However, history demonstrates time and again how economic downturns can embolden anti-Semites to spread malicious conspiracy theories and promote stereotypes about Jews and money. As a consequence, these statements must not be left unchallenged.

The League continues to monitor the tenor and messages at the demonstrations to ensure that they do not get hijacked by extremists or anti-Semitic elements.

ADL Calls On 'Occupy Wall Street' Organizers To Condemn Anti-Semitic Remarks Made At Rallies
Such anti-Semitism should be condemned, I agree. You're posting this because why? racism and prejudice exists everywhere. surprise surprise.
PORTLAND – Damage caused by the “Occupy Portland” encampments at Lownsdale Square and Chapman Park will cost the city at least $19,000 and several months to repair, according to Commissioner Nick Fish.

The city leader sent a letter to “Occupy Portland” Monday, urging them to make changes that will minimize the strain on the parks’ fragile urban ecosystems.

“Parks belong to everyone,” Fish said in the letter. “The cost to restore the damage to our parks will not be borne by Wall Street bankers but by Portland taxpayers.”

More: Read complete Nick Fish letter to "Occupy Portland"

He said, due to the damage, the encampments were actually hurting the very people that “Occupy Portland” has aimed to engage and represent. “Damaging these much loved, shared open spaces is frankly inconsistent with your stated goals of renewing our democracy and restoring power to ordinary people,” Fish added.

The commissioner did not go as far as to request that the campers move out, but he said every day of occupation increases the possibility of long-lasting damage, specifically to trees.

Fish explained that the city had a team of arborists, landscapers and horticulturists assess the damage at the two parks and they came up with the $19,000 estimate. But that the team would conduct a more complete assessment after the campers move out.

Late Monday, the “Occupy Portland” Web site published a response to Fish's letter, which said many of the protesters shared Fish's concerns about the parks and were seeking a "positive outcome for all stakeholders." It also went on to say that there were "informal plans by the occupiers to provide money, and/or labor for the purpose of rehabilitating these historic public spaces."

'Occupy Portland' damage to parks estimated at $19,000 | Portland
I didn't mean you have to be rich to go to college at all. Or that one can't work their way through college but for the most expensive degrees, one either needs loans, grants, scholarships and/or rich parents, even if they had jobs.

I know this is probably the most expensive medical school in USA but holy's three times the amount I originally assumed.

According to Harvard's website - one needs on average 73,000$ a year to attend medical school.

Indeed - my best friend who is completing her post-graduate in family therapy (it's her 5th degree, yeah. she's crazy and oh so sick of school by now) - only racked up $60,000 in student loans for all of her 5 degrees. I think she's already paid off half of it by now for she earns a very very good income at a hospital (speaking of anti-semitism, she works at a Jewish hospital which was founded by jewish doctors frustrated at not being able to get work in a province that was heavily catholic and prejudiced for a long time).
Everything is wrong with this movement, its like watching a massive "Evacuate Mom's Basement" movement. With a lot of people demanding the world owes them something.
Everything is wrong with this movement, its like watching a massive "Evacuate Mom's Basement" movement. With a lot of people demanding the world owes them something.

That's not bad....I was trying to decide between "Flea Party" and "Teat Party"
Owes them what exactly?

Deafcaroline - here is my serious response - I have been taking jabs at the occupy movement - not you. I hope you realize this.

I realize that Wall Street tycoons can be corrupt. It is common knowledge. Anywhere there is power and money, you will find heinous acts.

Now ... having said that, let me kindly remind you that Obama bailed out those Wall Street tycoons.

That is like putting an alcoholic in a liquor store and everything is on the house, just pay the tab later.

Would you allow an alcoholic to have free reign in a liquor store? What about a squirrel in an acorn store?

Let me also kindly remind you that when Ford came begging Bush for government bail outs, he told them to make better cars. He knew better than to let an alcoholic have free reign in a liquor store.

The results of allowing an alcoholic to have free reign in a liquor store creates an individual too drunk to care about all the inventory that is now missing and does not care about paying the store back.

The results of bailing out Wall Street has created an economic mess. Who is pentultimately responsible? The alcoholic, or the person who gave him free reign?

