anyone dare to come with me?

Cheri said:

The photo you showed us, that's one of the shark that got your arm, I heard the shark burped. :mrgreen:

LOL Cheri!
I came across this while doing an internet search on sharks.

God Bless that girl that was on the tv news a while ago. She got her arm bitten off then returned to surfing and a few months later competed in the World Surfing Championship something like that in California or Hawaii??? I am not sure but instantly I recongized her face and knew who she is from all the tv media coverage she got. I went Wow !!! She is beautiful and God Bless her !!! She is a Christian too.
I'd rather watch sharks swimming behind thick glass than swimming with them. :rofl:
GalaxyAngel said:
i feel sorry for Heath... Has no common sense...

Shark or Whale will eat your body gone! how can he prepared bring his weapon awful lot...

IF he brings lot of weapons carried.. he'll sunk like titantic and instant D-E-A-D!

ROFLMAO!!! :rofl:
Actually, I would love to go undersea and fly with StingRay!

DeafSCUBA98 said:
any of you guys wanna come join with me in mall of america at underwater world.. and swim with sharks with me?
DeafSCUBA98 said:
any of you guys wanna come join with me in mall of america at underwater world.. and swim with sharks with me?

sure! i dont mind to join ya to see the sharks however if there are great white sharks, then i wud prefer to stay in a cage underwater.

Do you actually go scuba diving? What have you seen underwater ?
:Ohno: :Ohno: :Ohno: You better start write your "death will" before going in to swim with sharks!!
I don't mind scuba diving and it can be fun if done safely and keep an eye out for the sharks.
Heath said:

Do you actually go scuba diving? What have you seen underwater ?

yes he is scuba diving cerficated. you can google his posts about his diving in here. ;)
Cool !!!!! This is my very first time to know a Deaf person is scuba certified. I would like to be a firearms & hunting and self defense certified instructor to help all Deaf people.:thumb: :)
Heath said:
Cool !!!!! This is my very first time to know a Deaf person is scuba certified. I would like to be a firearms & hunting and self defense certified instructor for help all Deaf people.:thumb: :)

go for your dream... yes we have some ADers who are scuba diving cerficated. i used to be too and now my useless license expired after 10 yrs.
Thanks Deafclimber and hope you can keep your license current again :thumb: :)
Jolie_77 said:
I'd not even dare to go there, LOL. my body would turn into jelly when I try to do that, ha

On the other hand, You can always try and get your sweetie OldNavyGal to do that with you but knowing her, She might wouldn't! LOL

you got that right,,, I refuse to ride with sharks.. LOL ONLY DOLPHINS!!!! LOL.... yeah sharks freaks me out.. they're soo mean and creepy.... :ohnoes:
DeafSCUBA98 said:
any of you guys wanna come join with me in mall of america at underwater world.. and swim with sharks with me?
Even though I am a certified scuba diver but I wouldn't want to swim around with sharks. I might panic lol.
Ahem, don't you know guys prefer lady without legs than just one leg. Know why? So she can get on guy's boner and get her go merry go around. Fun, isn't it? :rofl:

Cheri said:
If she swim with the shark, she gotta lose an arm or leg or both, then we wouldn't have any problems having other people telling us apart, because, Angel would have one missing arm or leg, and I have all my body parts. :mrgreen: