I disagree. Especially considering how misinformed people are by years worth of anti marijuana propaganda.
If you've never done something you've never experienced it first hand, you're going by an opinion of an opinion.
You came to the thread and posted but haven't answered the question. Which one do you think is more dangerous. Saying both are unsafe is not answer to the question. They're two different drugs with different affects so they not going to automatically cone with the exact same risks. The question wasn't even which one is safe, which one do you think is more dangerous, let's even expand it, to the user and the public.
I'd also be interested in the statics and studies that led you to your conclusions.
It may be interesting to know, when you're pregnant and go to the OB they send you home with a bag of pamphlets and magazines. One if these pamphlets is a list of drugs , including caffeine and nicotine, and the effect they have on the baby. For marijuana it says "no known effects". One of my girlfriends was preggers and she told the doc she'd quit smoking weed but was having a hard time with cigs, he told if she couldn't quit both he'd rather her quit the cigs and keep smoking the weed. Just a lil trivia.
Good timing. I agree with everything you've said and you said it well.
I believe that determining whether something is safe is personal (mostly subjective). With me, I know that alcohol causes fairly bad and nasty reactions. I'm old enough to know what I can and cannot tolerate. I also know that I've had black outs in my younger years. How I survived those times, I'll never know. I can't talk about statistics. I know what I saw growing up to me and others around me and it was just bad. Even when my Dad was a nice drunk, he was still drunk and it was weird. When my stepmother was drunk, she was not nice and crazy times ensued. It's not like they were like this on an ongoing basis - they both held jobs (dad - more important than my stepmother) and had to keep their heads together for most of the time. So personal, safe, or whatever booze is the worse of the evils based on a long history of my growing up and environmental surroundings.
With weed, I didn't have blackouts and I was aware of my surroundings. I never did anything stupid. I'm in much better control. This has nothing to do with data and in my case and my environment, data doesn't matter to me. But I observed the same behavior in friends. It's not legal here so I don't have to watch out for the dopes

using it and harming me. I believe if I lived where it was legal, the stats would become much more important. If the stats proved that smoking (what, how much, etc.) impaired your driving 80% (whatever that means), I'd want to know that. Weed (even now and the way it's manipulated) is simply less harmful. Take that at face value and it's totally based on my own experience. It's just safer and in time, we'll see the data to confirm to deny that. I wouldn't want to be in a car with a driver influenced by many things - "safe" or not.
I think that we all sort of typed about the irony of folks responding here who haven't said what they have or haven't done. If you've just had a drink or two, okay, but your opinion doesn't hold credibility (in other words, you are the source and if you have no data to back it up, why mention anything). If you haven't touched anything but a weed (that's supposed to be part joke part real), your opinion is or may be welcome but of no value. I think this is in part what you're saying and FF and I agree with you.
Ambrosia, it's really interesting what the doctor said to your pregnant friend. It sort of shocked me. But then I think of the long list of horrible garbage added to cigarettes to keep people addicted and that's going into the baby, so it makes sense. Your lil' piece of trivia isn't trivial to me.