Dang too hot

yes it is very hot here today.. it was 93 earlier but now it's 88. very humid and so sticky! but perfect to go swimming! :D already have a/c put up in window LAST MONTH. lol..
FelixKat930 said:
What you mean about firewood.. you getting rid of it?
We had wood from several trees that needed to be cut up into sizes that will fit our wood stove. We cut the wood now, stack it, and let it dry out and "season" so it will be ready to burn next winter. We rented a gas wood splitter for today. Hubby set each log into the splitter, and I worked the lever.
WHy don't ya get naked and relax!? :giggle:
DeafMonkey said:
Dang today really hot outside. I was having hard time to get sleep cause of hot so I took fan near me much better cooler. I wish same last week cooler to keep going forever!!! :lol:

Here's solution for you...
You can try sleep in the




find best turbo powerful fan... kept you cool down forever. :D
Yepper same here it's been hot since 80 dregee this afternoon so now drop is 69 so on monday gonna be 90 dregee YIKE!! i need zoom SWIM! :lol:
GalaxyAngel said:

Here's solution for you...
You can try sleep in the




find best turbo powerful fan... kept you cool down forever. :D

hahah I wish it would be nice to have cool but I wish I have pool bed keep cool from cold lol :lol:
Been sweating since this summer! Me and my family are living in Alumni Village in Tallahassee, trying to get through school and we had to buy 2 air conditionals. One downstairs and one upstairs to my mom's/dad's bedroom although it's helping out cooling my room...even with the doors shut... My parent's and my room have sliding door and in my room, my bed resides next to the sliding door and I have my curtains and door open while sleeping. Yikes!!! It had a small balcony that I found it useless to walk on (so does my parent's bedroom, too) and it's path are very narrow. I don't think it's a good ideal to put sliding doors in bedrooms...
It's been around 90+ degrees here in Arkansas off and on for last couple months..... If you like that, feel free to come join us..... I for one am thankful for A/C!

Really, 90 degrees and 80+% humidity even makes fishing hard to sit thru... but for you sun freaks out there, it only takes about an hour to get a good burn :rofl: :rofl:
I havent been outside during the day yesterday (saturday) but right now, it is really c o o l outside...aaahhhhh beautiful! :D
today gonna be very hot is 95 degree. yesterday was 85. oh boy..... time to play with water again. heh heh.. who knows. :-P
OldNavyGirl said:
today gonna be very hot is 95 degree. yesterday was 85. oh boy..... time to play with water again. heh heh.. who knows. :-P

Are you gonna go skinny dipping swimming ? :D
Not in LA, It's 62 and low humidity... but it will be cold tonight, that good enough. I hate too hot and high humidity like Chicago, Toronto and Miami.
As of now, it is 74° outside in NJ and will go up in the late 80's in the afternoon... damn, I'm hot already... *taking my clothes off* Aaaaah, I feel better now.. :D
It will be up in 90's today.. I bought 6 Flags Wigglin' Water Sprinkler from Walmart yesterday since pump for our pool broke and we wanted to keep kids cool and be outside playing....
its hot here.. even with humidity make it worse.. ugh.. i hate it... but thank goodness a/c is on full blast! whew! hehe..

Temperature: 86°F 30°C
Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Winds: SSE 8 MPH SSE 13 KPH
Relative Humidity: 59%
Barometer: 29.99 Steady
Visibility: 10.00 Miles 16.09 Kilometers
Feels Like: 90°F

and it is only 1:30 pm.. dang! with chance of stray thunderstorm - only 30% too small.. ugh.. :(