Bottesini's Korean Thread (ask Jiro all)

Jiro, musen malinjee ashinayo?
You ever seen this? What you think of it?
Would you do it for someone?

It made a lot of korea/kpop popular when it came out:
[ame=]YouTube - KISS - Because I'm a Girl (w│ English & Korean Subtitles!)[/ame]

it's 8mins long, but if you are a sentimental person then its probably worth your view.
Jiro, requires the thread to be fully spoken english, si?
Si okay, so you want to turn Spanish into English, no probs with me, I bow to you. :naughty::laugh2:
She wanted you to be the deaf USA president in the near future....
first thing I will do is change title to Dictator :mad2:

Bad news. Unless they change the rules so Arnold Swarzenegger can be president, your first three years in Korea will disqualify you.

Maybe if you have a daughter she could do it!:hmm:
Bad news. Unless they change the rules so Arnold Swarzenegger can be president, your first three years in Korea will disqualify you.

Maybe if you have a daughter she could do it!:hmm:

Yeah--he was born in Korea, already disqualfies him.
Methinks in the near future, the president will be no more. We all will become lords, dukes, and counts.
I still do not get how Schwarznegger got elected as governator.

I remember there was this one WWF guy in one of the midstates who was running for gov. too? Forgot what happened to him.