The Occupy movemnt may be well intended, but they are attacking the wrong people.

One item I take issue with, is the 99%ers who are claiming they want their bail out money too. The ones who claim that since the government has given bail out money (squandered tax payers money) to Wall Street, that they feel entitled to the same.
so grads who can't get hired due to failing economy should blame the schools?


going to college and getting an education so they can get a good job and be a productive member of society makes them self-entitled and useless?


why should I hire grads who think they deserve it especially those with "gimme gimme gimme" attitude? just because they graduate from college? it doesn't really mean shit to me.

I rather hire qualified professionals (including those with no college degree) than college grads with self-entitlement attitude. I'm sorry but I'm the one who will be paying for them out of my pocket, not you. That's why I'm glad that this economy burst happened because it forced companies to weed out useless people and adjusted its hiring practice. This also forced lazy people to re-evaluate their life that they can't just "get by" anymore. They have to actually "work".
Not all colleges are sky high expensive. I am talking about any college, not just the Ivy League ones. so, if i got a degree and was not able to get hired because of the economy not doing well, it's all my fault?

It's this suggestion of blaming grads for having the audacity to get an education so they can get a decent job and support themselves and their families that I find so weird and puzzling.

you might want to check that fact again. State college tuitions are rising. Recall mass protest in California?
For doctors, dentists, and lawyers (for examples), how much is the average loan amount, and how long does it take them to pay the loan back, and at how much per month?

Same question for teachers.

I'm trying to get an idea of how much indebtedness is involved.

My grandsons are beginning to look into college, so I'm very interested. One wants to be a pharmacist, and the other wants to be an engineer. (Of course, they could change their minds before they start school but that's their current interest.)

One of my nephews just got his bachelor's degree in math, and is teaching now while also attending a master's program. Most of his education was paid for with scholarships and grants, with his parents paying the rest. (They are not rich, by any stretch of the imagination.)

Another one of my nephews will be graduating from a master's program this December. It was paid for (100%) by the state because it's for an occupation that the state needs. He has to pay back the state by working for them for a year within that field.

Another nephew (yes, I have all nephews and grandsons--no girls), got his bachelor's degree in music, paid for by scholarships and parents. His parents were no way rich. He worked for a while on a cruise ship, then joined the Air Force. The Air Force will pay for his master's degree.

For doctors - they usually end up with at least $250,000 debt after graduating from medical school.

That's why my friend (ex-Ranger) signed up for Air Force. By signing up for Army, they paid for his college tuition. Now by signing up for Air Force, they're paying for his medical school.
I think everyone should be given a fair chance and that student loans shouldn't be so cost-prohibitive and so high in interest as to make it more difficult for poor people to elevate themselves economically speaking. Medicine, law, dentristy, those are the most expensive programs in college. A student could work full time, or even work three jobs and still not be able to afford such programs without a loan. And if they had to work three jobs, they wouldn't have time to study to do well in such programs.

But if the economy is really bad, they can't get jobs to put themselves through college and they shouldn't get loans because they can't get jobs to pay them off. It's messed up. Only ones who don't have to worry about all of this are rich kids whose parents can afford their tuition and lodgings.

but what does that have to do with Wall Street?
why should I hire grads who think they deserve it especially those with "gimme gimme gimme" attitude? just because they graduate from college? it doesn't really mean shit to me.

I rather hire qualified professionals (including those with no college degree) than college grads with self-entitlement attitude. I'm sorry but I'm the one who will be paying for them out of my pocket, not you. That's why I'm glad that this economy burst happened because it forced companies to weed out useless people and adjusted its hiring practice. This also forced lazy people to re-evaluate their life that they can't just "get by" anymore. They have to actually "work".

well of course they have to work. everyone does. but why assume every college grade has a gimme attitude? they just want to work like everyone else and why wouldn't they want to?

to be a dentist, a doctor, an engineer, fireman, a tax accountant, a scientist, one has to go to college, either community college or state college or ivy league, that's just the way it is and of course when they graduate, they would want to pursue a career in the field they studied for. that's to be expected. why does that strike you as gimme gimme gimme?
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