Alcohol VS Mariujana

once cannabis is legal.... we will have plenty enough to prove that they are as dangerous as alcohol and should be treated as alcohol for DUI. it's clear and definite - cannabis does cause impairment. period.
This makes sense. I'm not disputing weed causes impairment. Depending on the weed and THC level, however, and if you're not a complete dope, THESE DAYS people have an awareness so they do not drive. Drunks seem to lack that form of higher consciousness. Medical marij. will take away some of that impairment because of the lower THC level.

Someone quoted a source as WebMD and to me, they're pretty useless and like other commercial websites, you can't depend on the accuracy of their information. I worked for an online and offline publishing company. Our experts were pretty much a joke but the customers trusted the online and offline mags.

As you read through all this keep in mind how many people are also taking benzodiazipams (ativan, geesh I can't remember the names of the others but I do mean, "Valley of the Dolls," prescriptions) and they are driving. Simple tests and pretty cheap.
In my opinion, no chemical that affects mental processes is "safe."

Putting the spotlight on you. If you were captured and forced to choose between drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana. Your life depends on it...which would you choose? :D
I understand that if you get caught carrying weed onto a flight in Colorado, you will face up to a $2500 fine and possible jail time. Customers are allowed to leave their weed in their parked cars, though, and Colorado airports are installing "amnesty boxes" for leaving marijuana before boarding flights.
A bit off topic, I know, but what the hey. :)
But drunk made my sex drive went up.

Never tried marijuana before.

That is common. Unfortunately it's common to also cause whiskey dick. :giggle: which sucks for us ladies, hard to work with something half limp ;)
Okay. Couple things since I'm blunt. It's not a problem for me :) . But to what you and Ambrosia were saying - whenever I was with a guy who was crocked, he was just that. Weed however ...

I'd rather be with someone male or female who is high on week rather than drunk. They are a lot more sane and things are funnier.

My dad was a nice drunk. He was never violent and all my girlfriends (I'm talking friends who were girls specifically) umph loved him. Never saw him smoke but he did. My mom and weed can't both be put both in the same sentence and she would've killed me. My step mother and I used to smoke by the fireplace and enjoy brie. Well, I guess that's one good memory of her (I have more).

Frisky Feline manages to start the controversy and stay out of it again. Sounds just like a kitty. Have some catnip to get high, roll in it, play in it, then run away.
Okay. Couple things since I'm blunt. It's not a problem for me :) . But to what you and Ambrosia were saying - whenever I was with a guy who was crocked, he was just that. Weed however ...

I'd rather be with someone male or female who is high on week rather than drunk. They are a lot more sane and things are funnier.

My dad was a nice drunk. He was never violent and all my girlfriends (I'm talking friends who were girls specifically) umph loved him. Never saw him smoke but he did. My mom and weed can't both be put both in the same sentence and she would've killed me. My step mother and I used to smoke by the fireplace and enjoy brie. Well, I guess that's one good memory of her (I have more).

Frisky Feline manages to start the controversy and stay out of it again. Sounds just like a kitty. Have some catnip to get high, roll in it, play in it, then run away.

:lol: Sorry but isn't this thread interesting?? I know this subjects takes forever to argue because some of them have never tried marijuana and some of them never tried alcohol therefore discussing about two compares that takes forever. :) mew sorry!
I think to have a real opinion on a comparison of things you have to have experienced the things being compared. Otherwise it's just what you've heard about it, it's hear say, not first hand knowledge.

If someone asked you what's better broccoli or Brussel sprouts but you've never even had Brussel sprouts how are you in a position to answer that question. Know what I mean?
I tried weed 20 years ago...gave me the worse migraine ever so never again. I drink alcohol.

However, I would have to form my opinion based on the seems that alcohol is more dangerous than weed with liver disease and all that.
I tried weed 20 years ago...gave me the worse migraine ever so never again. I drink alcohol.

However, I would have to form my opinion based on the seems that alcohol is more dangerous than weed with liver disease and all that.

That is what I want to say on that. Yep, alcohol is more dangerous than weed. My husband loved them both. He got sick with bad liver from alcohol. He enjoyed smoking weeds with anyone who is smoking with him.

I used to drink alcohol before and I used to smoke weed a little bit but quit because I don't care for it and I was pregnant which is why I quit. After that, I never want to go on smoking weed anymore. For over 20 years, I had not drink alcohol and smoking weed plus smoking cigarettes, I am clean with three of those nasty stuffs and I love it. :D
I think to have a real opinion on a comparison of things you have to have experienced the things being compared. Otherwise it's just what you've heard about it, it's hear say, not first hand knowledge.

If someone asked you what's better broccoli or Brussel sprouts but you've never even had Brussel sprouts how are you in a position to answer that question. Know what I mean?
Of course, it's only logical.
That is what I want to say on that. Yep, alcohol is more dangerous than weed. My husband loved them both. He got sick with bad liver from alcohol. He enjoyed smoking weeds with anyone who is smoking with him.

I used to drink alcohol before and I used to smoke weed a little bit but quit because I don't care for it and I was pregnant which is why I quit. After that, I never want to go on smoking weed anymore. For over 20 years, I had not drink alcohol and smoking weed plus smoking cigarettes, I am clean with three of those nasty stuffs and I love it. :D
Kudos to you for staying clean and conscious. Both are used as an escape and both do nasty things to you and I think alcohol does nastier things. In the end all choose our poisons. You added smoking cigarettes to this and that's deadly... Source: my parents.
do you believe that smoking a weed to make yourself looking so young? :hmm: I know that drinking alcohol makes you look older fast.
To get high

$200 on a ounce of marijuana vs $8 on 4-pak beer

Personal, I don't drink beer to get drunk (only idiot does) but enjoy the taste.

I don't have kind money to spend on marijuana and it's not important to spend unless, you have healthy issues. I would rather to spend $200 to get healthy food.

I enjoy different beer - 2-4 bottle per weekend. That's about $50 in month compare to marijuana for $800. Wow.
To get high

$200 on a ounce of marijuana vs $8 on 4-pak beer

Personal, I don't drink beer to get drunk (only idiot does) but enjoy the taste.

I don't have kind money to spend on marijuana and it's not important to spend unless, you have healthy issues. I would rather to spend $200 to get healthy food.

I enjoy different beer - 2-4 bottle per weekend. That's about $50 in month compare to marijuana for $800. Wow.
I don't have that kind of $$ to spend and drinking and beer adds too much weight. And getting drunk on it sounds pretty deadly (as in sickening). I think mari. probably costs more than that... Can't afford it.
do you believe that smoking a weed to make yourself looking so young? :hmm: I know that drinking alcohol makes you look older fast.
Yep, drinking ages you and smoking a lot likely does the same. Everything in less than moderation is probably okay.
Putting the spotlight on you. If you were captured and forced to choose between drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana. Your life depends on it...which would you choose? :D
That's pretty far-fetched and not relevant to this thread whatsoever. :lol:

I thought the question was which was safer to use? I assume those using either one are doing so voluntarily.

No one else is being asked, "If your life depended on never using weed or alcohol would you do it?" ;)