Bottesini's Korean Thread (ask Jiro all)

You crack me up, Bott! :rofl2: I started laughing the minute I saw the title!:laugh2:

LOL So did I, especially after seeing Jiro's mad smiley. :mad2:

I can't think of anything to ask Jiro though, because my brain is fried due to the heat.
:lol: to thread here...


why you use those emoction :mad2: or :cool2: on most of your posts...

I hope you don't mind me for ask dumb question...:giggle:
Do you playing Deaf Disc Golf? :)

Your dog is so cute!!! :D
Would you support a remedial course for all us mainstreamers who missed the deaf school experience?:hmm:
oh, interesting! were you raised all your life in NJ? :mad2: which part of NJ?

I came to NJ at age 3 so you could say I was raised here pretty much all my life. I'm from North-eastern NJ.... Bergen County.