Dang too hot

It's stilll hottttt in here thanks god i wear short to keep me cool off by FAN :D
LuciaDisturbed said:
Get central AC. It's definitely worth it. Mine works so well that I am able to have it on very low (about 81 degrees) and doesn't cost me a fortune. It circulates cool air much more evenly. No one room in my house is warmer than the other. It's all same and very comfortable.

It is a huge difference from those crappy AC wall units that you find in most apartments. For it to be effective, you would need it to be blasting and I HATE COLD COLD COLD AIR BLASTING IN MY FACE!!!

This place is the very first place I have ever had that had central AC.

:lol: I love COLD COLD on my face!!! but not body lol
It was dang too hot here today and then we had thuderstorms and rain too.. but still dang hot. Storms scare me though.. so loud! :Ohno:
FelixKat930 said:
It was dang too hot here today and then we had thuderstorms and rain too.. but still dang hot. Storms scare me though.. so loud! :Ohno:

here havent rain or thunderstorm yet! I neeeeeed rain rain rain rain to keep me cool in my home! cause I live in attic which is upstair ARGHHHHH!!! lol :lol:
DeafMonkey said:
Dang today really hot outside. I was having hard time to get sleep cause of hot so I took fan near me much better cooler. I wish same last week cooler to keep going forever!!! :lol:
Have you thought about living in a refrigerator for a while? :giggle:
ChelEler said:
Have you thought about living in a refrigerator for a while? :giggle:

living in refrigerator ?? not for only from my shoulder to toes forget it too cold I hate it .. only I like cold my face that it lol :lol:
DeafMonkey said:
living in refrigerator ?? not for only from my shoulder to toes forget it too cold I hate it .. only I like cold my face that it lol :lol:

OK then stick your head in the refrigerator! :giggle:

HEHE! Then stop complaining about how hot it is out there. ;)
ChelEler said:
OK then stick your head in the refrigerator! :giggle:

HEHE! Then stop complaining about how hot it is out there. ;)

:rofl: :P :P :P attic can give so hot that feel like there is no air around here which I have air cond right now it is set up today :) and still hot blah! lol
/me getting tired seeing rain..
Im very happy seeing sun and cook me but hate HUMID that's all ehhehhe
i remmy when i used to work at the restaurant, it can get hot in summer time. I would go in the walk- in cooler (giant fridge) to cool off. its my fav place to be! :giggle:
it rained for quite long time which was good yesterday afternoon along with the thunderstorm embedded. it was bad due to alot of lightnings! whew! it came down to 69 degrees all afternoon. it was a nice break from the hot spells we have been having here lately. Today was quite a change also as the high got to only 83? TJ and I played the games badminton and Monster disc. it was a grand day to play games outside but except the mosquitoes, ugh! they were annoying! :ugh2: haha..
SmileyGin said:
and plus a/c cost more to be operated when swamp cooler use little electricity? thats what i undy from www.. :D

yes it's true but i cant afford swamp cooler. new swamp cooler price is betweeen 200 and 500 dollars. I know it operated at low electricity. i wonder if i can buy it? I see cheaper a/c at 82 dollars at walmart? I guess I dont buy a/c.
Oh yeah! this weather here in Southern Germany is hot.... I'm glad to have roller-shutter. It protect our rooms cool when the hot weather comes and it also protect our rooms warm when the cold weather comes.
Liebling:-))) said:
Oh yeah! this weather here in Southern Germany is hot.... I'm glad to have roller-shutter. It protect our rooms cool when the hot weather comes and it also protect our rooms warm when the cold weather comes.

what does roller shutter looks like in window?
Liebling:-))) said:
Oh yeah! this weather here in Southern Germany is hot.... I'm glad to have roller-shutter. It protect our rooms cool when the hot weather comes and it also protect our rooms warm when the cold weather comes.

Er...what is your definition of hot? It is all relative to where you live... :whistle: I heard Germany even in mid-summer doesn't get all that hot (by our standards...that is in southern US).
sr171soars said:
Er...what is your definition of hot? It is all relative to where you live... :whistle: I heard Germany even in mid-summer doesn't get all that hot (by our standards...that is in southern US).

:ugh: Of course here in Germany is hot. I live here in Germany, not you!

What's your problem then?
Liebling:-))) said:
:ugh: Of course here in Germany is hot. I live here in Germany, not you!

What's your problem then?

LOL, I just asked you what was your definition of hot? Anybody can say it is hot but with no temperature for comparison...what one person's hot is another person's nice. I just know that Germany isn't known as the land of the heat like say Spain or even France at times especially down on the Med. A better question would be how hot is it over there now? That is all I'm asking...
sr171soars said:
LOL, I just asked you what was your definition of hot? Anybody can say it is hot but with no temperature for comparison...what one person's hot is another person's nice. I just know that Germany isn't known as the land of the heat like say Spain or even France at times especially down on the Med. A better question would be how hot is it over there now? That is all I'm asking...

Your question is not polite but way of your unfriendly behavior.